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The sunset knows the autumn
2023-03-31 02:48:33
Complete sentences

1. A good girlfriend is to catch one of your shortcomings and talk about those in the first half of the day. The following is a compilation for you. I hope you like it.

2. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. Let's make a cup of tea together.

3. The breeze brings the breath of spring, the rain brings the baptism of spring, the thunder brings the balderdash of spring, the warm sun reflects the beauty of spring, and the SMS sends the hope of spring: willows and willows are green and blue in spring, and life is as sweet as honey in spring!

4. I am very poor, no flowers to send you; I am very poor and have no room for you; I am very poor. I don't have a car to give you; I'm very poor. I don't have a bank card to pay you. However, I have endless love for you, which makes me rich!

5. Summer is parting, autumn is walking. I don't know the geometry of autumn water, but I know you and I know each other. Missing comes at all times, and autumn brings more true feelings. Send a message to convey the true feelings. Autumn is coming, I wish you happiness.

6. Every girl, there will be a person in her life who can't get rid of.

7. The distance between us can be filled with a hug.

8. Thank God for arranging you so that you can jump in my life. My dear friend is my girlfriend now, my bridesmaid when getting married, and the stepmother of my children later.

9. The best friend is that you can bully her as much as you can, but she still loves you to death.

10. Work seriously, face difficulties bravely, savor life carefully, experience the true feelings slowly, enjoy free collocation, happiness doubles every day, friends are very precious, blessings must be in place, I wish you smooth work and happy life!

11. Thank you for accompanying me through these years, thank you for tolerating my bad temper and my vexatious behavior. I can't forget the days when I committed two crimes together.

12. Eating red dates often makes you go to bed early. Less sweating, physical and mental coordination. In winter, it is better to eat warm food, good porridge to nourish the stomach, ginger soup to warm the heart, eat more vinegar, pay attention to water, supplement based on syndrome differentiation, scientific health care, cold winter, and health!

13. You are the most beautiful person I know. Your chubby body is very cute. Everyone knows your meat eating habits. Your frugal personality is commendable. But it is unnecessary to lick the rice in the bowl every time.

14. Buy what you really like and don't borrow money. The man you really like will chase you and do what you can.

15. Even if our friends are far apart, our hearts will always be together. Even if we have a new lover, our old love will never change. The rough experience of fighting is just that the postgraduate entrance examination makes us more inseparable from each other because our friends are always our friends.

16. Take a break today, text message to meet, greeting a little bit, how many wishes: less trouble, disappear; A little more income, a free day; Less depressed and elegant; More happiness, forever!

17. In QQ, delete the number of your ex boyfriend from your mobile phone to avoid actively looking for him when you are nervous.

18. It's winter, it's cold, the snow has closed the mountain, the wild geese have already flown south, the bear has hidden in the tree hole, and your nest has been warmed with grass, you should also go into hibernation, and see you when you wake up next spring.

19. I always have a wish to rent a room with my friends, go to different shifts during the day, and simply go to work together!

20. When you are in a bad mood, you should always ask yourself what you have rather than what you don't have. Open the window and look up at the sky. Laugh, tomorrow is a beautiful day.

21. Girlfriend: It's a strange thing that quarrels today, laughs tomorrow, gets bored when it's near, thinks far away, misses when it's gone, hates when it's seen, can bully itself, and can't be bullied by others.

22. What is plain is the day, what is simple is life, what is cold and warm is the season, what is winding is the road, what is looking for is happiness, what is in mind is friends, what is really my message to greet you.

23. Although we are not in the same school, our two hearts are together and we miss junior high school life! Happy girlfriend single! Wish you find your sweetheart soon!