Unforgettable Sentences in the Book of Songs
The peak man
2023-07-22 04:19:53
Complete sentences

1. Holding your hand will always be beautiful, never separate, and grow old together.

2. Big rats, big rats, don't eat my millet. When you are three years old, don't let me take care of you. I will die soon, and I will adapt to the paradise. Wei Feng's Big Mouse

3. The bright white steed is in the empty valley. It chews a bundle of grass, and the man is as beautiful as jade.

4. The fingers are as thin as tender catkin, the skin is as white as cream, the beautiful neck is like a marine printer, the teeth are as white and neat as a bottle gourd seed, the forehead is square and the eyebrows are bent. Smile slightly, dimples are wonderful, and the eyes are beautiful.

5. Facing the political situation, I am trembling, just like facing the abyss, just like stepping on thin ice.

6. This elegant gentleman is as perfect as a bone chisel and a horn chisel, as perfect as a carved jade.

7. When someone gave me a basket of peaches, I returned them with plums.

8. The gurgling mountain streams and the deep Nanshan Mountains.

9. The wild deer called for their companions and ate mugwort in the wild. I have many good guests, who are invited to play music.

10. Give me a peach and return it to Li. Great Elegance in the Book of Songs

11. At the beginning, there are still some laws, but it is a pity that few people can end up well.

12. He who speaks is innocent, and he who hears is full of precepts. Preface to Zhounan Guanju in the Book of Songs

13. The young peach is shining. "The Book of Songs, the National Style, Zhou Nan, Tao Yao"

14. Waterbirds should sing with their voices in pairs on the river beach. The beautiful and virtuous girl is my good companion.

15. The wind and rain are like darkness, and the crowing of chickens continues. Seeing a gentleman, Yunhu doesn't like it? The Book of Songs: National Style, Zheng Feng, Wind and Rain

16. Youyou deer chirp and eat wild apples. I have a guest, playing music. "The Book of Songs: Elegant Deer Singing"

17. Guanguan Jujiu is a beautiful lady who is a good match for a gentleman on the river island. The Book of Songs State Style Zhou Nan Guan Ju

18. I miss Qianying, my heart is sad!

19. Hold your hand and grow old with you. "The Book of Songs: The Wind Blows the Drum"

20. Give me papaya, and give me a reward. The Book of Songs Guofeng Weifeng Papaya

21. Its mountain stones can attack jade. "The Book of Songs: Small Elegant Crane Singing"

Gems on other mountains can also be carved into jade.

23. I can't see you for a day. It's like three autumn days. The Book of Songs, the King of State Style, Elegant Ge

24. The white colt is like a jade when it grows a bunch of cuds in the empty valley. The Book of Songs Xiaoya Baiju

25. The reeds are green and white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side. The Book of Songs National Style and Qin Feng Jianjia