62 famous verses describing farewell
Keep quiet for a lifetime
2023-05-28 11:17:09
Complete Poems

1. The cold lamp thinks of the past, and the broken wild goose warns to sleep—— Du Mu's "Lodging"

2. Spring grass will turn green next year, will the king and grandson return—— Farewell by Wang Wei

3. The husband is not without tears—— Lu Guimeng's Farewell

4. A cup of wine, sorrowful from sorrow—— Li Baiyao's Farewell

5. Recently, I have suffered a lot from setbacks, which should be due to many departures—— Farewell by Wang Zhihuan

6. There is no place for lovesickness. Birds crow in the night wind—— Yin Shi's Farewell to Song Chang Shi

7. The west wind curls in autumn—— Bai Juyi's Farewell to Nanpu

8. Sad songs can be used as sobs, and distant sights can be used as homecoming—— Anonymous "Elegy"

9. No matter where you go or live, you are always in a floating canopy—— Yin Shi's Farewell to Song Chang Shi

10. I want to move here and return here. I have been feeling sad and tired for years—— Wang's book "Entering Ruoye Stream"

11. Where can local books reach? Return to Luoyang—— Wang Wan, Next to Beigu Mountain

12. When people return to the fallen geese, they think of their hair in front of the flowers—— Xue Daoheng's Missing Home Every Day

13. Read back to the forest and change the leaves, and worry about sitting in the dew—— Zhang Jiuling's Journey to the West River at Night

14. Men are seldom guests, and they don't know where they are from—— Li Liufang's Night Mooring on the Yellow River

15. The book is sentimental, like an old friend. In the morning and in the evening, you are happy to meet each other—— Yu Qian's View of Books

16. Once we break up, we look at each other silently—— Lu Zhaolin's Sending the Second Brother to Sichuan

17. On the autumn moon night in Jinting, who can see the sobs of the crowd—— Wang Bo's Farewell at the Night Moon in Jiangting

18. Candles are willing to say goodbye and weep for others until dawn—— Du Mu's Farewell

19. Hometown tonight think thousands of miles, frost temples tomorrow another year—— Gao Shi's New Year's Eve Works

20. The willows in the clear and misty desert don't drink half heartedly—— Wei Zhuang's Ancient Farewell

21. All the willows are folded and all the flowers are flying away. Do you want to ask pedestrians to return—— Anonymous Farewell Poem

22. The Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun—— Li Bai's "To Wang Lun"

23. The distant book returns to the dream for a long time, and only the empty bed is the enemy of autumn—— Duanju by Li Shangyin

24. After several times of homesickness, return the wine and brush the clouds on the pile to wish Princess Ming—— Du Mu's Title to Mulan Temple

25. He sent his grandson away again, and Qiqi was filled with farewell—— Bai Juyi's Farewell to Ancient Grass

26. The road to the east of the hometown is long, and the double sleeve dragon bell is not dry—— Cen Shen, Every Emissary to Beijing

27. Qili recruited 300 thousand people and looked back at the moonlight—— Li Yi's The Northern Expedition

28. Tourists in the State of Zheng did not reach home, and Luoyang Xingzi sighed—— Li Qi's Farewell to Chen Zhangfu

29. The tree is green and sad, and has been separated from hatred by several people—— Bai Juyi's "Green Gate Willows"

30. How can life be like not knowing each other—— Nalan Xingde's "To Sun You"

31. Handshake, westerly wind and tears are not dry. For many years, I have been in the parting room—— Naran Xingde's "Yu Zhonghao"

32. The green mountains are together with clouds and rain. How can the moon ever be two villages—— Wang Changling's Delivering Chai to the Imperial Servant

33. Please try to ask Dong Liushui, who is short of him—— Li Bai's "Leave Jinling Restaurant"

34. I don't know where to blow the reed pipe, so I can collect people and look at my hometown overnight—— Li Yi's "Hearing the flute in the city where he was surrendered at night"

35. A lone sail casts its shadow over the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River flows across the sky—— Li Bai's Farewell to Meng Haoran in Guangling

