Dragon Boat Festival Blessing Message (140 selected sentences)
Sailing around the world
2023-06-28 05:10:18
Blessing words

1. In the twinkling of an eye, it's Dragon Boat Festival again. Relax to spend a small and long holiday, and easily show a smiling face, and enjoy the beauty. Forget about the hard work for a while, and prepare for tomorrow with enough spirit. Everything is smooth and beautiful, and the flowers of happiness will never fade.

2. This is a lucky rice dumpling. It's made of fermented Tibetan healthy rice, lucky eggs, mushrooms, happy shrimp, longevity flowers, lucky chestnuts. If you receive it, you will be lucky again and again. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

3. Healthy body, bright mood, Dragon Boat Festival happiness to accompany, happy and happy non-stop!

4. Gentle greetings are integrated into all my wishes, light blessings pour out my infinite sincerity, and a silent short message quietly fills the screen! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

5. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Don't forget to hang a mugwort leaf to drink yellow wine and wear a sachet. Of course, the most important thing is to eat more brownies, hehe!

6. Today is May 5th, your happiness is my decision: cook dumplings, taste delicious, enjoy this time; Dragon boat racing, striving for the first, the most active way to struggle; Drink good wine and have everything. Take your luck without sleeping. Dragon Boat Festival, message, I wish you happy in the festival!

7. The breeze brings lightness, the clear water brings gentleness, the mist brings haziness, the sea brings tolerance, the sun brings enthusiasm, and the moon brings warmth. I bring my sincere wishes for a happy Dragon Boat Festival, good luck in everything, and happiness for the whole family.

8. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I wish you a happy and warm little long holiday.

9. I wish you a prosperous Dragon Boat Festival and a long walk.

10. Friends don't need to spread all over the world. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

11. I pick mugwort and mint, and wish you a healthy and safe summer!

12. Turn off your mobile phone, slowly close your eyes, think about me, think about dumplings, you will find that I am as lovely as dumplings. Happy Dragon Boat Festival, dear!

13. Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I will send you a package of zongzi: the green leaves are pure friendship; Red and white stuffing is endless care; Romance after cooking; It is warm after biting; It tastes sweet. I wish you happiness every moment and peace every day!

14. Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boat Festival, bless you only. Pick up happiness and let go of troubles; Pick up happiness and let go of sadness; Take care of health and put down danger. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a healthy and happy life!

15. The nation of ceremonies is famous for its traditional festivals, including the Lunar New Year, the Lantern Festival, the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Spring Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Spring Festival, the Lunar New Year, the Lantern Festival, the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Moon Festival!

16. You are the green bean, I am the amorous bastard, I look at you gently - tears; You are the swan, and I am the warm toad. The serenade has been singing all night - quack quack! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

17. On the fifth Dragon Boat Festival in May, the fragrance of zongzi wafts everywhere, and the clockwork SMS care table wishes you good luck in "zongzi", abundant grain and happiness, and a happy time together. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a happy, safe and healthy life.

18. May you enjoy the deep friendship in Zongzi and have a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

19. A man's happiness is his own. Everyone's happiness, looks happy. Enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival with you! May your life be full of happiness, and you can break through the barrier! Business is booming! Love is sweet! Safe and healthy! Happiness is boundless! Happy family!

20. Dragon Boat Festival is accompanied by grain, and happiness fills the room; The sugar stuffing is wrapped with happiness, without suffering; It's a long way to cook fragrant dumplings with mugwort leaves; "Zong" is affectionate and "Ai" is willing to spend his whole life with you.

21. When I am a stranger in a foreign country, I miss my relatives every holiday. From afar, I know that where brothers climb high, "Zong" is love. Dragon Boat Festival, we should eat "Zong", wish you "Zong" cross the world, "Zong" is lucky! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

22. Soft wind, moist rain, good flowers and full moon; The beautiful scenery of Liangchen is accompanied every year, and the happy life follows every day! Winter goes, spring comes, like water, like smoke; The fleeting years will never return, and we need to enjoy our life! Say good luck and say "Peace", and wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!

23. May is the Dragon Boat Festival, with zongzi fragrance and dragon boat dance. Fragrant, dancing and blessing. I wish you a beautiful and colorful life; Harvest your career and reap a bumper harvest! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

24. A hundred flowers bloom to welcome the Dragon Boat Festival, and every family is happy to make pottery; Singing and laughing constantly, happy and lucky; Get together with relatives and friends happily and have a happy reunion; I ask zongzi to bless you, Dragon Boat Festival will be all right!

25. Don't torture yourself in this manic and restless summer night, don't grievance yourself in this unpredictable era, don't hide yourself in this time of need for courage, Zongzi, open your coat quickly and let me have a bite!

26. Smell the fragrance of zongzi and miss floating across the river. You and I are hundreds of miles apart. The Dragon Boat Festival is more like you! Because I want to share the happiness of Dragon Boat Festival with you. I wish you are always happier than me!

27. My dear, Dragon Boat Festival: I have endless love and nostalgia for you!

28. In fact, the sky is blue and the clouds are always going to disperse. In fact, the sea is not wide. In fact, the dream is very shallow. Everything is natural. In fact, tears are sweet. I wish you the best. My idea is simple, as long as you are happy! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

29. Dear friends, today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish you happiness!

30. On May 5, when we arrive at the Dragon Boat Festival, we will cook rice dumplings and send our best wishes to you. I wish you a strong body like a tiger, a smart mind like a mouse, a bulging wallet, numerous relatives and friends, a happy life and a successful road! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

31. The wandering that someone cares about is not called wandering, the crying that someone accompanies is not called sadness, the feeling that someone cherishes is called love, and the happiness that someone shares is called happiness. I wish you happiness, and the Dragon Boat Festival is happy!

32. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and we will send you "money dumplings" in advance: unlock the golden thread of good luck, and your "money" will be unlimited; Stripping off the golden leaf of fortune gathering, your "money" scene is very bright; Bite tens of millions of gold grains, and your "money" journey will never end.

33. What you send is words, and what you receive is happiness! The opening is health, and the reading is auspicious! On the occasion of the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you and your family health, happiness and happiness!

34. Sticky dumplings, sweet thoughts; Zongzi is soft and the blessings are shining; Zongzi is fragrant and healthy; Zongzi is big and has good fortune; There are a lot of dumplings and lots of happiness; Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

35. Although only greetings are sent, only words are received, but concerns and happiness are opened, thoughts, blessings and concerns are read out. Have you realized all this? Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!