Beautiful sentences for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
be neither humble nor pushy
2023-06-28 03:53:22
Complete sentences

1. Cultivate one's morality and then run one's family, and then the world. Cherish every day of working in the Communist Youth League. That will be the most precious wealth in our life, and let oneself have a regretful memory of youth.

2. Under the banner of the regiment, learn from the magnificent poems written by countless outstanding young people with blood and life; To witness the 100 year history under the banner of the regiment, I hope the future will be better and better!

3. Youth is a dazzling halo. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the league. In the past 100 years, people have felt that the road to pursue dreams has never been smooth, but as long as we work hard, we will always reach the other side of the ideal.

4. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League, we should raise the sails of youth. As teenagers, we should continue to gallop in the ocean of life, light up the dream of youth, climb on the peak of career, release the feelings of youth, and harvest a wonderful life.

5. In the past 100 years, the youth league members have made great efforts in ordinary posts. In exchange for today's China. Thank you for being on the way.

6. As we young people are facing the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we should continue to seize the opportunity, cherish the opportunity, seize the momentum, and forge ahead toward higher and farther goals, so as to make people more satisfied and make people's lives better.

7. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, I wish our motherland a bright future! Recalling the eventful years in the past, the leaders of the Youth League should not forget that the people are rich and the country is strong today; Singing sounds and friendship are long, dancing steps are graceful, gongs and drums are noisy, and the whole world is celebrating together. I wish the Communist Youth League will be glorious forever!

8. Think of the hardships of building the regiment in the future, and make thousands of turns; Reviewing the tragedy of the War of Resistance against Japan, we are mindful of it; Remembering the bravery of the reform, the blood is boiling; Look forward to the prosperity of the economy and be high spirited; To count the romance of the characters, look at the present!

9. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, in which the Communist Youth League has led us to move forward, walk firmly, and continue to persevere and forge ahead for the ideal road!

10. 2022 is the centennial anniversary of the founding of the regiment. Patriotism is a strong spiritual pillar of a nation and an invincible great force!

11. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, the arduous journey of the 100th anniversary, and the eventful years of the 100th anniversary, the Communist Youth League has always unswervingly followed the Party, united and led the members of the Communist Youth League and the vast number of young people to go forward, courageously become the vanguard, and write the magnificent chapter of China's youth movement.

12. The regimental flag in May flutters in the wind. In this brilliant season, we ushered in the May 4th Youth Day and the birthday of the Communist Youth League. Here I want to say to the Communist Youth League deeply: Happy birthday!

13. Through the years, the Communist Youth League has always been steadfast in following the Party, united and led the members of the Communist Youth League and the vast number of young people to go forward and become pioneers, writing the Chinese youth movement chapter.

14. The Communist Youth League of China has been glorious for 100 years. It will always be recorded in the history books. It has witnessed your footprints for 100 years; 100 years ago, you went through vicissitudes of life and set sail for victory; Over the past 100 years, you have braved the wind and waves to write beautiful stories.

15. Youth shines in the dedication of a hundred years, and ideals fly in the struggle.

16. Keep the Chinese dream unchanged, and never forget the pure sincerity.

17. Raise the scythe of happiness to cut a successful sky for you; Raise the axe of peace to cut a happy road for you. Red July, red season, red wish, red blessing, wish you a happy 100th anniversary.

18. Educate the youth, welcome the grand event, display the grand plan and compose the splendid chapter.

19. Red stars are shining and the flag of the Communist Youth League of China is flying in the direction. The emblem of the Chinese Communist Youth League shines in the sky, and the glory of the Chinese Communist Youth League lasts forever. The wind and rain make China strong, and the 100 year struggle is brilliant. The praises of the country are flying, and we wish our country stronger.

20. The times call on youth, and youth create the future. I wish the centenary of the Communist Youth League.

21. As the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China approaches, we should not forget that the Communist Youth League of China is as gracious as the sea, leading the people to liberation, being proud to be the master, prospering China through scientific development, and the road to a well-off society is wide and smooth.

22. Youth is an incredible great force, which stimulates the body of young people, enlightens their wisdom, and instills warm feelings and strong reason. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the group, and the bright future needs to continue to struggle!

23. Compose a joyous song to praise you, the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League, and watch the new trend rise all the time; Make a poem of praise to set off you, and let flowers compete. The wine is civilized and mellow; Write a blessing to you, beautiful motherland, we will add beauty and reputation to you!

24. Thousands of years of passion soar into the sky, and hundreds of millions of dreams build mountains and rivers. The emblem of the Communist Youth League of China reflects a happy face, and fireworks bloom in the sky. The Chinese style is better today than it was in the past, and the Chinese people compose a new chapter. Sing for the Chinese Communist Youth League and bless the motherland.

25. I hold aloft the banner of love, under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Youth League, braved the gunfire of yearning, and moved along the sweet road, just to meet you in this life and live forever. The 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, happiness can not stop!

26. Set up a flag, brush off the wind, discuss three representatives, set four principles, and make overall plans for business. In the country of Xiangyang Liuhe, on the birthday of the Communist Youth League, welcome people from all over the world to celebrate, and the road is very complete.

27. After 100 years of hard work, generations of young League members have been working hard in ordinary positions to make China stronger.

28. Years ago, your appearance brought the dawn of hope; One hundred years later, you let the nation realize its dream; The 100th anniversary of the founding of the regiment is particularly enchanting.

29. For five thousand years in China, the life is changing with each passing day, the working class is in charge, and the country is rich and the people are strong. All this is inseparable from the silent contribution of the League organization. It is the centennial of the founding of the League, and I wish the organization of the League all the best.

30. The history of trials and hardships, 100 years of hard work, your wisdom, your excellence, your firmness, your faith, let socialism take root in China, let the people live a prosperous life, build a reunion day, and bless forever.

31. It has been 100 years since the founding of the Youth League, and it is not easy to develop; Cherish the hardship of people's livelihood, and lament the difficulty of national strength; Emancipate the mind and develop scientifically; The reform seeks a breakthrough, and the opening creates a new chapter; The special road in the wind and rain is wide.

32. Young people, the king of life, the spring of life, and the beauty of life, are devoted to my whole life.

33. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of our Communist Youth League. Youth is a bumpy journey, with the beauty of hindsight.

34. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League makes us feel that only by abiding by the faith of youth all our lives, unswervingly losing our ambition, and diligently pursuing, can we shine with true youth.

35. As the youth of the new era, facing the coming centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we should shoulder the mission, study hard and strive.