36. Only Acacia is like spring, sending you back from south to north—— Wang Wei's Farewell to Shen Zifu in Jiangdong

37. I have been away from my hometown for many years, and recently my life has been half spent—— He Zhizhang's "Two Couple Letters for Returning Home"

38. For no reason, I have to cross mulberry and dry water, but I hope Bingzhou is my hometown—— Liu Zao's Journey to Shuofang/Crossing Sanggan

39. I am so sad here that I can't tell. I leave Changchun Grass at present—— Li Bai's Jinling Song: Farewell to Fan Xuan

40. The cold rain came into Wu all day and night, and sent the guests to Chu Mountain in the Ming Dynasty—— Wang Changling's Farewell to Xin Jian in the Lotus Tower

41. When apes crow at the end of the river, people will feel sad and water will flow—— Liu Changqing's Sending Doctor Pei Back to Jizhou

42. Enjoy the golden flower wine in other places, and share the same sorrow with the wild geese—— Lu Zhaolin's Tour of Xuanwu Mountain on September 9

43. Don't come in the middle of spring. The eye is tender and the heart is broken—— Li Yu's "Qing Ping Le, Farewell to Spring"

44. I would urge you to drink more wine and leave Yangguan in the west without an old friend—— Wang Wei's Song of Weicheng/Sending Anxi, the Second Envoy of the Yuan Dynasty

45. My old friend said goodbye to the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March—— Li Bai's Sending Meng Haoran to Guangling from the Yellow Crane Tower

46. Three thousand li from the old country, 20 years from the Shengong Palace—— Zhang Hu's "Palace Ci · Three Thousand Miles of the Old Country"

47. Where does your family live? My concubine lives in Hengtang—— Cui Hao's Long March, Where Do You Live

48. Bashan Chushui is a desolate place, abandoned for 23 years—— Liu Yuxi's Reward for Joy at the First Meeting in Yangzhou

49. The sword flower is cold and the heart is strong when sitting at night—— Zhang Kejiu's "Man Tingfang · Nine Days of Visiting China"

50, April 17, it was last year today, when I left you—— Wei Zhuang's "Female Crown, April 17"

51. At that time, we knew where we were from a long distance—— Yan Shu's "Stepping on the Sand, Without Waves in the Blue Sea"

52. When I remember Bieyi for a long time, I will go out with tears to see him off—— Li Cunxu's Dream like Order: Zeng Yan's Deep Cave in Peach Garden

53. The most important thing is to leave many places. The water flowing from the east to the west will finally meet each other—— Yan Jidao's "Youth Tour - The Most Distinctive"

54. Feelings of old age are reduced, and people are afraid of wine and fleeting years—— Xin Qiji's Magnolia Flower · Chuzhou Farewell Fan

55. No matter how long you leave. Love comes when we meet—— Yan Jidao's "Autumn Rui Fragrance, Clear Yin Desire in the Pool Garden"

56. Don't come here half a year old to learn from others—— Wei Zhuang's "Ying Tianchang · Don't Come for Half a Year"

57. Home is far away. When will you go. He lives in Wumen and has been traveling in Chang'an for a long time—— Zhou Bangyan's "Su Curtain Covering, Burning Incense"

58. It is difficult to meet, but easy to distinguish. It is also like snow in a jade building—— Wei Zhuang's "Ying Tianchang · Don't Come for Half a Year"

59. Painting is like a dream of returning home, thousands of miles long—— Xin Qiji's "Partridge Heaven: Sending Yuanji to Yuzhang"

60. Don't lean on the fence alone. There are endless rivers and mountains. Sometimes it's easy to see when it's hard—— Li Yu's "The Waves Washing the Sand, The Rain Chanting Outside the Curtain"

61. Don't remember to wake up in the west tower when you are drunk. Spring dreams and autumn clouds, it's really easy to gather and disperse—— Yan Jidao's "Butterflies in Love with Flowers - Drunken Farewell to the West Tower and Don't Remember to Wake up"

62. Hating the monarch is not like the river, the moon and the moon. There is no separation between the north and the south, the east and the west, the south and the east—— Lu Benzhong's "Picking Mulberry Seeds, Hating You Not Like the Moon in the River Tower"