Sentences for your birthday (80 selected sentences)
Half a cigarette
2023-03-27 05:09:21
A complete set of maxims

1. Birthday wish: I hope your God and my Bodhisattva can at least bless the three kind-hearted creatures I hurt unintentionally to forgive my mistakes and help me correct my mistakes!

2. I wish you a happy birthday. In the future, cherish time, create value for mankind, and love yourself. Don't be too tired. Also, you should care about and be filial to your parents.

3. Dear self, today is your birthday. Happy birthday. You can be disappointed but not despair. You should always believe that tomorrow is a new day.

4. I can't choose the best, it's the best that chooses me. Happy birthday to myself!

5. I wish myself a happy birthday. I hope I can be more mature and confident, calm and calm towards tomorrow, and be stronger and bolder in the future

6. Happy birthday! Let yourself be happy every day! Work hard for your goal! The future needs to be created with both hands! come on.

7. Not every hope can be realized, and confidence will not always be generous and excited, but at least don't let yourself regret it.

8. Be clear about your goals and strive for them. What kind of woman without talent is virtue, nonsense. To marry well, you must first have talent.

9. So don't be stingy with your blessing. Although the message is very brief, it draws my heart closer to you! Happy birthday to myself! Although I live alone, I am very happy.

10. Missing can't help itself, pain can't take care of itself, the result can't take care of itself, happiness can't give itself, I wish myself a happy birthday.

11. Dear self, if you are unhappy, find a corner or cry in the quilt. You don't need others to pity you. You can live happily after crying.

12. I wish myself a happy birthday in the Gregorian calendar, and I don't need to feel sorry for people who don't care anymore.

13. I'm ten years old! When the next birthday begins with "1", there will be 81 years left. I wish I will always be young, always with tears in my eyes, and move towards the goal and tomorrow

14. Honey, I just turned around and didn't blame you. Happy birthday, bless yourself!

15. I wish myself a happy birthday. If I want to be happy, I must be happy.

16. Smiling and laughing, I don't know how to get it. I'm twenty. It's time to be sensible, mature and mature. Happy birthday to myself, twenty, hello.

17. Every road in the world is curved. Happy birthday to myself!

18. Wa'er! After today, you are one year old again. Happy 20th birthday!

19. Because I don't care, so I usually have my own birthday.

20. Today is my mother's birthday and my mother's crucifixion day. My mother gave birth to me on her birthday, so I wish my mother a happy birthday, health and longevity, and also wish myself a happy birthday.

21. Any job can always be simplified if you are willing to do it.

22. At half past zero, I sang my birthday song and was moved.

23. It's another beautiful beginning. May my sincere wishes bring me a successful year and a happy birthday!

24. Happy birthday. I began to hope that I would grow old slowly. Thank you for every blessing and concern, and thank the people who still accompany me.

25. Once you smile, I can be happy for several days; But once you cry, I feel sad for several years. Happy birthday to myself

26. In this life, the requirements are simple, just want to do what you like and see who you like.

27. Happy birthday to yourself! There are lovers all around, and the single dog can hardly survive, but he will eat the meal he ordered with tears in his eyes.