Funny space with hot weather
set sail
2023-07-26 23:47:02
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1. Although the hot sun has not yet shone directly, the sand beside the road has shown timid light. As if the grass could not stand the sun, it slowly dropped its leaves. Only the fish in the pond are not afraid of the heat and swim freely in the water of the trees beside the bank.

2. Queen Mother: I think it's better to change the Peach Feast into the Water Splashing Festival to let everyone cool down.

3. Today, the sun was blazing, and cicadas were screaming loudly.

4. If this high temperature continues, to be honest, I am particularly optimistic about this year's military training. I feel much cooler at the thought of this.

5. There was no cloud or wind in the air. There was a hot sun overhead, and all the trees stood there listlessly.

6. In July, the sky was blue, and the sun was like a fireball. The clouds seemed to be burned by the sun, and disappeared without a trace.

7. I saw a piece of money on the road today. I thought about it for a long time, but I still didn't pick it up. I was afraid of scalding myself!

8. Jade Emperor: Tianting has mastered the core technology and will soon install a giant central air conditioner on the Lingxiao Temple.

9. The sunshine in midsummer is like dipping in chili water. There is no shade on the open street.

10. On the road of love, I always stop and go. My mother said that I can't do anything.

11. Life is more abundant because of kinship, years are moved by parents, life is warm because of home, bless the heart of parents, thank white hair for my success, vicissitudes for my touch, wrinkles for my growth, selflessly give me support. The weather changes, pay attention to your health!

12. Principal, open the door! You have the ability to open the door! Don't hide in it. I know your room has air conditioning! Open the door, open the door, open the door!

13. The hot weather is annoying, and the sudden rainstorm is also annoying. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you will be bored.

14. My body will die in Chongqing, and my soul will be with you.

15. Lying on the mat feels like an iron plate of beef.

16. Now it's a hot summer day. Sometimes I always want to hate this hot weather. The following is Sara's funny talk about the hot weather for your reference!

17. Summer is the season of fruits. Here is a basket of fruits for you: Ping'an is rich, tangerine is lucky, apricot is happy, persimmon is smooth, nuclear family is happy, plum is worried!

18. In July, the sky was blue and the sun was like a fireball. The clouds seemed to have been burned by the sun and disappeared without a trace.

19. Mosquitoes don't bite people, only cold water pipes.

20. There are a lot of cheats on the street now. You should be careful when you go out. Today, someone on the street always said that it was too hot, too hot. I followed him three streets and he was still alive.

21. Don't dress so conservatively in such a hot day!

22. The sun is like a big boss's fireball. The light is scorching. The road is scorched by the scorching sun. Step down and a bunch of white smoke will appear.

23. I just saw a man walking in the sun and slowly disappeared. A friend in the physics department next to me said that he was sublimated.

24. In July, the sun is so poisonous that sweat rolls down.