83 long sentences of dithering chicken soup
Green water
2023-04-14 08:30:58
Complete sentences

1. All victories are insignificant compared with the victory of conquering oneself; All failures are more insignificant than the failure of losing oneself.

2. Love is unfair. You will be moved by the door opened for you by the person you love, but you can't remember the door opened for you by the person you don't love.

3. When I was born, I only had half of them. In order to find the other half, I walked in the world. Some people are lucky and find it soon. But some people are looking for a lifetime.

4. May all those who are far away see the most beautiful scenery, and may those who come back finally see the most beautiful scenery; Hard work may not achieve everything, but it can tell you where you are farthest away.

5. Do not ask for spring in the four seasons, do not ask for longevity compared with pines, do not ask for flowers with brocade, do not ask for iron to control the country, just wish flowers are always there, people are always there, people grow up, life confidants, never lose each other.

6. Life advice: We must give up ineffective social interaction. It is difficult to be friends if the three views are not consistent. There is no need to talk so much truth. If we are not at the same level, we do not need to convince each other.

7. There are two diverging roads in the yellow forest. Unfortunately, I can't walk two roads at the same time. I chose the one few people walk on, which makes all the differences.

8. The same is true in life. The hardest part is easy to break, the softest part is not damaged, and the best part is like water. It is the best choice to facilitate all things. Only when you can achieve high energy, low energy, and flexibility, can you achieve long-term success.

9. Life is like a red sun, breaking the silence of the dawn, and the fiery dreams are shining and surging in the glory of life like episodes.

10. Life is the loser's excuse; Luck is the modest word of a successful person. Although life is determined by heaven, complaining is a sign of cowardice, and hard work is the right attitude. Man will prevail!

11. The better others do, the easier it is for you to go out. So many times, you should be grateful to those who have no scruples about you. Nothing is more sad than death, and nothing is more fortunate than complete death.

12. Don't pay too much attention to what people behind you say about you, because those who are better than you are not willing to mention you. Slander itself is a kind of look up. The direction against the wind is more suitable for flying.

13. Home is the place to nourish women's essence, and also the place to empty women's blood essence. If a woman regards her home as the only battlefield of her life, it is not far from withering.

14. Never be intimidated by the clouds. As long as we believe in ourselves and dare to accept challenges, our hearts will be refined, and our future will not be forever dark.

15. Often be silly to cry, but can't beat yourself; We are all ordinary people. We should concentrate on our efforts and never do anything that is too far away from us!

16. Only when you are full of confidence in your own life, can you find self-reliance in self-confidence, show self-reliance in self-reliance, achieve self-reliance, and constantly interpret the wonderful life in self-reliance.

17. As long as you are cold enough, indifferent enough, and don't care about anything anymore. As long as you slowly grind your heart into a smooth and hard stone.

18. Hope is a tough crutch, and patience is a travel bag. People who carry them can embark on an eternal journey. Behind every dark cloud, there is sunshine, just like every dilemma has new hope.

19. There are some people who come here to open our eyes. Therefore, people must be able to bear lies, perfunctory, deceit, forget promises and let everything go.

20. Some love, like a knife inserted in the chest, will hurt if not pulled out, and will die if pulled out. But I get used to it when it hurts. The essence of life is nothing more than to live and endure.

21. After the dawn, you can enjoy the twilight; Miss the spring flowers, you can accept the autumn fruits; If you miss the sun, you can look up at the stars and the moon; Miss yesterday, you can embrace today!

22. Don't always compromise yourself just because you are accommodating others. There are few people in the world worth bending over. Bending down for a long time will only make people get used to your low posture. Your attitude is not important.

23. What is failure? Nothing, just a step closer to success; What is success? That is, after all the roads leading to failure, there is only one road left, and that is the road to success.

24. Turn on your mobile phone, receive my blessing, forget all your troubles, and you will be happy every second. Smile in the mirror, and be happy until you grow old. Think about tomorrow and believe that you are the best.

25. Being absolutely safe means the danger of not moving forward. It is worth taking risks to avoid danger and avoid mediocre risks. Don't avoid difficulties. They are your chance to challenge yourself.

26. Don't expect others to help you in time of need. It's time to be grateful that no one has rubbed charcoal on your face; You can't change yesterday, but if you worry too much about tomorrow, it will ruin today.

27. Time flies away like a train, but I am as unconscious as a sleeping passenger in the carriage. Once you wake up, you have missed a lot of things, even the stops.

28. Once one's youth has passed, there will be a beautiful mature period like autumn. At this time, the fruits of life will wait for harvest in a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere like ripe rice.

29. Cherish every second of your life as the last second; Treat the people around you as the most respected people; In this way, you will find that you live a full and happy life every day.

30. A subtle change is taking place in the world. Wealth assets are becoming more and more invisible. The important tangible production and consumption in the past has become knowledge, intelligence and ideas.

