Sales motto
No more fear
2023-07-17 09:40:31

1. Whatever you sell, sell yourself first.

2. Intuition is the key word in sales psychology.

3. Relax! He will give you a better chance of winning.

4. Don't lie, but lie where it is appreciated.

5. What you lack is not money, but ability, experience and opportunity.

6. Reason cannot control emotion, on the contrary, action can change emotion.

7. What you think and do now will determine your future destiny.

8. The secret of encouragement is not only to reason, but also to emotion.

9. The present effort is not for the present return, but for the future.

10. It is a wise investment to give the opportunity to others at the right time.

11. The quality of work determines the quality of life. Ability is ten thousand times more important than money.

12. Ingeniously ask customers about their hobbies and let them tell you what they like.

13. As a salesman, there is nothing happier than completing a good deal.

14. The button a person really needs is his button of confidence: confidence generates confidence.

15. At the right time, on the right occasion, a simple smile can create miracles.

16. No matter how good you are at persuading customers to buy many things, you must also let them do what they want

17. Winners know that they do things spontaneously and take responsibility for what they do.

18. Motivation of action, method know-how and action knowledge are the keys to success law.

19. If you want to avoid something, you should start from it and do it immediately.

20. It is not difficult to promote any commodity as long as we uphold sincerity, make the other party treat each other honestly and trust each other completely.

21. Opportunity is contained in everyone's personality, just as the future oak tree is contained in the oak fruit.

22. In social occasions, as long as anyone has the bad habit of chattering, no matter how good a friend is, he will alienate him.

23. Unless you get a negative answer on the first visit, you will have a chance to create a second meeting.

24. People who are too relaxed and casual in their work are unlikely to achieve real success in any field.

25. Cultivate some natural habits and don't care too much about other people's opinions or criticisms, so that you can get along with others freely.

26. Yesterday, it was Zhang Zuo's ticket; Tomorrow is an outstanding promissory note; Only today is cash and has the value of circulation.

27. As long as you have the courage to speak in front of others, you have the courage to talk with strangers in private, no matter what kind of dignitaries they are.

28. As long as you force yourself to radiate enthusiasm, once you need to be enthusiastic about participating in certain activities, you can immediately feel the power of this enthusiasm, and then move forward bravely.