Sentences about love from staying together to being old
one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn
2023-07-03 00:49:24
Complete sentences

1. Life will always give us hope, and then let us find that those are impossible.

2. Don't leave if anything happens, because it's hard to go back.

3. I also believe that love can overcome all difficulties; However, after all the difficulties, there are all the difficulties. This is what I believe more

4. Injury is like fishbone, which makes us have nothing to depend on but each other.

5. I am silent because my heart is hollowed out rather than facing you.

6. Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never never say goodbye.

7. If you don't love a person, you have no right to ask him to give unconditionally, and you can't bear to watch the bleeding people guarding your side. You can't afford such deep feelings.

8. Maybe only a warm quilt and a good dream at night can comfort us who are unhappy every day.

9. Shoot him. I'm still worried that no one will wash the blood on him.

10. Don't make a conclusion too early. Time will show how many people care about you.

11. In the world of love, there are always some absurd things happening. When a person thinks that he can pay off his guilt and live a life without guilt, he has reached the end. It is not only love but life that is so unbearable.

12. The worst feeling in the world is having to doubt what you believe in.

13. Love is a romantic thing, frustrated people can not afford to play.

14. After leaving, I don't want you to forget one thing: don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I miss you too.

15. There are three ways to solve all problems: accept, change, and leave.

16. Do you love me? Love is dangerous. How dangerous is it? I can no longer live alone

17. Don't say sorry, we never matter.

18. Love is a sad and beautiful swallow. I hope my body can accommodate you and will never be separated.

19. Love is not a refuge. If you want to take refuge, you will be expelled.

20. Home is a place where you want to leave when you are young and return when you are old.

21. The love that can't stay together for a lifetime is just a transfer station that people come and go in a hurry on a long journey. No matter how long they stay, they always have to leave for another flight.

22. Silence is an excuse for fear, and giggling is a reason for grievance.

23. Your heart is my cape and horizon. I can't go farther. We go to the ends of the earth in this life, not half the earth, but the world.

24. For most of our life, the synonym of commitment is bondage. However, we yearn for bondage.

25. Who breaks into my field, who catches me off guard, who becomes intimate with me, and who gradually leaves me.