54 Quotes from the Classic Quotations of "Wonderful Flowers"
Swallows are long without trace
2023-03-31 00:14:46

1. If the means are not hard enough, the body should be soft.

2. You have no love. You need company and a dog.

3. Want to see reproduction, see reproduction, and see the animal world!

4. The life of the dung beetle is to look up at the stars and roll dung.

5. Love is a fraud if it is exposed, and faith if it is not exposed.

6. All evils and lewdness are the most important. No matter what you think, there is no perfect person in the world.

7. As long as you don't hurt others, there is no shortcut worth criticizing.

8. I have a treasure in my heart. It is empty and valuable.

9. Jumping is also a challenge. Will you let Xie Na jump?

10. Being misunderstood is the fate of the speaker. We have nothing to complain about.

11. Things are originally divided into two parts. How can we know white without looking at black?

12. At midnight, the person beside the bed is not the sweetheart, but the sweetheart is already the dreamer.

13. Sister Na, just be yourself. You don't have to play the role that society gives you!

14. I can't stand it anymore. Why should I suppress my nature and get rid of him!

15. It is said that a woman is a rib of a man. You should tell your organs about privacy!

16. Only IQ life is black and white, and only with EQ life is colorful.

17. We talk too much about freedom, too little about right and wrong, too much about choice, too little about cost.

18. You can become a Fan Bingbing every day, but you can't read a Lin Huiyin every day.

19. Love a person is low to the dust, not to mention anti drug dogs, paramecium I would like to do.

20. If we can't argue eloquently, we will argue with ruffians and follow the line of ruffians, but ah! Being a hooligan is the hardest!

21. You have no love. You need company and a dog! You need company. Go and get a dog!

22. Marriage is my freedom to castrate me and give you peace of mind. Accompany you to the white head, accompany for life.

23. Birth is our right, not our obligation, and whether to exercise this right has nothing to do with right or wrong.

24. You are not wrong, but this means that we cannot bear to blame you for your fault, not that you are not wrong.

25. To love someone is to be low in the dust. Don't say it's a drug sniffing dog. I'm willing to do paramecium!

26. To be independent, to be self reliant, and to be a good wife, a good mother, how can I be so free!

27. When you see the deer in the beauty's heart, those animals have hit the deer many times.

28. Why should we suppress our nature? Look! Why should we suppress our instincts? Look!

29. Do you think the large intestine is full of small intestine? The large intestine is full of shit. In fact, the real harm lies in knowing.

30. We are naturally prone to meet scum men. It is because our values do not coincide with each other that we crush each other and make each other scum.

31. I am afraid that others will say that Xiao Xiao is a man who breaks the ground with integrity and his chastity.

32. The most painful thing for people is not that I love you and you don't love me, but that I love you and you love others, and that I act as others.

33. "It is said that women are a rib of men. You should tell your organs about privacy!"

34. There is a dark corner behind the light that you cannot cover. It is called single dog. Among single dogs, there is a kind of top dog called Zhu Gusheng.

35. What is love? What is romance? What is romance? It is not only that we don't know when love begins, but also that we don't know when love begins.

36. When we discuss whether a question is right or wrong, please distinguish it from good or evil. These are two different concepts.

37. Human society has been striving for fairness. Once it chooses to keep it secret, human beings will end up with injustice.

38. Successful debaters are all different, because they take different paths; Unsuccessful debaters are all the same, because they have seen the same videos!

39. Beauty is a breakthrough in imagination. Lin Zhiling meets people's expectations for standards. It is Jia Ling, not Lin Zhiling, who will become a milestone of eternal beauty.

40. Feed you food, that's called love; Feed you shit, that's called pervert! Forcing you to marry someone is called love; Forcing you to marry a dog is called a pervert!

41. Men's psychology is that they want you to earn money to support their families, and they also want you to be beautiful, which is equal to taking the money from two jobs to get a chicken, but they provide double services.

42. People who want freedom should bear the greatest responsibility. Those who choose the path that others take less should bear the heaviest shackles. There has never been a flight without resistance to gravity.

43. Parents can choose whether to have children or not, but children cannot choose whether to come into the world. They have no way to choose whether their parents bring them happiness or hardship.

44. Debates are full of assumptions and reasoning. If we don't solve the problem of assumptions and reasoning, can we just show our body on the stage without debate?

45. There is one me and one you in the world. We broke each other, added water and mud, and joined together to reshape a me and you. Since then, you have me in the mud and you in the mud.

46. Don't praise us on the altar. We are not Buddhas. We just have a heart to Buddha. Do you think we are advising you? No, I'm also trying to explain myself!

47. This is an era calling for freedom. I am sure that all freedom, no matter how broad freedom is, you must be willing to pay the price of being wrong and different from others. The price of freedom makes freedom more noble.

48. Discrimination is not only a way of always speaking ill of you, but also a way of dividing us. I would rather my parents be in the so-called happiness drum than expose them to the wild and stand in front of me to fight against thousands of beasts.

49. This is an era calling for freedom. I am sure of all freedom, but I also hope you can know that no matter how broad freedom is, you must be willing to pay the price of being different from others. The price of freedom makes freedom more noble.

50. In the process of loving you, some people become stronger and wiser, so they become Buddhas once they read, and some people become more wretched and unbearable ones, becoming demons once they read. In the process of love, it is the Buddha or the devil. After going through all the hardships you have given me, I finally found me.

51. You want me to cut down all the forests for your tree, but you don't want to believe that you are the one carefully selected by me in the vast forest. You want me to clean up all the oceans for your sake, but you refuse to believe that you are the one that I like very much.

52. Be independent, be self reliant, and be a good wife and mother at the same time. Why am I so free! Men, especially senior men, have a sinister mentality that they not only hope that you can earn money to support their families, but also dare to ask you to compete for a career in the way that beautiful women want to compete with men. You need to work two jobs, get a chicken's money, and provide double services "

53. When I make a free choice, if I am not willing to bear any name calling and blame, how frivolous, naive and wayward the freedom I want is. That is the freedom of children to drink milk, that is the freedom of children to laze everywhere, that is not the freedom that an adult should bear. When others accuse me, I am willing to admit my mistakes, because this is the price I pay for free life, and this is the freedom of adults.

54. What is the standard answer? The right or wrong way we judge the answer in life is called natural state. Let our body in the most natural and healthy state of life called the right way of life. Therefore, in theory, we should not smoke or drink, go to bed and get up early, because this is healthy and right. But my body is mine. Do I have the right to stay up late, smoke and drink? I have the right! But although I have the right to make such a choice, it is wrong.