Super Beautiful Sentences
simple but elegant
2023-06-27 05:09:41
Complete sentences

1. How I wish I were just a child, laughing when I gave a candy, crying when I fell down. Don't pretend to be totally different, don't suppress your mood, but there is a word called reality.

2. What I write is just my current mood. I hope he will understand which one I love.

3. Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a sad thing; Meeting the wrong person at the right time is a sigh; Meeting the right person at the right time is a lifetime of happiness.

4. Heart on the road, read in the distance. The branches in July are gradually covered with green fruits. Behind my bright smile, only you can understand the inextricable sadness.

5. Only the sky can't be snatched away. As long as I can pick up the sky, it will always accompany me!

6. Without that childishness, Russia is still the same as before, and has never changed.

7. Life is born. To live happily is to be lucky to have been here. Have a happy life.

8. A person wants to find someone to accompany him. If he loses himself, he doesn't know if he has any hope of pursuing.

9. If a match avoids the burning pain, its life will be bleak.

10. Love is unreasonable. When the argument finally becomes clear, the emotion is gone. If you use the rule of reason to control the emotion, you may end up being cold and heartless. Don't be too clear about two people's affairs. You should take control of yourself. Everyone has his own sense of propriety.

11. Leave your tears to those who love you most. Leave the smile to the person who hurt you most.

12. If waiting can bring miracles, I would rather wait, even for a year, or a lifetime!

13. In fact, you never know how much I hate you.

14. Even the universe is willing to turn into floating dust in lies. Even faith is willing to turn into dust.

15. Sorry, I'm a bad guy, please don't be nice to me. If you are good to me, but can't be good to me all the time, then I'd rather you didn't treat me well.

16. Life is like a book. It should have more wonderful details and less boring words; Life is like a song, which should have more high melodies and fewer sad notes; Life is like a painting. It should have more bright colors and less dark colors.

17. Why choose to hurt when you care too much about a person? Use attack to test the bottom line, and use injury to ask for love! Can not go back to the past, helpless wayward, a broken heart, two people experience!

18. The love that can't stay together for a lifetime is just a transfer station that people come and go in a hurry on a long journey. No matter how long they stay, they always have to leave for another flight.

19. She has a poor face, a lifetime of talent and tears, and has grown into two generations of lovesickness. When we meet again, the peach blossom is still the same, and the human face is no longer the same.

20. For whom I am intoxicated, for whom I am hurting. Ten fingers gently across the keyboard, how many memories condense fingertips, I use this way to record my missing for you.

21. Everyone is always eager to have a smooth life. I always hope that I can walk in the corridor of time with a bright and clean heart, enjoying the spring flowers and autumn fruits, and the fragrance of time.

22. There are many decisions in life, and the game has been set up when unexpected.

23. The first time I saw your warm smile was in the endless Changsi Street.

24. What's wrong with love? If you are still with me now, we may be really happy now.

25. Life is an encyclopedia that covers everything; Life is a six stringed lute, playing multiple beautiful melodies: life is a Pegasus clock, winding up, people will get concentrated life.

26. Travel, try to go out, and you will find that the world is far from what you saw when you stayed in the city where you were born for decades. You will meet different people and make lifelong friends when you hear various tortuous stories.

27. I have to force myself to forget you when you have nothing to do with me.

28. I suddenly found that sometimes it is the most rare happiness to be able to remain unchanged.

29. Such spoiled children do not know that people's hearts will be hurt. They are naive and cruel.

30. The right hand represents hope, and the left hand represents safety. I hold your left hand tightly with my right hand.

31. Many times people disguise themselves, even the God we trust. I think the sky is not only blue, but also gray, black and white. How can you tell the essence of a person. Read what he used to disguise.

32. Missing is a poem that allows you to read the rhythm in ordinary days; Missing is a shower of rain, which makes you wet in the dry days; Missing is a piece of sunshine, making your gloomy days bright.

33. Read the blooming flowers and the falling flowers. This long life, after all, is to go on their own.

34. There is no legend of grass growing and birds flying in this city. It always lives in reality. I am being assimilated with fast drums, hurried figures, numb eyes and false smiles.

35. Youth is like early spring, like the morning sun, like the sprouting of hundreds of flowers, like the rising of sharp blades, the most precious period of life. Youth is like fresh and lively cells to society.