About the mood of making mistakes, talk about Daquan (the mood of taking medicine, talk about Daquan)
Harsh gentleness
2023-03-08 01:08:54
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If lying is exposed, you should reflect. Your fault is not lying, but your lying skill is not good.

2. It is never too late to see a hare and see a dog.

3. If something goes wrong, I will not rush to blame others, but first reflect on myself. If it is really my fault, I will think about how to blame others.

4. Learn to look at people, but forget to reflect. It turns out that others only use it to see, while we only need to reflect.

5. Maybe I don't understand too much, maybe it's my fault, maybe it has been slowly missed, but I still look forward to your understanding.

6. I really want to blow the wind with you, blowing away the unhappiness I brought you; I really want to get wet with you and take away the unhappiness I brought you. Leave the happiness and sweetness of our love, sorry!

7. Walking alone in the street, I realized that without your friends, your steps would be so cold and long. Friendship does not need any reason, nor can we suspect each other. Don't be angry, will you?

8. Self reflection does not mean regret. Regret is the most boring thing in the world.

9. No one likes imperative behavior. Even if you do it for his own good, if you adopt imperative behavior, he will not appreciate you and reflect more on himself.

10. To cover up a defect is to expose it.

11. It is my heart that changes forever; All the mistakes are my own; Thousands of words just want to say love you!

12. Just as we usually reflect on our foolish deeds afterwards, the craziness and stupidity of each era can only be reflected by the era behind it.

13. Will use action to explain everything, will not let you feel sad and disappointed, here I sincerely ask you to forgive, always love you!

14. Your time for reflection is your time for happiness!

15. I apologize to you for not asking your permission. I have been in love with you for two years. To express my apology, please accept the roses I sent. If you don't mind, please wear the ring as well.

16. It is never too late to rein in when the ship arrives at the river center late.

17. At the end of each year, I reflect and regret.

18. Knowing the beauty of becoming a person can help others as well as yourself; It not only brings opportunities to others, but also opens up broader space for itself; Even if others feel satisfied, they also achieve self liberation and relief.

19. Take the advantage of a hundred schools to make up for their own shortcomings.

20. Don't be modest in the face of proud people, and don't be proud in the face of modest people. If you think I'm proud, maybe you should reflect on yourself.

21. Most of the foolish things are done by smart people.

22. Know that self blame means you are still saved. Self blame is a process of self reflection. But neither self blame nor introspection is the goal. The goal is to find out your own shortcomings and correct them.

23. I'm sorry to offend you these two days. I didn't mean to. Forgive me! Don't take it to heart!

24. I'm sorry. I muster up the courage to say something but I can't tell you in another way. I wonder if I can get your forgiveness?

25. One of the reasons for the decline of civilization is the loss of the ability to reflect.

26. Maybe my willfulness hurt you carelessly, but I want you to know that I didn't mean it. For you, I will change.

27. Complain less about others and reflect more on yourself!

28. Before correcting others, reflect on whether you have made mistakes.

29. Wise people also make mistakes, and toads will be trapped by mud.

30. IQ always needs to be proved and reflected through various tests. There will be no problems with the test questions and formulas. Either you are careless or you are stupid. Everyone can easily accept the level of IQ.

31. A thousand words can't tell you how sorry you are, and a thousand words can't tell you how much you miss you. Everything starts with love, and ends with you!

32. I feel guilty. I don't know how to speak, but I still want to say sorry.

33. Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If you like a scum man, you should at least reflect.