A Complete Collection of Chinese Patriotic Ancient Poems
Unique rabbit
2023-06-24 07:13:04
Complete Poems

1. The soul of Shu flies around a hundred bird ministers, and at midnight, the mountain bamboos crack—— "Holly Flowers" by Lin Jingxi

2. Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow—— Mao Zedong's Qinyuan Spring, Snow

3. Seven countries and three sides did not come to worry, thirteen people attacked Fuping Marquis—— Li Shangyin's Fuping Young Marquis

4. The bandit old minister is thousands of miles away. He comes here to listen to the sound of the river in cold weather—— Lu You's Residence of Mr. Shaoling in Longxing Temple

5. I'd rather not know the city and the country—— There are beauties in the north by Li Yannian

6. In the cool night with white headed lanterns, a game of chess can be seen in the Six Dynasties—— Qian Qianyi, "One of the Six Chess quatrains after Jinling

7. Su Chen said that there was a good way to guard in the four barbarians—— Tian Xi's Song on the Stopper

8. You will die if you serve your country, and your sideburns will never turn green again—— Lu You's Mooring the Water Village at Night

9. Kill the country of Wu, and Xi Shi is notorious—— Cui Daorong's Xishi Beach

10. The mighty general and his advisers are proud of themselves, and a smile from their eyebrows fills the dust—— Wang Zun's Ode to Zhaojun

11. The vow in my heart is deeper than the sea, and is willing to make China sink unexpectedly—— Zheng Sixiao's Erli

12. The Flying Swallow Queen danced lightly, and Lady Zigong sang a peerless song—— Li Bai's Song of Spring

13. Last night, there was only one minute of spring. Today, we are still complacent, sunny and cloudy—— Chao Chongzhi's Feeling Imperial Grace, Cold Food Not Too Long

14. Surrounded by the mountains, the old country, the tide beat the empty city and returned lonely—— Five Topics of Jinling Stone City by Liu Yuxi

15. Who made China sink for a hundred years, and the green carpet has not yet been returned? The morning star and the waning moon are heroes in Beizhou—— Chen Renjie's Qinyuan Spring · Ding Yousui's Feelings

16. The wife of Guo State accepted the Lord's favor and rode into the palace gate in the Ming Dynasty—— Zhang Hu's "Jilingtai Second"

17. The nine heavenly gates open the palaces, and all nations bow to the royal diadem—— Wang Wei's The Great Ming Palace of the Early Dynasty by He Jiashe Ren

18. In the palace, Jie Gu urges the flower willow, and Yu Nu string rope flower slave hand—— Su Shi's Night Tour of the Lady of Guo State

19. A leisurely dream is far away, and the southern country is in the clear autumn: thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are cold and far away, a solitary boat is moored in the depths of the reed flowers, and the flute is in the moonlight tower—— Li Yu's "Looking South of the Yangtze River, Leisure and Dreaming Far Away"

20. How could the envoys be inferior to the thieves in taking the king's life—— Yuan Jie's "The thief retreats to the official"

21. Wang Shifu set the Central Plains Day in the north and told Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You's "Demonstrating Children"

22. In the endless sad sunset, the old country is desolate, leaving pink and red—— Xia Wanchun's "Cutting Plums, Singing Willows"

23. There is a China in the northwest of men. Don't cry at the west bridge—— Liu Kezhuang's "Spring in the Jade Mansion"

24. Counselors in the hall respect each other, and soldiers and soldiers fight—— Liu Guo's Xijiang Moon, Counselor and Zuo in the Hall

25. Boundless Family is incorporated into Double Motel—— Qiu Jin's "Bodhisattva Man, Sending a Woman's Companion"

26. Huaiming is the leader of the Arctic, and Nan Ming is the minister—— Song Zhiwen's "Cold Food on the Way"

27. Yu also went to Beijing. He should return the favor—— Meng Haoran, Sending Chen Qi to the Western Army

28. I suddenly woke up, sighed and looked at China—— Yang Yanzheng, "Water Melody Leader, Climbing the Multiview Building"

29. Curious plans serve the country, but they are pitiful and useless. Dust faints white feathers—— Zhu Dunru's "Water Dragon Sings, Let the Boat Fly on the Wave for a Thousand Miles"

30. The cloud white mountain is more than ten thousand miles green, and Chang'an is located in the straight north—— Du Fu's Work in a Small Cold Food Boat

31. If you live high in the temple, you will worry about its people; if you live far in the Jianghu, you will worry about its king—— Fan Zhongyan's Yueyang Tower

