Short sentences about life perception
Smile no matter how hard it is
2023-06-14 19:40:32
A complete set of maxims

1. A good friend for thousands of years will never be forgotten.

2. People help everyone happy, warm heart and happy family.

3. The key to success is to believe that you have the potential to succeed.

4. It is a good thing to help Zhou in danger. If you can not boast, you will be virtuous!

5. The measure of life value is thought and behavior, not time.

6. Great ideas are spread by two kinds of people: those who believe in them and those who hate them.

7. No matter how hard or tired life is, as long as you keep moving forward, your scenery will eventually appear.

8. The realm determines the starting point and end point of life, and the mind determines the choice and achievement of doing things.

9. You should treat your wife well. They have put all their youth on you. How can you not tolerate her.

10. If the world is really a circle, we can really go back to the previous appearance after making a circle, right.

11. The only real thing we can grasp is actually empty, and the real thing is actually another manifestation of the empty.

12. People, busy all their lives, work at sunrise and return at sunset, can't escape for the sake of family, and can't rest for the sake of making money.

13. We have gone so far that we forget why we started. The future that cannot be entered is the hometown that cannot be returned.

14. If you become aware of it, you will "meditate when walking, when sitting, when speaking silently, when moving and still, and when you are safe. Even if you encounter sharp sabres, you will always be frank, and even if you don't use poisons, you will be free."

15. The reason why there are so few works describing widowers is that women writers do not know much about them and men writers are not interested in them.

16. The road of life, sorrow and joy are their own, life's pain, tired have to bear their own; Know life through wind and rain, and understand life through hard work!

17. You should pay back what you borrowed from others. Don't accept others' favors casually. Remember that others' things, no matter how good they are, belong to others, and your own things, no matter how bad, belong to you.

18. You can't change others, but you can change yourself; You can't change the weather, but you can change your mood; You can't change the length of life, but you can expand its width.

19. The way you cry is really ugly. Even if you cry loudly, something will not change. No matter when the world treats everyone, it will not be gentle.

20. Most of us are psychologically normal people, but only normal, can only be regarded as basic health; The real healthy psychology that can stand the test of setbacks should be a positive psychological attitude.

21. You said you were too happy. Why is happiness elsewhere? In fact, we spend our days alternately in joy, anger and sorrow. Happiness or unhappiness depends entirely on what kind of life you want to live.

22. One cycle in a thousand years. Tears of beauty break the heart. The horizon looks forward to the spoony, thin face, fat poetry, full of Acacia. The breeze dances the moon, and the dream falls among the flowers. Autumn, your vicissitudes whose watch?

23. I used up all my strength to give up, trying to get rid of the mark you left in my body. Everything that has long been lost is only the breath, wandering in the wilderness like a corpse, desperate, ferocious and arrogant smile.

24. Looking back, the sadness and happiness around your fingers have melted into the river of time. No matter consciously or unintentionally, we can no longer salvage a billow. Laugh, cry, after all, we use the good background, precipitation into a plain.

25. How many times and how many times, memories divide life into a circle, and we have turned around in the same place countless times, unable to extricate ourselves. I always hope to return to the place where I first met. If I can choose again, I think I can love more simply.

26. How to live life? It depends on how you think and how you go. It's wishful thinking that you want to pass on your troubles to others. If you can't calm down, you will eventually gain infinite anger. Where is happiness. If you are warm, happiness is not far away. Who knows the fate, but he knows himself.

27. What is far in life is not distance, but your lack of mutual affinity with the world. When I personally experience the joys and sorrows of life, I can clearly see myself. Life is the best teacher. When you experience the ups and downs of life, you will understand the meaning of life.

28. I have never been afraid or complained about the suffering in my life. Because I regard these sufferings as the color of my life. With these colors, my life will become colorful! Only then did I understand the preciousness of life. It is because of these hardships that I become stronger!

29. One day you will emerge from the chrysalis and grow more beautiful than people expect, but this process will be painful, hard, and sometimes frustrated. You should feel small and powerless in the face of the surging reality. But this is also part of life. Do what you can now, and then everything will be fine. We will all grow up alone and not be afraid.