Thoughts on Reading Insects
regard with equanimity
2023-10-02 07:50:16
Junior three
reaction to a book or an article

There are many wonders in the world, and even small insects have so many unknown secrets. "Insect Record" gave me a real insect world, "Insect Record" gave me a beautiful story of insects, "Insect Record" gave me a delicate portrayal of insects "Insect Record" took me to travel in the sea of insects.
Faber looked at the insect world with different eyes. He regarded it as a small country with civilization and culture; Faber refuted LaFontaine's view with reality; Faber spent his whole life telling us about insect civilization; Fable can discover the ability that human beings cannot reach through small insects; The practice of Faber Sutra tells us the wisdom of insects.
The small insect world reflects the human society. Look! The parasite sneaks in front of the hive, intending to find an opportunity to sacrifice others in order to settle down. This is a kind of guy called Jinfeng. He has a beautiful appearance. You can't associate him with a vicious villain. The golden bee will lay its eggs in the cocoon of another bee. When its eggs hatch into larvae, the owner of the cocoon will be its first big meal. Those coming out of the cocoon are golden bees stained with innocent people's blood.
Faber not only dares to innovate, he also dares to question, and can prove his views with practice. Everyone knows the story of ants and cicadas in La Fontaine, but what Faber found is quite different. Cicadas have been hiding underground for four years. They ended their lives by singing loudly for the whole summer. There will be no cicadas in winter. Secondly, Faber also refuted this view through his own practice and observation. The cicada sings loudly in summer, and at the same time, it pierces the bark with a small straw on its chest to make a small well, so that it can drink enough when its mouth is dry. At this time, the ant would also be thirsty, so it had the cheek to rob. Finally, the cicada had to give up its own well and find another place. Isn't this fact the opposite of the fable? We have the right to question everyone, everything and everything. "Hearing is false, seeing is true" All things, only after practice can we have the right to affirm it.
Look at the slender waist, exquisite figure and petite red striped bee. Who can imagine him catching food? The food of the red striped bee is caterpillar. When it catches food, it acts like an experienced surgeon. It pricks each segment of the caterpillar with its own prick. It knows which nerve center the prick can numb the caterpillar but not kill it.
This little red striped bee unexpectedly knows such exquisite technology, shouldn't we humans be ashamed of ourselves? Everything has its advantages and disadvantages: although flies have many bacteria, they are advanced purifiers. Aren't the advantages and disadvantages of these animals similar to those of human beings? So we not only want everyone to be equal, but also things to be equal, because we live in the same blue sky and share the same ray of sunshine, what's the difference between us and other animals?
People often say, "Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles", while I am "reading about insects and knowing the truth of the world". Insects has taught me not to be lazy, to see things from different perspectives, to dare to question and practice, and not to be self righteous.