Amazing excerpts (selected sentences and short sentences of amazing excerpts)
Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate
2023-05-04 14:08:51
Complete sentences

1. Life has 5% happiness, 5% pain and 90% insipidity. Don't magnify 5% pain, and live 95% insipidity happiness. Life is long, and you should live with enthusiasm.

2. No matter how horrible the reality is, we should firmly believe that this is just a temporary darkness before dawn.

3. Everyone's choice is his own. Who doesn't know that hard work may not be fruitful, but it can be very comfortable without hard work. The world is waiting for more of you to take risks. Never choose to waste your time in the time of your efforts!

4. There is no light catcher on the Anhe Bridge, no gentle township in the fairy tale town, no whale incarnated as an island by the Baikal Lake, and my world will never have you again.

5. All night review is due to not studying hard at ordinary times, trying to lose weight is due to the fact that eating snacks is never controlled, and regret is due to not cherishing before breaking up. Then, others begin to admire your hard work and sympathize with your suffering, but only you know that all your pain is deserved.

6. There is always someone who wants to forget but can't do anything about it. There is always a love that has become the most beautiful mark of our youth!

7. The so-called growth is that you used to cry, write a log of thousands of words, and send a shameless message to someone saying that it was your fault that I would become like this. Now, I can only squeeze out a perfunctory smile and insincerely say that I'm OK. Good night< ZuowEnBa. NeT Edit>

8. Be nice to your girlfriend, because no one will be nice to her after she admits your existence to others.

9. Everyone has the habit of judging good or bad by first impression. They think that when a person is good, they will love him or her, and when they think a person is bad, they will totally deny it.

10. When we are happy, why should we think about whether happiness is eternal or temporary? Worry is the greatest enemy of happiness.

11. I always leave a person bravely, but I don't know how to approach a person skillfully.

12. Persistence is appropriate, and stalemate is inappropriate.

13. One day, I suddenly found that you were the only one who took the best youth to accompany me through hard times.

14. Winter is a sweet grapefruit, a baked sweet potato, a milk tea that will cool after a few minutes of shelving, and a yearning that will squeeze your hands into your armpits when you meet.

15. Wash your face carefully every day, read more, sleep on time, eat less and eat more, become gentle and generous, continue to be kind and keep loving.

16. We can't find the bright flowers we missed in spring and summer in late autumn.

17. Sometimes life likes to joke with us: we do something we don't want to do but do it unconsciously; I can't help saying what I really don't want to say. There is no need to be depressed or regretful. Life is like this.

18. If you don't let others down once, they won't realize your importance at all! It is hard for people to learn to be grateful for the efforts of others without experiencing the disappointment of hope. So, it's not a tough character. I can't change my face. The more you are rejected, the more you attach importance to it. Human nature is so abject!

19. You want to be a sunny person, but not to warm others, but to warm yourself when the cold wind is biting and nobody can rely on.

20. I patted my belly and was bounced away.

21. Knowing that one sentence at a time can't make a complete article, just like a tangled colored silk thread, it can't make a cloth, but it doesn't know what to say and stop.

22. Thank you for giving me an empty joy. The beautiful memories we had made our tears blurred. When I think of it occasionally, my memory is still fresh, just like at the beginning, I love you for no purpose, just for you. -—— Sanmao

23. No matter how beautiful a person is outside, home and family are always the most difficult obstacles in his heart. A place with a home is called Mid Autumn Festival; With the company of family, it's called a holiday!

24. In the days to come, I don't expect that every choice I make will be correct, but that I will accept the result of every choice.

25. The pain of speaking has been alleviated, and only those who say nothing can touch the bottom of my heart.

26. The character of a partner is the closest environment to a person, far better than the natural or social environment. An understanding couple, like a paradise, can make your heart tranquil and recuperate.

27. I will accompany you through this journey, and I will become your passing road. Since then, you will never come back.

28. I am very kind. When I meet old people and pregnant women, I will give up my seat. When I meet something, I will say thank you.

29. If I will never see you again, let me be free and easy, and let you be happy. If there is a chance to meet in the future, let me be calm, and let you be calm.

30. Politeness and upbringing are not only meagre politeness, but also considerate and considerate.

31. I hope I am also a star: if I can shine, I need not be afraid of darkness. If I am so beautiful, then all fears can disappear.

32. If you are careful, you will complain all the time; If your heart is tolerant, it will always be sunny everywhere.