100 inspirational quotes for the first grade of primary school
No regret
2023-03-02 06:01:24
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Reading makes people perfect.

2. If the young do not work hard, the old will be sad.

3. Don't read too much, and read too much.

4. The horse power is known from afar, and the heart is seen from time to time.

5. Adversity is the highest school to train people.

6. Success comes from the belief that makes us successful.

7. Isn't adversity the touchstone of character?

8. A day without oral students, a day without writing.

9. Don't wait for opportunities, but create them.

10. Habit determines achievement, and details determine fate.

11. Any achievement is the result of hard work.

12. Courage leads to heaven, cowardice to hell.

13. Genius lies in accumulation, cleverness lies in diligence.

14. The more tortuous the road of struggle, the purer the soul.

15. The mentality determines the fate, and self-confidence leads to success.

16. Knowing your ignorance means you have gained.

17. Only by breaking through psychological barriers can we surpass ourselves.

18. Wisdom comes from diligence, genius comes from accumulation.

19. No excuses for failure, only reasons for success.

20. Adversity is the first road to truth.

21. Genius is an inspiration and ninety-nine perspiration.

22. Genius is the ability to work hard endlessly.

23. The only shortcoming we will not correct is weakness.

24. Don't sigh about the pain of life! He sighs that he is weak.

25. When the book comes to use, we hate less, and we don't know how difficult it is unless we go through it.

26. When books come into use, we hate them less. We don't know how difficult it is unless we go through them.

27. People must be patient, especially confident.

28. Diligence and wisdom are the keys to success.

29. Endeavour to learn all the characters in the world and aspire to read all the books in the world.

30. Things in the world often become difficult and lose to extravagance.

31. Good habits make a lifetime, while bad habits destroy one's future.

32. The rich and the noble are rich, the poor and the lowly are happy, and the man is a hero here.

33. Adversity and hardship are the highest school for tempering personality.

34. Success is a process, not a result.

35. The helpless flowers fall and the familiar Yan returns.

36. Time is my property, and my land is time.

37. Trees will not grow straight if they are not repaired; People don't learn, no knowledge.

38. Bees gather flowers to brew sweetness, and people read books to reveal the truth.

39. Take a small step ahead in starting and a big step ahead in life.

40. Birds should flap their wings before flying high, and people should read before seeking progress.

41. Black hair does not know how to study early, while white hair regrets studying late.

42. No matter how long the night is, the day will come.

43. A successful person only knows to hold the ideal and move forward.

44. People are always pursuing happiness and avoiding pain.

45. Only when you climb to the top of the mountain can you see the scenery there.

46. The sweat of cultivators is the milk that nurtures the growth of seeds.

47. Each stroke is related to achievement, and every word determines life.

48. Any restriction starts from your own heart.

49. Labor is the source of knowledge; Knowledge is the guide of life.

50. Don't be satisfied with your knowledge and ignore your mistakes.

51. No matter how beautiful the dream of a wise man is, it is not as good as the footprints of a fool's hard work.

52. There is no innate confidence, only confidence that is constantly cultivated.

53. Modesty is the friend of learning, and complacency is the enemy of learning.

54. The opposite of catching up is lazy feet, and the opposite of learning is complacency.

55. Only those who keep looking for opportunities will seize them in time.

56. Mountains are always high and waters are always deep. Pride is the prelude to a fall.

57. If we have accepted the worst, we will lose nothing.

58. Wasting time is the most extravagant and expensive of all expenditures.

59. Life is full of choices, and the attitude of life is everything.

60. A person who can think is really a person with boundless power.

61. Learn if you can't, ask if you don't know. If you are ashamed to ask others, you will never make progress.

62. A person's brain is the same as his limbs. If he uses them more, he will be more spiritual. If he doesn't use them, he will be useless.

63. Only by facing up to our ignorance can we expand our knowledge.

64. Strong confidence can make ordinary people do amazing things.

65. The tenacious seed of vitality never sings the song of curse on the barren soil.

66. People who think they own wealth are actually owned by wealth.

67. The lush seedlings need water; A growing teenager needs to learn.

68. Reading gives people happiness, luster and talent.

69. People should not live like animals, but should pursue knowledge and virtue.

70. Those who boast of their knowledge are preaching their ignorance.

71. No pains, no gains. One should devote his life to the success of an art.

72. If you don't go forward, you don't know how far it is; Do not study hard, do not understand the truth.

73. Bad books tell wrong concepts and make ignorant people more ignorant.

74. No matter how good the seed is, it will not bear rich fruits without sowing.

75. Brave, bold and firm determination can match the excellence of weapons.

76. In the vast desert, only the forward step is the symbol of hope.

77. Talent is the crystallization of blood and sweat. Talent is the blade, hard work is the sharpening stone.

78. There is no boldness without torrents, and no climbing without mountains.

79. Use habits and wisdom to create miracles, and use ideals and confidence to exchange power.

80. Only a down-to-earth person can say that the road is at my feet.

81. As long as we don't give up our efforts and pursuits, grass has the value of embellishing spring.

82. Achievement is a ladder for modest people to move forward and a slide for proud people to move backward.

83. It is impossible to live twice, but many people are not good at living even once.

84. Only by making efforts to expand upwards can the curved bamboo whip be transformed into straight bamboo.

85. Don't be afraid of difficulties when attacking a city. Don't be afraid of difficulties when studying. There are dangers in science and hard work can pass the test.

86. Although bamboo shoots are tender, they are not afraid of heavy pressure, dare to struggle and dare to rise to the top.

87. A temporary setback can often become knowledge and insight through unyielding fighting.

88. If you don't step on the muddy path, you can't step on the road covered with flowers.

89. The ability to think calmly is the beginning of all wisdom and the source of all goodness.

90. There are ninety-nine difficulties. As long as there is a strong will, it is not difficult.

91. The standard to measure life is to see whether it is meaningful; It doesn't depend on how long it is.

92. Only creation is the real enjoyment, and only struggle is the full life.

93. Struggling feet have opened up a road of creation when stepping on their own hotbed.

94. It is much easier to change good habits than bad habits. This is a great tragedy in life.

95. The greatest possible happiness of each person is among the greatest happiness achieved by all people.

96. The inquisitive person has only become a five minute fool; He who is ashamed to ask questions is a fool all his life.

97. Don't laugh at the Iron Tree. In order to open a flower, it has made more long-term efforts than other trees.

98. Without wind and waves, there would be no brave beach goers; No thorns, no unyielding pioneers.

99. Don't boast to others. Satisfying the achievements of the present will suffocate the future.

100. Don't let the boat of pursuit berth in the harbor of fantasy, but should raise the sails of struggle and sail to the sea of real life.