Reflections on Reading the General History of China
Time told me not to look back
2023-09-09 21:36:05
Junior two

Review of General History of China
After I read the General History of China, I have deep feelings.
The General History of China records the stories of celebrities from ancient times to the Republic of China. I admire celebrities like Wen Tianxiang, Sun Yat sen, Yue Fei, Su Shi and Shi Kefa. From it, I learned to be unyielding, and behave like a stone in the mountain, not like a stone in the river. Many life insights. That's what I learned here.
For example, Wen Tianxiang: He was a loyal minister. When the Song Dynasty was captured, he was captured. Many people came to persuade him to surrender. Ma Hei, a powerful man, and Zhao Yan, the prime minister of the previous dynasty. They were all rejected one by one by him, and when the enemy saw that the soft ones were not good, he took the hard ones. Wen Tianxiang was severely beaten. Wen Tianxiang never gave in to the prison for 1000 days and nights, and often encouraged himself with his "Crossing the Ocean of Lingding"; Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history. Kublai Khan of the Yuan Shizu, who admired him, came to persuade him to surrender in person. After being rejected, he was killed the next day at the age of 28.
The revolutionary pioneer: Sun Yat sen. Dr. Sun Yat sen was the founder of the revolution. He overthrew the Qing Dynasty and ended the feudal society in China for more than 2000 years. And pushed China into a new rule. He had many armed uprisings, such as Wuchang Uprising and Guangzhou Uprising. Although they all failed, they dealt a heavy blow to the decadent rule of the Qing Dynasty.
Books are the ladder of human progress. I hope you can read well, read well, and have fun in books.
800 words after reading the general history of China