Aesthetical and domineering sentences (110 selected sentences)
More sensible than before
2023-02-08 06:09:16
Complete sentences

1. Wave the seagulls, look at the clouds and dreams in my chest, how about Dijie? Chu Yue and other leisurely ears, liver and gall have trouble.

2. Work hard to subdue the dragon and subdue the tiger. Rain or shine, you will get wealth.

3. To be a woman, you should make it like a picture. Don't make a dress. Men try it again and again, but no one buys it. It is difficult to sell it at 50% discount if you are old.

4. I am happy for you if you are doing well, but I am happy for the whole world if you are not doing well.

5. As long as you shake your head and disagree, I will take you away today, and no one can stop you.

6. Ask the world how many people can survive in my hands.

7. When others hit the south wall, they chose to turn around, while I, Liu Huaqiang, chose to knock down the wall!

8. I also want to be an elegant lady. Life has forced my mother into a shrew.

9. The people's hearts are treacherous. The world wanted to kill itself, but why did they put the evil name on the head of the sword.

10. Now don't be crazy with me. You can't decide who will be brilliant in the future.

11. The wind and clouds in the world come out of our generation. Once we enter the Jianghu, we will be drunk when we are talking and laughing.

12. I don't want to live forever, just want to live together, not for hundreds of generations, but for one life, not for eternity, but for this life.

13. Girls are valuable, while young women are more expensive. If there is a rich woman, you can throw away both.

14. If you fall asleep, you will fall asleep and drool.

15. My future husband, don't be so nice to your current partner. It's useless!

16. It's useless to give you a chance. Get down on your knees and let your brothers go.

17. When God is powerless, it is the devil crossing all living beings.

18. The sea, the sky, the dragon, and the blood are dark and yellow, and their hair is long. Yishui Xiaoxiao people also go, one day the moon white as frost.

19. I don't care who the backstage is, how hard the background is, how deep the background touches my brother, I want his whole family buried with him.

20. Don't be in a rut. I'll give you money. You can satisfy my bitch who hasn't been mated for a long time.

21. If the heaven abandons me, the heaven can also deceive me. If the world leaves me, the world should kill me.

22. If men are colorless, how can they be heroes.

23. Rely on yourself and firmly believe in your own strength, which is the belief of the strong.

24. In my world, I am the rule.

25. When Yin and Yang go against chaos, use my evil blood to stain the sky!

26. Thousands of robberies, hundreds of times difficult, ancient rush, snap your fingers! Never die, never destroy the soul, shake the past and shine the present, no one can defeat.

27. The strong are not afraid of loneliness. They are afraid of being stuck in the pursuit of power forever.

28. You are in my special care, but not in my recent visitors.

29. Only those who are not afraid of death deserve to live.

30. God shuns me and calls him Chang, while God opposes me and calls him dead.

31. Going astray is blind. To whom do you tell the bitterness in your heart?

32. I don't expect anything. I just hope that the women in your future will be inferior to each other.

33. Even if the world is deserted, there will always be one person who will be your disciple.

34. Please, maybe I will let your family go.

35. Step by step lighters will not light anywhere.

36. Spending one wen will get the effect of ten wen, which is a good spender.

37. The bell after class is more melodious than the national anthem, and the bell after class is more nervous than before.

38. People need two things to live in the world: courage and wisdom. I came out with two hands and one body of courage.

39. People have a bottom line. Once people step over the bottom line, they can do anything.

40. Blame me for being too young to see people or dogs clearly.

41. Don't always complain that God is unfair to you. In fact, God doesn't know who you are.

42. We will know about tomorrow the day after tomorrow.

43. Those who like me are good people, those who dislike me are bad people, and those who hate me are not.

44. You scold, and you continue to scold. After you scold enough, let me know. I'll go to bed first!

45. What do I have to do with the world's reputation and coldness? I smiled calmly; I travel around the world with my own nature and pleasure!

46. When people begin to be afraid of something terrible, that is the beginning of defeating it.

47. In the dead of night, I often ask myself, was it right or wrong when I decided to come to the earth?

48. No matter how many banknotes are, they are just golden mountains and silver mountains. Human feelings are like heaven and earth when used.

49. Hungry for ambition, eat the meat of Hu Lu, laugh and drink the blood of Xiongnu. The old mountains and rivers will be cleaned up from the beginning, and the tower will face the sky.

50. A real tough guy who dares to face the bleak life. Another characteristic of strong men is to hide when crying.

51. I will annihilate with you before the last star falls

52. Brother Song has brother Song, Huaqiang has friends with Huaqiang, and my friends also depend on me for food.

53. Never underestimate a creature that can shed blood for a week a month without dying.

54. Pretending is just an instant, and shameless is eternal.

55. Sweet, fragrant, hot, sour, bitter, and so many flavors... You just like Sao.