About the composition of Twilight Grade 3
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2022-11-01 05:01:53
Junior three

Time flies year by year, and the scene of that year has changed. But a banner of the sentry box was still shining in the dim light.

A few years ago, a lame doorman came down from my house. Whenever I walk in the elevator, I always hear people say: "Hey, have you heard? There is a very ugly and lame guard downstairs. I don't know what the property management thinks. If you invite such a person, you can't do anything serious."

Until that day, when I came home from school, I found many people gathered in the yard, and the scene was very noisy. At a closer look, an old man in his fifties with a raspberry beard was lowering his head. Let me just say that he is not a serious person. Aunt Zhang shouted loudly. When I looked carefully, my hair was untidy, my eyes were the size of mung beans, my right face had a terrible scar and a row of teeth were missing. The neighbor seemed to call old Quasimodo the bell ringer, who was the lame guard. Among the scolding voices of the neighbors, I probably learned that Grandma Wang's house was stolen last night, and when his son went out to catch the thief, he found that no one appeared in the corridor. That man was a lame old man. He was looking around while he was holding Grandma Wang's grocery bag. The lame guard kept his head down and said nothing under the criticism of everyone, allowing people to abuse and attack him personally. I thought to myself: people are so ugly that they often make mistakes. A guard does not do his duty to become a thief.

After the storm, I never saw him again. However, when passing a community by chance, I found a poster posting his heroic deeds. Many people were watching in the distance, and I paid attention to him again. It turned out that not long ago, in the community where he worked, an 8-year-old boy accidentally got stuck under the clothes hanger, and his life was at stake. At this time, a weak figure suddenly appeared, limping and struggling to sprint. This was the lame security guard. A big sweat bead on his forehead fell with his teeth every time. At this time, he had completely ignored his own sweat and focused on the falling boy. It was late and fast. Just as the boy was about to fall, the lame guard stepped forward to the falling position. In this way, he accurately caught the boy, but he fell down. The huge impact force crushed his ribs and fractured many parts of his arm. He was treated in the hospital. After listening, my heart was beaten. What a great feat, but we have questioned his character.

The incident was also a misunderstanding. Grandma Wang's bag was actually recovered by the old man, but under the pressure of the society, she had to swallow the grievance in her stomach.

In fact, the lame old people represent many ordinary people in the society who have made great achievements in their own posts. They are like a glimmer of light and selfless dedication, which gathers the great light of society. The guard's banner is still flying. It contains honor and will exist forever.