55 Poems of Lu Xun
Ningshan still water
2023-06-14 17:02:10
Complete Poems

1. That's always the case, isn't it?

2. If you just read, you will become a bookcase.

3. The swan song of a historian, the unrhymned Lisao.

4. When I become dust, you will see my smile!

5. Calm, brave, discerning and unselfish.

6. Tragedy is to show people valuable destruction.

7. It is always harder to reform oneself than to prohibit others.

8. It is more difficult to reform oneself than to forbid others.

9. If you do not break out in silence, you will perish in silence.

10. The lies written in ink can never hide the facts written in blood.

11. It is better to fight openly with the enemy than to be plotted by others.

12. I would like to recommend Xuanyuan with my blood.

13. There is no pride like the old days, and the flowers bloom and fall.

14. After spending all the time with the Jabbo brothers, they met and laughed away their gratitude and hatred.

15. Lian Guangyu is worried. He listens to the thunder in a silent place.

16. He could not bear to see his friends become new ghosts, and angrily looked for poems in the sword cluster.

17. Heartlessness may not be a real hero. Lianzi is not a husband.

18. He looks at a thousand fingers coldly and bows his head to be a willing ox.

19. The blood is fertile and the grass is strong in the Central Plains. The earth is frozen and the spring is blooming.

20. If life is too comfortable, work will be tired by life.

21. As long as you can cultivate a flower, you may as well make decaying grass.

22. I am like a cow, eating grass and extruding milk.

23. If the dead are not buried in the hearts of the living, they will really die.

24. In fact, there is no road on the ground, and many people walk on it, and it becomes a road.

25. I am like a cow, eating grass and extruding milk.

26. Freedom is not bought by money, but can be sold for money.

27. Discontent is an upward wheel that can carry people who are not complacent forward.

28. If you want to take care of everything, you can't do anything.

29. It is very bad to do something, no matter how big or small, without perseverance.

30. In fact, there is no road on the ground, and more people walk, it becomes a road.

31. Play is the most legitimate behavior of children, and toys are children's angels.

32. The fierceness is fast, the calmness is fast, and even the decadence is fast.

33. It is no pity to try our best to delete unnecessary words, sentences and paragraphs.

34. We must dare to face it squarely, so that we can dare to think, speak, act and act.

35. The harder it is, the more we have to do. Reform has never been smooth.

36. Doubt is not a disadvantage. It is a shortcoming to always doubt without judging.

37. I do dissect others from time to time, but I dissect myself more ruthlessly.

38. Defective soldiers are soldiers after all, and valuable flies are just flies after all.

39. If you want stability, you will not have freedom. If you want freedom, you will experience some dangers. There are only two ways.

40. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress.

41. To make a person's limited life more effective is to extend his life.

42. Only the national spirit is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress.

43. May all Chinese youth get rid of air conditioning and just go up and don't listen to the words of those who abandon themselves.

44. Time is life. In fact, wasting others' time without reason is tantamount to killing people for money.

45. Entanglement is like a poisonous snake, and persistence is like a ghost. Fierce fast, peaceful fast, even decadent fast.

46. The dead life has rotted. I am very happy about this rottenness, because I know that it is not empty.

47. Go on the road of life. The future is far and dark. However, don't be afraid. Only those who are not afraid have a way.

48. Past life has died. I am very happy about this death, because I know that it has survived.

49. Those who used to be rich should go back to ancient times, those who are now rich should maintain the status quo, and those who have never been rich should be innovated. That's probably the case, mostly!

50. Since ancient times, we have had people who work hard, who work hard, who ask for orders for the people, and who sacrifice themselves to seek justice.

51. The empty talk is not long after the talk, but it is always reflected in the mirror of the facts and dragged out its tail.

52. Huge buildings are always stacked by trees and stones. Why don't we build them? I often do odd things, that's why.

53. In the process of marching, there are also some veterans, some abandoned, some decadent, and some mutineers. However, as long as it does not hinder the progress, the team will become more and more pure and elite later.

54. When I watch the sports meet, I often think that the winner is respectable, but the athlete who falls behind but still does not run to the end, and the spectator who does not smile at the sight of such athletes, are the backbone of China's future.

55. If you only look at one person's work, the result is not good: you will not get many advantages. It must be like a bee that has picked many flowers before it can brew honey. If you sting at one place, the income will be very limited and boring.