Niu's composition _ excellent composition in the third day of junior high _ composition in the third day of junior high
The vicissitudes of life are drinks
2022-10-28 06:25:00
Junior three

The snail was so busy that he hated Qianbei. He thought he was doing nothing and was ready to do something big. He was going to climb Mount Everest. It took him several days to pack up his things. When he got to his house, he turned back. He wanted to calculate how much time it would take him to be afraid of Mount Everest. So he slowly climbed to his desk and began to calculate (although he thought he was fast). Tick tock, time passed by, and finally he worked out: "Oh my God! It should take 3 million years!" Then he said to himself, "I only have a few days of life! So I may die before I get to the foot of the mountain! Forget it? But if you don't climb, you will be laughed at by the little ant. " After pondering for a long time, it was the next morning, and I decided to climb Mount Tai. No, he turned back just after he got to the door and began to calculate the time again. It was noon in a twinkling of an eye, and he finally figured out that it would take 300000 years to get to Mount Tai from here, which was still too long. Seeing this huge figure, I wondered whether it would be possible to take a shortcut by taking a small path. It would still take 30000 years to calculate from left to right. He was calculating, and time was running out. When he calculated the number of 30000, it was the fourth morning. I feel a little tired because he hasn't eaten in recent days! He wanted to sleep and climb again, so he fell asleep, but never got up again. The ants really laughed at him and turned his body into a dish of Chinese food. They were happily enjoying the delicious food!

Well, here's the story. What do you think of? Do you feel mediocre and incompetent? I think so. But I know I have no right to laugh at him, let alone the identity of those ants who laugh at him. I, I am because I am such a person. Although I am not dead yet, I cannot laugh at others with fifty steps; What are ants for? Aren't they like this?

I know that you should have a plan in your life, but sometimes too much planning will make you forget your original goal, make people lose in the so-called plan, and ultimately accomplish nothing, just like doing nothing. That would be very sad and would be laughed at. The story continues:

His soul didn't go to hell or heaven, because Lu Lu didn't want to give up climbing Mount Tai, so he didn't count anything and climbed it bit by bit. Ten thousand years later, Lu Lu's soul finally climbed to the top of the mountain. It looked at the road it had climbed and smiled.

Although it's a short story, it's really coming to an end here. What can you think of here? I don't think he is mediocre, because he has completed his ultimate goal and finally climbed Mount Tai!

Sometimes, when we really strive to move towards a goal, we will find that we don't need as much time as planned when we reach the other side of the dream. We give ourselves a goal and tell ourselves that we must complete this dream, then even the soul will complete this goal. What makes the soul realize its dream is our persistence and perseverance. I don't have it yet, but I will work hard to have it.