Deng Jiaxian's impressions
beautiful country scene
2023-09-07 04:20:49
Senior One
reaction to a book or an article

Yesterday, I saw a movie called Deng Jiaxian. This is a patriotic feature film.
The film mainly tells about Deng Jiaxian's return to the motherland after studying in the United States, and his family is living a happy life. But one day, the superior leader asked Deng Jiaxian to undertake the responsibility of designing China's first atomic bomb, and Deng Jiaxian agreed without hesitation. After two years of hard research and careful calculation by him and his comrades in arms, China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded. Deng Jiaxian's classmate Yang Zhenning came back to visit Deng Jiaxian after learning the news, and asked him a question: "It's said that China's first atomic bomb was designed with the help of two Americans, is it true?" Due to the confidentiality requirements of work, Deng Jiaxian was silent. Later, Premier Zhou Enlai learned about this and decided to let Deng Jiaxian tell Yang Zhenning the truth. Yang Zhenning was so excited that she shed tears when she heard the news.
After watching this movie, what impressed me most was that the technology was more and more developed. Deng Jiaxian and his comrades successfully developed a hydrogen bomb again, but after the launch, there was no sound. What was the matter? There was an urgent need for someone to go deep into the launch site to check the news. Who would go? Deng Jiaxian ignored the danger and took the lead. He rode a jeep with a driver to a place not far from the launch site. After the car stopped, Deng Jiaxian did not ask the driver to accompany him, but came to the launch site alone, risking his life. Deng Jiaxian soon found the reason why the hydrogen bomb did not explode, but at the same time, Deng Jiaxian was also exposed to strong nuclear radiation.
He staggered back to the jeep and back to the camp. As a result, two years later, he left us forever.
Through this matter, I think Deng Jiaxian is a man who loves his comrades in arms and is highly responsible. I also think I should treat my friends as Deng Jiaxian treats his comrades in arms. My study should be as responsible as Deng Jiaxian treats the development of atomic bombs. Deng Jiaxian is my good example.
I decided that when I grew up, I would like to be a patriotic and outstanding scientist like Deng Jiaxian and make contributions to my country.