Inspirational Quotes for Soldiers Classic Short Sentences Men with Guns (24 selected sentences)
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2023-02-20 16:48:39

1. Learn from the military style, strengthen their own quality, and ensure national security.

2. Carry forward the spirit of collectivism and revolutionary heroism, and aspire to become talents for the prosperity of the motherland!

3. Follow, don't look back, infinite scenery is in the dangerous peak

4. Don't let youth leave regrets, and work hard in military career!

5. A single spark can start a prairie fire (Shangshu)

6. Cultivate indomitable fighting spirit, cultivate the spirit of hardship, and temper good quality!

7. A soldier who cannot defeat a great disaster and cannot be popular with the people (Sun Bin's Art of War)

8. Military training will enrich and make us independent - because the heat of training makes us put aside the loneliness of leaving home.

9. An army can seize a commander, but not a man's ambition (Confucius)

10. If you don't see the war conquering son, you don't know that Guan Shan is suffering (Li Bai)

11. Inherit the glorious tradition and fine style of the people's army and study hard for national rejuvenation!

12. Learn from the style of soldiers and strengthen their own quality.

13. Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never lose a hundred battles (Sun Tzu's Art of War)

14. It is a tiger that should shock the peaks; If you are an eagle, you should fight in the sky; If you are a dragon, you should turn the river into the sea; If it is a sharp arrow, it should be proud!

15. The war is a national event, a place of death and life, and a way of survival. We must not ignore it (Sun Tzu's Art of War)

16. When you can't stand it, think of the enemy in front of you, and you can stand it!

17. If you are not relaxed, you cannot be civil or martial; Relax but not relax, civil and martial arts can not be done. Relax one by one, civil and martial arts are also the way (Book of Rites)

18. An iron character is a tough man, and a true man is a warrior!

19. Fear is a soldier's natural enemy, and retreat is a soldier's disgrace!

20. There is a kind of standing, called Junzi, standing at attention and turning around, showing your youthful spirit, with the hardness and ambition in your bones.

21. The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes will never return (Warring States Policy)

22. Military training will benefit you for a lifetime.

23. Shi Ping's officers and men have no merit, and people from far away villages have dreams to return (Lu You)

24. Although military training is hard, it makes us better understand to cherish the happy life now; Although military training is tiring, it makes us experience the pleasure of exceeding the physical limit; Although military training is strict, it makes us more strict with ourselves.