Reflections on the Qin Empire
I can't live without you
2023-12-24 11:27:46
fifth grade
impressions of after reading

Throughout the Fission of the Qin Empire, whether from the overall situation or from the details of the play, it is thought-provoking and thought-provoking, and summarizes three aspects:
1、 The state of Qin is weak, and the disaster is internal. Only one heart can make the country strong. The same goes for enterprises, which have too much internal friction, low efficiency, and can't serve customers well. How powerful! How to avoid internal friction, improve efficiency and enhance team cohesion? Some enlightenment can be obtained from it:
1. Clear understanding of their own shortcomings, can not make arbitrary decisions, see the essence through the phenomenon, know yourself and the enemy, and win every battle!
2. Brothers of bone and flesh, public heart first. Work with principles and bottom line.
3. In order to quickly reach consensus and effectively deal with problems, we must find common interests to prepare for them, prevent risks and solve problems.
4. You should be clear about your principles, and your ministers should offer suggestions. You should not be unclear about your principles, and your ministers should not act without strategies.
5. Leading cadres should set an example and treat subordinates with reason, morality and emotion!
2、 Old Qin, a fierce man, went to the national disaster. How to turn slogans into reality?
1. When realizing the strategic need of land secession, leaders need to have a strategic vision and develop a correct way out. They should not focus on small things and small profits, but have the courage to seek big profits at the expense of small profits, unify their thinking and achieve goals;
2. In terms of the attitude to the replacement of the fiefs and the countermeasures to solve the problems, it is difficult to distinguish between right and wrong from different standpoints and perspectives. Leaders need to unify the thinking of all people, achieve joint efforts, and achieve the goal of going to the country together;
3. In the face of the desperate situation of the separation of Qin from the six countries, leaders need to lead all people to work together, selflessly contribute, give full play to the spirit of ownership, and contribute all their strength. These three examples are the full embodiment of leadership. Think deeply about how to improve leadership, lead the team and solve problems quickly.
3、 Looking at the process of the Qin State from weak to strong, we can sum up eight key factors for its success, which can be used for reference today:
1. Unify belief, set goals, and make Qiang Qin a regretless pursuit for all Chinese people to strive for and contribute to, laying the foundation for success. It is the so-called that enterprises have faith and employees have strength;
2. Grasp the real situation, choose the right countermeasures, travel all the counties of the State of Qin from Wei Yang for three months, understand the situation with the grass-roots level, never hearsay or make subjective assumptions, and finally combine the shortcomings of the old Qin Dynasty, put forward the theory of strengthening the nine Qin Dynasty, find the root causes and solutions;
3. Leaders can recognize and trust people, be polite to the wise and corporal, listen to the right opinions, rather than arbitrary orders, be obstinate, only like to listen to flattery, flattery, from the Qin Gong credit Wei Yang and Wei Gong treat the public defeat, Pang Juan, Long Jia and Gongzi Ang, Prince Shen form a sharp contrast;
4. Honesty is the foundation, and we should establish credibility, establish prestige, convince the Chinese people, and fight for death to report to each other, which truly reflects the death of people who are friends, and the general rules of ancient and modern times;
5. Taking the law as the key link and treating everyone equally, Qin's adherence to the rule of law, in contrast to the rule of law in other countries, which is called the rule of law, is actually the rule of man. It is more lenient than self-discipline and strict with people, which ultimately led Wei to decline, adhered to the correct path, implemented in the end, and made Qin strong;
6. Only through hard work and solid and effective implementation can the backward situation be fundamentally reversed;
7. A group of talents who are unafraid in the face of danger and can overcome difficulties have played the role of mainstay in one crisis after another. The key is to analyze risks and prevent risks;
8. People first, family harmony, so that everyone can invest in the cause of strong Qin without worry, and ensure the success of strong Qin! As a generation of Lovol people, when the enterprise is facing transformation and upgrading, and the economic environment and market environment are changing rapidly, reduce internal friction, grasp the elements of success, unite as one, step by step, and consolidate the foundation, and the final victory will be achieved!