81 famous sayings of happy celebrities
Hold the lamp and watch the sword when drunk
2023-06-10 21:16:22
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Happiness lies in living for others Tolstoy

2. Love is often a comedy, occasionally a tragedy—— Bacon

3. The water in the fountain cannot be blocked, and the fire of love cannot be extinguished—— Mongolia

4. All happiness comes from the blood of life—— Wang Jinmei

5. All human efforts aim at happiness—— Irving

6. The pleasure of doing good is the only reliable happiness in life Leo Tolstoi

7. Only the happiness of the whole human being is your happiness—— dietzgen

8. There are thousands of buildings in the city, and all the poor people in the world are happy—— Du Fu

9. The money in our hands is a tool to keep freedom—— Rousseau

10. Take away love, and our earth will become a tomb—— France

11. It is a myth to want to get happiness without paying any price—— Xu Teli

12. God of love can conquer everything. Let's give in to God of love—— Virgil

13. Only Exclusive, whether he lives or dies, can give everyone happiness—— Lu Xun

14. When a person really loves, he may not even think that he is in love with the other party—— Di Tai Ren

15. Personal pain and joy must be integrated into the pain and joy of the times—— Ai Qing

16. Do you want to be a happy person? I hope you learn to bear hardships first—— Turgenev

17. Love is free, and free love is the truest—— Tennyson

18. Life is born for love; Love is the principle and the only purpose of life—— Disraeli

19. If you love her, let your love surround her like sunshine, and give her freedom—— Tagore

20. As long as men and women really love each other, it is still sweet even if they are not married at the end—— Tennyson

21. Wise people enjoy water, benevolent people enjoy mountain. The wise move, the benevolent calm. Wisdom is happiness, benevolence is longevity—— Confucius

22. A moment of true love cannot be said to be false. Love is eternal. It cannot be said that there is only a moment—— Sanmao

23. The greatest possible happiness of each person is among the greatest happiness achieved by all people—— Zola

24. Love has wonderful magic power, which makes one person fall for another—— Thurber and White

25. True happiness is hard to see. True happiness lies in the invisible—— young

26. Love has no name. It is its name that waits before meeting—— Xi Murong

27. This is the nature of man. He is most willing to give love to those who seem to be the least eager to woo—— Russell

28. The first love without experience is charming, but the love that can stand the test is priceless—— Mallinski

29. It is difficult to know that love has begun, but it is not so difficult to know that love has begun—— Longfellow

30. Love is a sweet pain. Sincere love is never a smooth road—— Shakespeare

31. The silent melody played by Eros is far more beautiful than that played by musical instruments—— To Brown

32. Blessed are those who have nothing, for they will get everything—— Roman Roland

33. What a magnificent cause and great goal it is to work for the happiness of mankind—— Saint-Simon

34. The feelings that really impress people are always simple and unadorned. They are silent, unobtrusive and deeply buried—— Zhou Guoping

35. In order to live happily, we should believe in the possibility of happiness—— Leo Tolstoy

36. No rope can be pulled more than the double strands of love—— Lo Burton

37. Human beings are the only animals that can blush or should blush—— Mark Twain

38. Happiness exists in life, while life exists in labor—— Leo Tolstoy

39. I tell you that God of Love is the second sun of all things. Wherever he shines, there will be spring—— Chapman

40. I am a member of the broad masses of hardworking people. It is the happiest that I can help people overcome some difficulties—— Lei Feng

41. Treat others' happiness as your own, offer flowers to others, and leave thorns to yourself—— Valdez

42. Treat others' happiness as your own, offer flowers to others, and leave the thorns to yourself—— Valdez

43. Human happiness comes not so much from the occasional great fortune as from the small benefits that come every day—— Franklin

44. When choosing a career, the main policy we should follow is human happiness and our own perfection—— Marx

45. For people, the greatest joy and happiness is to give their spiritual strength to others—— Suhomlinski

46. The only way to get happiness is to forget the current happiness and take other goals as life goals—— Miller

47. Let others live more comfortably. It doesn't matter if you don't have happiness. It's also comfortable to see others get a happy life—— Lu Xun

48. When a person becomes himself, he or she reaches the peak of happiness—— Erasmus de Sidiu

49. Only when people improve for their contemporaries and work for their happiness can they achieve their own perfection—— Marx

