Comments on safety warning education
Love yourself
2023-08-02 22:52:10
Junior two
impressions of after reading

Recently, the company has organized all employees to learn safety warning education, presenting facts and reasoning from the aspects of traffic safety, electricity safety, fire prevention and anti-theft, and only hopes that all employees can learn relevant knowledge from it and keep the concept of safety first in their future work and life.
Although I only saw the tragic scenes in the propaganda film of safety education, I know that these scenes are really happening, and the tragedy continues. Every day, how many people in the world are killed in that merciless disaster, how many people lose their precious lives due to accidents, and how many happy families are separated from their families and their families are broken? "Safety" is a topic that the world really calls for. Most disasters are caused by the parties' disregard of safety regulations. This tragic scenario should be avoided.
Can all kinds of advanced security facilities really play a lasting and stable role in people's security? If so, why do all kinds of accidents still happen frequently every year? It can be seen that security has not achieved real results. The country and the company have provided us with security guarantees and safety education, but we often ignore various security measures, pay attention to our own convenience and interests, and fail to truly achieve safety first, which leads to the occurrence of tragedies.
The bloody facts remind people not to forget the painful lessons and not to play with life. In a short moment, the momentary carelessness becomes eternal regret. The relatives are immersed in grief, and the cry is meaningless. The last thing left is a lifetime of regret and tears, and the pain of life is worse than death.
God is fair and stingy. He only gives everyone one life, so we must cherish it. Security in life is closely related to us. It is like our friends, guarding around us day and night, educating and admonishing us.