15 figurative sentences of youth
If water comes out of dust
2023-04-18 04:12:58

1、 Youth is a note, singing the most beautiful hymn.

2、 Youth is a fire that ignites the whole desert.

3、 Youth is rhythm, composing beautiful poems.

4、 Youth, like a string of pearls, is crystal clear.

5、 Youth is like toilet paper. There are many of them, but they are not enough.

6、 Youth, like a rainbow, shines with seven colors after the baptism of spring rain.

7、 Youth, a dynamic time, is it that makes our life blossom into colorful flowers.

8、 Youth is like a lost deer, wandering at the crossroads of life, the road ahead is full of thorns and hesitation.

9、 Youth is a string of silver bell like laughter, echoing over the campus, which is our brilliant and innocent wish.

10、 Youth is the summer rain that comes quickly and violently. With youth, we have unlimited vitality.

11、 Youth is the morning sun. Her face is radiant and dazzling. All gloom and gloom are expelled by her.

12、 Youth is a kind of art, which carries the ideal of youth, contains childish willfulness, and absorbs the passing time.

13、 Youth is the crossroads of life's traffic lights; Youth is the starting point for the cause; Youth is the best season in life.

14、 Youth is a fire. Smiles and rosy clouds reflect, sweat is accompanied by dew. Pulse beats with surging notes, and wisdom plays beautiful music.

15、 Youth, like a rising sun, is full of vigor and vitality. On its golden face, it shows our children's innocence and loveliness.