Sentences on the 100th Anniversary of the 2023 Youth League
Lifetime commitment
2023-05-01 17:15:41
Complete sentences

1. To meet the challenges of the new century and create a better future, every youth is the backing of China. The future depends on you. To every member of the Chinese Communist Youth League.

2. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of our Communist Youth League. Youth is a bumpy journey, with the beauty of hindsight.

3. A strong youth makes a strong country. Now that the Communist Youth League is 100 years old, let's continue to write a new page of the Youth League flag with youth!

4. The school nurtures me to become a useful person, and I have contributed to the centennial founding of the Communist Youth League.

5. When the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China comes, let's hold high the banner of the Communist Youth League and follow the Party, and devote our youth to our posts.

6. The 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China (CYL) has turned its face upside down; The characteristic industry promotes the development, and the beautiful city looks forward to the future. Don't forget the birthday of the Chinese Communist Youth League.

7. He wrote magnificent poems during the eventful years, played a harmonious movement in the 73 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, painted a magnificent picture of reform at the age of 44, and 1.4 billion people sang the glory of the Communist Youth League. I wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100th birthday!

8. The Chinese Communist Youth League has gone through 100 years of trials and hardships, breaking through the shackles of 100 years. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100 years.

9. We will effectively strengthen the construction of the league's grass-roots organizations and give full play to the pioneering and exemplary role of the Communist Youth League.

10. Youth is like the sunrise, the sunshine of the dawn, and dreams fly. At the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let's write a movement of life with youth!

11. We are the sea of flowers in May and the rising sun. We embrace the era with youth and light the future with life. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100th anniversary!

12. It is also an annual reunion day, but today is the centennial of the founding of the league. With more than 100 years of wind and rain, more than 100 years of ups and downs, more than 100 years of glory, more than 100 years of harvest, as one of thousands of children, I sincerely wish you a solid mountain and a peaceful folk music.

13. The Chinese Communist Youth League has been established for 100 years, and its achievements are endless. With the rapid development of urban and rural areas, life is sweeter than honey. Subsidy money for farming makes you feel secure. Medical treatment can be reimbursed, and pension insurance is available. Harmonious society is good, everyone smiles.

14. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League is a moment to witness history, a continuation of the spirit of the ancestors, and a celebration of youth struggle. Wish: The Communist Youth League will be happy at the age of 100 and the country will be prosperous.

15. East is red, spring breeze blows, new era. After 100 years of struggle and glory, we have led the people to become masters of their own country and become rich. May the Communist Youth League be more splendid and the motherland more beautiful.

16. The lion roars at the people of our country to wake up, the Chinese ancestors wash their shame, the dragon soars to Jiuzhou Huan, the glory of the party shines in China, the spring breeze is warm, the party flag flies, the country is prosperous and strong, and I wish the motherland more powerful and prosperous on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League!

17. Youth is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Central Plains Economic Zone.

18. It is just a hundred years of elegance to have a great career in mind.

19. On the 100th birthday of the Chinese Communist Youth League, as the youth of the new era, we undertake the mission given by history, shoulder the ideals of our ancestors, and strive to move forward.

20. As we young people are facing the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, we should continue to seize the opportunity, cherish the opportunity, seize the momentum, and forge ahead toward higher and farther goals, so as to make people more satisfied and make people's lives better.

21. On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China, there must be countless beautiful heroes like Lei Feng growing up under the banner of the League!

22. Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League. At this happy moment, youth is beautiful because of yearning.

23. In life, we strive in the rough, rise in frustration, struggle in difficulty, forge ahead in steadfastness, and reap in perseverance. This year is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League. Let's continue to strive for our ideals! Create a better future!

24. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League of China, I would like to extend my most sincere wishes to you. May the members of the Communist Youth League and your family and friends work smoothly, have a happy life and have a happy family!

25. Sprinkle passion and sweat, and dedicate youth and wisdom.