Chao Meng said 84 sentences
Calm as a chrysanthemum
2023-07-30 16:27:27
Talk about the encyclopedia

1、 Destiny is responsible for shuffling the cards, but it is we who play!

2、 How I wish you could understand me, even if I didn't say anything.

3、 Even if the whole world objects, I will stay with you.

4、 I will restrain my heartache, and I will learn to be calm.

5、 I have only a little stubbornness left, which can be called my advantage.

6、 You can never see the people around you unless something bad happens.

7、 Don't use your eyes on me, because my glasses are insulated.

8、 You can be forced to embrace life, but you can't give up life.

9、 I heard that you are having a bad time. I sat at the door and enjoyed myself all day.

10、 In the future, you will thank you for your hard work now.

11、 Many people walk into your life, but they can't walk into your heart.

12、 The heart is your own, no matter how you change, you will never betray yourself.

13、 My mother taught me since I was a child. There is no end to learning.

14、 I want to strangle all the women who have ideas about you.

15、 I told you to get out of here. I didn't know it would be okay to come here and hold tight.

16、 I'm not afraid to drink DDVP. I'm afraid to open the lid and drink another bottle.

17、 I'm not your imperial concubine in the harem. I don't appreciate your occasional favor.

18、 Is there anyone who makes your heart ache when you think about it.

19、 It's easy to love someone, but it's not easy to forget someone.

20、 Love is a smile. It begins with a kiss and ends with a tear.

21、 My mobile phone fell off in the middle of the night, so I picked up my slippers and fell asleep!

22、 About how much I miss you, all the words seem pale and powerless.

23、 Women should not give up their dignity for love, but live for themselves.

24、 She is the person I loved after all, even if she can't live up to everything.

25、 The end of the world is coming. Spend your money quickly. It will be useless if you die.

26、 I'm not a salted egg superman. Why fight the world for you.

27、 I only know that my possessiveness is strong, and I want to fill your whole heart.

28、 My good sister helped someone who hurt me. I'm stunned.

29、 I said to keep a low profile, but you must give me applause and scream.

30、 Suddenly found that the ability to remain unchanged is the most rare happiness.

31、 If you know how to go in the future, the world will make way for you.

32、 When you are on the back seat of a bicycle, you hug yourself with adjectives.

33、 I'm afraid I will look at you and laugh, and then laugh and cry.

34、 My eyebrows are not a question of whether to fix them, but whether they are fixed or not.

35、 You don't worry about what I say, because you always take me as unimportant.

36、 Every sweet memory has become a fatal pain.

37、 Teacher, you don't have to change my seat. I can talk with anyone.

38、 Why do you love to arrive late? You can't let go of the right person at the wrong time.

39、 If you can only test your sincerity by breaking up, it seems that I am wrong.

40、 I always thought that your world only has me, just like my world only has you.

41、 I want someone who can tolerate my little temper and care about my little emotions.

42、 Sometimes I do everything for one person, but I can't do anything for others.

43、 We are so careful that if we are not careful, we can't even make friends.

44、 One principle of being a foodie is that I like whoever buys snacks for me every day.

45、 I can't participate in the first half of your life, but I will accompany you in the last half of your life!

46、 The original love has never left, but I remember you forget.

47、 Memory is an airtight net, with the most cruel darkness in the world.

48、 Women can have no body or face, but they must not have eyes.

49、 I also want to close my eyes and feel that you are beside me instead of the empty sea.

50、 I can draw a circle. I can shut myself in and block the memory outside.

51. Either give me all your gentleness or give me all your coldness.

52. In fact, our love is a sweet burden, and I am just your happy wound.

Fifty three. Later, I met thousands of people, like your eyebrows, like your eyes, but not your face.

Fifty four. The most foolish thing for girls is to give another chance to those who have just hurt themselves.

55. I'm really sorry to disturb you so late. I just want to ask: Did you sleep?

56. Think about whether he would not be so sad when he was still you.

57. Emotion, always find a reasonable and harmless excuse. The distance is just right.

58. Nobody can break into my heart except you, so I have to take care of myself.

59. Every time you say something, I can reply in seconds, because you are my special concern.

60. Why are you jealous of me? What I have now is bought by what I have lost.

61. You should go back to your school to sweep the graves on Tomb Sweeping Day, because your youth was buried there.

62. If you leave me, don't comfort me. You should know that every sewing means pain through the heart.

63. Trust is like a piece of paper. If you try to smooth it, it will not be restored.

64. If you don't have the courage to start, how can you go crazy and how can you know the end?

65. I have missed many people, suffered many betrayals, and been embarrassed in my life.

66. Sometimes I feel like a psychopath. Not only tangled themselves, but also disturbed others.

67. Everyone says to forget. When you say to forget, you already remember.

Sixty eight. One day, I finally walked into your heart. It was all about you and her movies.

69. The weather and forecast are a pair of twisted lovers: I am not so good as you say.

70. Sometimes I can't digest the emotions I hide, so I become indifferent, mean and circuitous.

71. Love is a deserted road to the sky. To get to the end, you have to bear the dull fleeting years.

Seventy two, your beautiful photos do not mean you are beautiful, only that your shooting angle is very standard.

Seventy three. Before I knew it, I suddenly felt that I could not love.

Seventy four. Good love can withstand fleeting time, departure and yearning.

Seventy five. Take yourself seriously. Otherwise, how can you afford the chicken, duck, fish and meat eaten by yourself?

76. Now I believe in letting nature take its course. Don't say I don't care, even if I do.

Seventy seven, the head teacher never knew that it was the so-called bad students who protected the class.

Seventy eight, through the years of the river, the initial mood seems to have blurred. The wind like fleeting years can't be stopped.

Seventy nine. Everyone in this city seems to be drinking a drink called sadness, which is full of loneliness.

Eighty, I don't like waiting. No matter what I am waiting for is good or bad, it is hard for me to be in suspense.

81. Wait for the next "Tian Liang" to let me become his wife, OK?

Eighty two. Sometimes I am very tired. I don't want to talk or move. I don't need comfort and companionship. I just want to stay alone.

Eighty three, my dear computer, when the labor and capital are formally dressed one day, they stand in front of you. You should know that I'm going to school.

Eighty four, my computer and I have a common language. If I am gentle with it, it will crash knowingly. It makes me very excited.