31. When people are in adversity, their ability to adapt to the environment is amazing. People can bear misfortune, because people have amazing potential and perseverance. As long as they are determined to play it, they will be able to overcome difficulties.

32. The sweetest joy in life is the fruit of sorrow; The purest and most beautiful things in life are derived from suffering. We have to experience difficulties ourselves before we know how to comfort others.

33. Just do what you think is right and stick to it. Don't care what others think, even if it is wrong, at least you have done it to prove that you have tried to be a better person.

34. I often think about our youth. It is really a strange thing. Its short body has a long tail, flaunting like wings, and it refused to leave for a long time.

35. Some people who can do well what their superiors want most, and who often spread rumors about job hopping, can get a lot of things. Because the boss can't lack them and is afraid of losing them.

36. The same is true of life. It's hard to avoid bumps. Sometimes suffering and misfortune are like endless darkness. At this time, you should light a lamp for yourself, not in your hand, but in your heart.

37. Life depends on hard work everywhere. Happy women are good at hard work: first class women fight for temperament, second class women fight for strength, third class women fight for luck, and last class women fight for background. I am my own best background.

38. There are many blessings in life. If you want to be happy, you will be satisfied. Wisdom is bliss when we consider ignorance and hardship. If you think about hunger and cold, you will be blessed with warmth. Thinking about hard work, leisure is happiness. Good fortune and good fortune come from hard work.

39. There are three kinds of strong medicine. Perseverance is the main guide. Experience is a medicine jar. Learn to control the temperature of fire. Boil the medicine to cure the injury. Drink it after failure. The medicine can stimulate confidence, dispel the cloud of failure. Heartbreak will heal immediately, and then welcome the suffering.

40. Giving up your daily life will not cause any harm to your boss or benefit you and your family. If you give up yourself, it will ultimately damage your own interests.

41. Use the spray of knowledge to promote the sails of thinking, use the spark of wisdom to ignite the spark of thought, use romance to create a better life, and use the power of science to fly strong wings!

42. You can enjoy the beauty of spring only when you get close to the fields; Only when you blend into rivers can you feel the tenderness of summer water; Only by picking fruits can we taste the taste of autumn; Through the cold winter, we can feel the warmth of spring!

43. Youth is far away, and I have listened to you for a long time; The journey is far away, and I can see it in the floating chart; What I have left now is only the lonely poetry still in my heart.

44. A person sends you an invitation. When you implement the invitation with enthusiasm, he suddenly turns around and talks to him. In fact, his invitation is just a casual statement, so don't pursue it.

45. You are like this. You are so cool, stubborn, and sensitive that you will die. When something happens, you will only die. There is no room for a grain of sand in your tears. So no one loves you or cares about your feelings.

46. In every life station where you failed, you should applaud for yourself, although the applause is a little weak at this time. But it can increase confidence, morale and pride.

47. There is no beginning once and for all; There is no end that cannot be saved. In life, what you need to grasp is: what should be started should be started without hesitation; What should be ended should be ended neatly.

48. What makes you tired is not the mountain in front, but a grain of sand in your shoe. Life is an adventure. In every rainy and stormy night, only persistent belief can keep you going.

49. Although flowers cannot choose where they grow, they can choose beauty. We can't change everything in the past, just let it go. We can only grasp the present and look forward to our future with action.

50. How complicated and difficult it needs to be refined if one wants to have the true nature of turning freely between birth and entry into the world. Gradually began to be so rational, heart cold as ice pool. See the emptiness at the end of time.

51. Don't be misled by others' eyes. It's foolish to speculate others' ideas with your own heart. If you are only sure of how you feel about controlling yourself, try to keep a good mood every day!

52. You can not climb mountains all your life, but you must have a mountain in your heart. It makes you always climb high, it makes you always have a direction of struggle, it makes you look up at any moment, you can see your own hope.

53. If someone hurts you, please be as good as ever, enjoy life and love as if you had never been hurt. One day that person will regret missing you. This is the greatest revenge.

54. There is not only blood relationship between children and parents, but also communication, understanding and comfort. Don't simply regard your child as a child who is not old enough. In fact, he can read your heart.

55. Life gives us a huge and infinitely noble gift, which is youth: full of strength, full of expectations, full of ambition to seek knowledge and struggle, full of hope, confidence and youth.

56. If you don't solve a problem bravely, it will come again. Life is really like this. It will make you ache again and again, and review this lesson again and again until you learn it.

57. In life, there is always a pursuit and a hope. Happiness is your own feeling, and you need to experience it carefully. The happy distance, sometimes near, sometimes far, thought it was close, but in the twinkling of an eye is still the horizon.

