About the copywriting of Rucha
2023-05-21 21:10:02
Complete sentences

1. When people live, the circle should not be too large, and it is better to accommodate yourself and some people; Friends don't depend on how many. It's good to be casual. Some people can only look from afar rather than near; Some words can only be said slowly. Friends, light to make, slowly, can be long; Feelings, simple taste, fine taste, there is an aftertaste. Friends, such as tea, need goods; Intersection like water needs to be diluted.

2. Enjoy the happiness slowly... Suffer the guilt slowly... Drink the wine slowly... Don't worry, don't worry... What should come will come... What should go will always go... There will always be a day when everything will come... There will always be a day when flowers bloom... This is the day

3. In our life, we have many opportunities to change our minds. We are doomed to suffer many wrongs when we are alive. Don't let small grievances affect your emotions and interfere with your life. Learn to forgive, learn to be determined, and don't punish yourself for others' mistakes. If you blame others, it is your heart that suffers. Try to love, don't live in the sea of hatred.

4. When you don't have anyone you like, you live the most relaxed and happy life, although occasionally you feel lonely.

5. Life is like taking a train. Love stops and goes, friends go and stay, someone gets off the train halfway, someone gets on the train halfway. How many people's life trains pass you by. Only intimate friends and people who really love you stick to the end and stay with you on the train of life.

6. If a person can't make his life brilliant, but there is no reason to make it dark. Life can be plain, but not vulgar and degenerate. Life is not about how much he can get, but about the pursuit of more perfect process. The world advocates personality, enriches and improves himself, learns to bear, and knows how to bear.

7. We don't want to compare with others, but to surpass ourselves. If we want to cry, we will cry out excited tears. If we want to laugh, we will laugh out our growing character.

8. Life will not be all right, why force yourself; Give yourself optimism and peace; With dedication, no matter what the result is, you can; In the past, no one can hold it forever. Only when we manage our own life with a normal attitude can we live a relaxed and comfortable life.

9. Life is like taking the subway. At the beginning, it is always full of hope. There are gains and losses at every station. Keep going, the sun is ahead.

10. Life is like water, life is like tea. Some people will say you are good, others will say you are bad, but as long as we have a clear conscience, we don't have to stick to others' judgment. When someone says disrespectful words to you, please don't care, let alone worry about it, because these words can't change the truth, but may disturb your heart. If the mind is disordered, everything will be disordered.

11. I hope you will always be like a teenager, clean and pure, confident of beauty after seeing through the bad, and still kind after seeing the bad.

12. Beautiful things will never be easily obtained. Growth never depends on heroic words, but on down-to-earth efforts. Don't let promises become "just talk", and really stick to a dream, a thing, a word. I only believe that time is visible!

13. The reality will tell you that if you don't work hard, you will be trampled to death by life. There is no need to find any excuse. Nothing is the reason to fight.

14. In my life, it's easier to meet people who are good to you, but it's hard to meet people who always treat you like you were before.

15. Half of my life has passed, and I have seen through people, things, people and life! People, learn to be silent, for oneself, it is a kind of cultivation, for others, it is a kind of virtue. Silence is a person's carnival.

16. Life is like drinking water. You know your life is not in the eyes of others, but in your own heart.

17. In the limited time, we should all live in a free and easy way, look down on gains and losses, look down on pain, less worry and sorrow, and more contentment and happiness.

18. Unconsciously has passed for a long time, your feelings are still in the bottom of my heart.

19. It's natural to come, but it's impossible to stay. Don't go against your heart, don't deliberately, don't care too much, let go of your obsession, following the fate is the best life.

20. Some roads are destined to go alone. If you want to reach prosperity, you must pass a desolate section.

21. Life is like a dandelion, seemingly free, but involuntarily. Some things, not care about, but care about what can happen. I try my best. Life has no ifs, only consequences and results.

22. The city that should come will come, and the city that should go will go. It starts and ends sometimes, following the fate, following the fate, not demanding; In any case, face, accept, deal with, put down, not demanding. I borrowed an empty bag and went to the empty place. I have lived for decades, but that's all.

23. Life is like tea. Taste it before you know its strength; Life is like a road, and you will never know the depth until you go through it. Everyone has his or her own difficulties, and everything has his or her own helplessness. Take good advantage of happiness when it comes to time; Don't be too sad when you are unhappy; No matter how hard life is, you must live. Sour, sweet, bitter, hot, salty, life, this is life!

24. It is best to live a normal life. However, people who really live a normal life are not willing to be ordinary, but suffer and complain.