Positive energy sentences for epidemic prevention and control propaganda (97 selected sentences)
Unique rabbit
2023-07-21 03:51:56
Complete sentences

1. Let the party flag fly high in the front line of the epidemic prevention and control struggle, and fight a war of epidemic prevention and control with one heart and one mind.

2. Reduce visits: relationships are not alienated due to distance, greetings and intentions!

3. Communicate and coordinate with all departments, work closely to form a joint force, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic.

4. Scientific prevention and control, firm confidence, is the best vaccine against the epidemic.

5. The bright moon is in the sky, and there are many cold winters. The epidemic situation is fighting for the people! Keep the pass, keep the fortress, and defend the red flag to the death! In the face of great difficulties, everyone is responsible, and my ambition is in my heart! People have no sleep, and the warning lights are bright. We have overcome the difficulties of the times, and we are united in our national conditions!

6. Where there are Party members who are pioneers, they should give timely guidance, grasp the epidemic situation, take timely action, and earnestly fulfill their responsibilities, responsibilities, and responsibilities.

7. In this cold winter mixed with the epidemic situation, countless ordinary people in Jiangxi stepped forward. Time after time, "retrograde" and warm moments encouraged us to overcome difficulties together! We stand together through thick and thin! We are together all the way!

8. Wearing masks is an effective means to block the transmission of respiratory secretions.

9. We will prevent and control the epidemic in a scientific and orderly manner in accordance with the law and resolutely curb its spread.

10. With a good heart, we will always go through the cold winter and return to the world in spring. May the epidemic subside as soon as possible!

11. Wear a mask to talk about hygiene. After sneezing, cover your mouth and nose, and sneeze, rub your eyes carefully!

12. Adhere to the Party's health work policy in the new era, and adhere to the people's health as the center and high-quality development as the theme.

13. If you have fever symptoms, please go to the fever clinic of the medical institution in time.

14. Implement the principle of "early detection, early report, early isolation, early diagnosis and early treatment", and do a good job in prevention, control and emergency response.

15. You must wear a mask when going out. Winter will pass away, and spring will come as promised. Let's work together to overcome the difficulties and overcome the epidemic.

16. Earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, strengthen the organization and leadership, formulate a thorough plan, and resolutely implement various prevention and control measures.

17. Ensure effective prevention and control, effective treatment, and health.

18. Divide the troops and guard the land, and do a good job in material support.

19. Strengthen the "Four Consciousness", strengthen the "Four Confidence" and achieve the "Two Maintenance".

20. We must implement our responsibilities and responsibilities, focus on implementing the strictest prevention and control measures, optimize and improve the efficiency of prevention and control, and resolutely prevent the spread of the epidemic to other regions.

21. Strengthen public opinion guidance, timely release authoritative information, publicize scientific knowledge of epidemic prevention, and prompt the masses to do a good job in personal protection.

22. Strengthen the publicity and interpretation of policies and measures, and enhance the confidence of the whole society to overcome the epidemic.

23. Seek medical advice scientifically: If you feel unwell, seek medical advice as soon as possible, be calm and follow the doctor's advice!

24. See the screen like a face: online New Year greetings are also reunion!

25. Strengthen joint prevention and control, and implement epidemic prevention and control responsibilities according to law.

26. Wearing masks: scientific discard, no virus transmission!

27. The cold winter will be over, and the warm spring flower party will open again! We salute the families of the front-line staff who silently support the fight against the epidemic.

28. Reject rumours: only send blessings, not rumours, and don't let the wrong information help you!

29. Go out less, stay at home more, and enjoy New Year greetings online!

30. Refuse to gather together: do not try to be busy for a while, but seek safety and health!

31. There are not many small flowers of kapok, but in the current atmosphere, the flowers give us more or less hope. The epidemic will pass, just as the cold winter will pass one day, and the spring of hope will always come.

32. Early detection, early report, early diagnosis, early isolation and early treatment!

33. Is your beauty loving heart ready to move? Don't worry, just for a few days, and then continue to enjoy the cold winter. Besides, during the epidemic, it is the king's way to go out less.