2022 High School Entrance Exam Endeavour Inspirational Sentences Collection of High School Entrance Exam Inspirational Sentences (78 selected sentences)
Cherry tree budding
2023-06-08 23:51:43
Complete sentences

1. Let hard work become a habit and water the future with sweat.

2. Character and knowledge are all based on ambition; Nothing can be done without ambition.

3. Self confidence comes from the correct understanding of self, and inferiority comes from the results of comparison.

4. Accumulation, reflection, organization, and intensive training are the magic weapons for successful learning.

5. Life is like an ocean. Only people with strong will can reach the other side.

6. Don't panic in case of death, but be more careful in case of change.

7. If you work hard, you will gain. If you don't work hard, you will achieve nothing.

8. Hope, only when accompanied by diligence, can we be even more powerful.

9. Habit changes fate, and details shape life.

10. Try and you will win.

11. As long as you work harder, your chances of success will be higher.

12. Tomorrow, you will thank yourself for your efforts today.

13. Turn sweat into pearls and dreams into reality.

14. Start from the ideal. Don't forget that agreement. Self confidence, hard work and perseverance.

15. I don't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, only because I am in this mountain.

16. Aspiration is the only sign of man, not God's nor animal's.

17. The most terrible enemy is that he has no strong belief.

18. Vision is more important than ability, and choice is more important than effort.

19. People should breathe when they are alive. Exhale; Take a breath.

20. Hope to sail in Maundy, dream to sail in Maundy.

21. It is the dawn to overcome the darkness.

22. Diligence is good training. Every effort is worth every talent.

23. Time is like a spring, which can be shortened or lengthened.

24. Fanghua has no draft paper, and we can never lose.

25. Honesty is better than all wisdom, and it is the basic condition of wisdom.

26. Strive for another hundred days, and success is in sight. Believe in yourself.

27. It is better to study hard and steadfastly than to be afraid of procrastinating.

28. Sleep now, and you will dream; Now study, you will realize your dream.

29. The failure of trying is sad, but the failure of not trying is shameful.

30. The drums and gongs resonate, and a hundred flowers bloom to raise the army for a thousand days.

31. Even now, your opponent is turning the page.

32. If you cannot expand your stride, increase your stride frequency.

33. Take what your predecessors have done and move on.

34. Fight for a lifetime without regret.

35. We will leave regret in the Ming Dynasty if we spare no time in today's world.

36. Show people virtue, move people with emotion, convince people with reason, discipline people with rules and inspire people with ambition.

37. The greatest happiness in life is that you can't rest for a minute.

38. Failure is the empty shell of success; Success is the butterfly of failure.

39. Laziness moves so slowly that poverty will soon surpass it.