50. The sun is happy because it shines everywhere; The sea is also happy, because it reflects the happy light of the sun—— Golgi

51. Those who seek the truth can only be those who explore alone, and have nothing to do with those who do not really love the truth—— boris pasternak

52. Climbing the peak is enough to enrich people's hearts. People must believe that building mountains is more than happiness—— Camus

53. Just as we have no right to enjoy wealth without creating wealth, we have no right to enjoy happiness without creating happiness—— Bernard Shaw

54. Happiness, if it just belongs to me, the property of one of thousands of people, get away from me—— Belinsky

55. If you want others to be happy, please learn to sympathize. If you want to be happy, please learn to sympathize—— Dalai Lama

56. If one day I can contribute to our public interests, I will consider myself the happiest person in the world—— Gogol

57. What is love? Love is the treasure of nature, the treasure house of joy, the greatest joy, and the blessing that never makes people bored—— Chatterton

58. Love is an eternal beacon. It looks at the storm but does not move. Love is a full life, just like a cup full of wine—— Tagore

59. Absence to love is like wind to fire. It can put out small fires and make big ones burn—— French writer Bessie Rabindan

60. My art should only benefit the poor. Ah, what a happy moment! How happy I should be when I can get close to this point—— Beethoven

61. Once we met, once we loved each other, and once we were in the light of each other's lives, we remembered the beauty and sweetness. Although there is no fate, there is no regret—— Apricot grove

62. Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those lucky enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first serve mankind with their knowledge—— Marx

63. Books have turned me into a happy person and turned my life into a lively and comfortable poem, as if the bell of a new life was ringing in my life—— Golgi

64. If the pain is in exchange for knowing the truth and adhering to the truth, you should consciously and gladly bear it. At that time, and only then, will the pain turn into happiness—— Zhang Zhixin

65. People who are interested in research are happy! People who can get rid of delusions and vanity through research are happier—— La Mettrie

66. If we cannot build a happy life, we have no right to enjoy happiness; This is just like no right to enjoy wealth without creating it—— Bernard Shaw

67. Happiness is like perfume, which is not poured on others, but on oneself—— Ralph Waldo Emerson

68. The reason why people feel happy is not because they are healthy, nor because they are rich in property; The feeling of happiness is due to honesty and wisdom—— Democrite

69. Mature love, respect and loyalty are not easy to show, its voice is low, it is modest, yielding, latent, waiting and waiting—— Dickens

70. It is impossible to "love" someone or something you are absolutely familiar with. Love is always led to those hidden secrets—— Valerie

71. Love is unconstrained; Once the system wants to use its power, Love will fly away; Like other gods, Love is free—— Chaucer

72. What does it mean to love someone? This means being happy for his happiness, doing everything that needs to be done to make him happier, and getting happiness from it—— Chernychevsky

73. Happiness does not lie in external reasons, but in our attitude towards external reasons. A person who is used to hard work cannot be unhappy—— Leo Tolstoy

74. If you love a person, you should first make yourself 100% worthy of his love now or in the future. Whether he loves you or not is his thing. You can hope so, but you don't have to force yourself to pursue it—— Roland

75. Humility does not mean paying more attention to others and less attention to yourself, nor does it mean admitting that you are an incompetent person, but it means fundamentally ignoring yourself—— William Tempo

76. People get happiness in performing their duties. It's like a person carrying something, but his heart is very comfortable. If a person does not have it and does not do his duty, it is equivalent to driving an empty car, that is to say, it is a waste of money—— Rozov

77. If you can't remember the stupidest thing you did for love, you won't be really in love; If you don't talk about the benefits of your lover in detail and make the listener impatient, you are not really in love—— Roland

78. I think it is the happiest to be industrious, work hard, create wealth with your own hands, and contribute to the cause of human liberation - communism—— Lei Feng

79. If love makes people worried, respect is trustworthy; An honest person is not just disrespectful, because the reason why we love a person is that we believe that the person has the qualities we respect—— Rousseau

80. Love is the nature of life, just as the sun shines; It is the most comfortable and natural use of human soul; Without it, people would be ignorant and pathetic. Those who have not enjoyed the joy are like living a lifetime in vain and suffering in vain—— Trahn

81. Yes, the best way to achieve real happiness in life is to spread the sticky spider web of love from itself to all directions without limit, like a spider, and capture everything falling on the web—— Leo Tolstoy