58. Most of the time, a person finds himself in love with a person. It is only when he is separated from him that he suddenly disappears from sight and knows that he has unconsciously developed a strong attachment to that person.

59. Frustration is a kind of walk, which should be temporarily lost; Failure is a kind of muddle headed, we should not know the number for the time being; Pain is a kind of virus, so we should have no medicine for the time being. Living is a kind of happiness, because we haven't entered the grave yet.

60. The positive life sees a world of sunshine, while the negative life sees a world of darkness; The positive life feels extremely happy, while the negative life feels only a trace of desolation.

61. Capable people do not care about emotions, but work seriously; An incompetent person doesn't take things seriously, but only cares about emotions. It is instinct to let out your temper; Return the spleen pressure, which is called skill.

62. All those who struggle are true gold and not afraid of fire; No disillusionment can shake their belief: because they knew from the beginning that the path of belief was completely different from the path of happiness, and they could not dazzle.

63. Working hard is not to move or show anyone, but to make yourself able to jump out of the circle of disgust at any time, and have the right to choose and live your life in the way you like.

64. As long as you are brave to go to the blog, you can create your own world to realize the wonderful life. No matter whether the outcome is perfect or not, at least you enjoy the process of struggle, that is, the success of life is the winner.

65. Before you do something, your boss will use your place and care for you naturally; After you finish your work, your use value for your boss will be lost, and his ideas will change.

66. Life tells us that there are never perfect people and things in this world. Over perfect feelings only occur in fairy tales and imagination. The normality of reality, in addition to insipidity, is full of holes and rebirth after disaster.

67. The most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will. No matter how the environment changes, his original intention and hope will not change at all, and he can finally overcome obstacles to achieve the desired goal.

68. Kindness is useless. You must be beautiful and rich. You are lucky to have someone to help you; It is a just fate that no one helps you. No one should do anything for you, because life is your own, and you have to be responsible for yourself.

69. Women are either angels or devils. The angel like woman is a school, which makes the bad man quiet, ambitious and ambitious. A devil like woman is a cup of poisonous wine, which makes a good man intoxicated and doomed.

70. Youth is like a candy bar with sweet appearance. And its surface is really sweet, very desirable, very longing, but the inner layer is not so sweet, it also has its own acid, belongs to its bitter.

71. No matter how good it was yesterday, I couldn't go back; No matter how hard it is tomorrow, we should continue to raise our feet. Life is the mood; Life is about quality. You should understand that nothing is empty, nothing is chaotic, big things are fearless, small things are slow.

72. A father's mind is always broad for a child. You can be silent around him. Maybe sometimes you will feel pressure from his majesty. In fact, his eyes are always shining with love.

73. I suddenly want to chat with you, open the window, and suddenly find that the end of the last time was me, you did not answer, and then stopped talking; Occasionally, people are also inexplicably lost. Take a cup of tea and sit quietly by the window to enjoy the city lights.

74. In this world, it is not only strong liquor that can intoxicate people, and it is not only passionate love that can be unforgettable. Sometimes, a piece of light can be more lasting; A kind of unintentional, can be more haunted by dreams; A period of simplicity can sustain a lifetime.

75. All the things you have cried, you will laugh and say to yourself after many years, and then scold yourself: I was really stupid, but in fact, life does not have so many troubles. Time will solve everything and love yourself.

76. Sometimes, when I hear a song, I suddenly think of a person. Sometimes, when you listen to a song, you cry. Sometimes, people suddenly say to you, I think you have changed, and then I begin to have mixed feelings.

77. Believe that dreams are the source of value, that vision determines everything in the future, that the belief of success is more important than success itself, that there are setbacks in life without failure, and that the quality of life comes from the belief of uncompromising.

78. If you exchange one apple for another, you will still get one apple. If you exchange one piece of information for another, you will get two pieces of information. The network has the principle of multiplication, and both sides of the information exchange will get multiple returns!

79. If there is no enthusiasm for response, we should know how to stop. Don't treat every enthusiasm unfairly, and don't please any indifference. When others don't need you, you should learn to walk away by yourself, be more self aware and less sentimental.

80. How should youth be spent? Some, like fire, always shine on others. Some are like fluorescence, and they can't even shine themselves! Different life ideals and attitudes determine a person's position in the battle.

81. The four word truth helps you navigate the workplace: poor: less effort at ordinary times, definitely one level worse; No: What really opposes you does not appear in your mouth; Order: Do more today, and you will have power tomorrow; Praise: flattering colleagues or superiors should be skilled.

82. Start working hard! In this process, you have to give up a lot of things, but you must understand that they are not what you want in the end. You must believe that after you succeed, they will come back one day, and better than now!

83. All sadness always leaves a trace of joy. All regrets will leave a perfect corner. I am in the frozen deep sea, looking for the gap of hope. But when I woke up at midnight, I suddenly saw the beautiful moonlight.