32. The cause of the Central Plains is like that of the left side of the Yangtze River. The grass should not blame the Six Dynasties—— Nalanxingde's Mouling Nostalgia: Solitude of Mountains and Rivers

33. The cuckoo pays tribute to the sad tears again, and Jingwei has infinite reclamation heart—— Huang Zunxian, The Same Year for Liang's Parents

34. A thousand hammers and ten thousand chisels make a deep mountain, and the fire burns like a idle fire. I'm not afraid of being crushed, but I want to remain innocent in the world—— Yu Qian's Lime Chant

35. Holding a silver lamp, it is Junshou—— Xin Qiji's Feeling the Imperial Grace, Chuzhou as Fan Shou

36. Weng knows the country as well as the soldiers, and the plants in the fortress know the prestige—— Send Fan Deru to Qingzhou by Huang Tingjian

37. Like the bed and the brocade tent, there is no language. Since then, Qiao Zhou has been an old minister—— Wen Tingyun's Passing Five Zhangyuan

38. Go through the Wu Gorge from the Ba Gorge, and then go down to Xiangyang and Luoyang—— Du Fu's "Hear the officers and soldiers in Henan and Hebei"

39. Spring is never cloudy—— Xin Qiji's "Partridge Sky, Sending Ouyang Guorui to Wuzhong"

40. There is no needle threading woman, and the old country building is empty—— Meng Haoran's Hometown Qixi

41. The old country is like dust, the old people are like dreams, climbing high is lazy—— Zhan Yu's Drunken Penglai, Returning to the Old Mountain

42. Today's tower and Ding Nai will lead the way next year—— Liu Guo's Xijiang Moon, Counselor and Zuo in the Hall

43. Everyone sings the Wind Song together—— Liu Guo's Xijiang Moon, Counselor and Zuo in the Hall

44. The Jade Emperor opened and fell, and the silver world lost its dusk—— Mao Pang's "Immortal Linjiang · Capital New Year's Eve"

45. Northwest China is still a new pavilion—— Yuan Haowen, Jiangchengzi, Drunk Long Sleeve Dance, Cock Singing

46. Rely on the cold, worry about the birth of the homeland, and swallow arrogance—— Zhang Yuangan's "Greeting the groom and sending it to Prime Minister Li Boji"

47. Dream around the moon in the border city, and fly to the old country building—— Li Bai's Taiyuan Early Autumn

48. Yumei is emaciated and hates the poor life of the Eastern Emperor—— Wang Yuanliang's "Rumor about the Jade Maiden on Qiantang New Year's Eve"

49. The minister's heart is a piece of magnetic needle stone, not referring to the south—— Wen Tianxiang's "Yangtze River"

50. Forgetting oneself and leaving the Phoenix Tower, and reporting to the country and taking the Dragon Court—— Wang Wei's "Sending Governor Zhao to Daizhou to get the Qing character"

51. Take care of your blood, and if you sprinkle it, you will be able to turn green waves—— Qiu Jin's Wine Match

52. If you are willing to serve your country with this length, why should you be born at Yumen Pass—— Dai Shulun's Two Pieces of Songs from the Frontier

53. One inch of devotion is to serve the country, and two lines of clear tears are to miss their relatives—— Yu Qian's Feelings on the Beginning of Spring

54. You know whether you are young or not—— Xin Qiji's Feeling the Imperial Grace, Chuzhou as Fan Shou

55. Only knowing that the battlefield is a national death, why return the dead in a horse's clothing—— Xu Xilin's Going Out of the Frontier

56. Fanshuang is full of blood, and sprinkles Qianfeng Autumn Leaf Pill—— Qi Jiguang's Watching the Tower

57. But all living beings are satisfied, and they will lie in the setting sun despite sickness—— Li Gang's Sick Cattle

58. With the sound of He Manzi, tears fall down in front of you—— Zhang Hu's "Palace Ci · Three Thousand Miles of the Old Country"

59. Twelve appendices, three thousand miles away from the old country—— Wang Tingyun's "Phoenix perches on a Chinese parasol, withering willows and sparse moss cover the ground"

60. Han officials used to be prisoners here, and they were dressed in blood in the 19th autumn—— Wang Zun's Ode to the North Sea

61. What happened in the Six Dynasties was a private matter—— Chen Liang, "Niannujiao, Climbing the Multiview Building"

62. The wine and meat smell in Zhumen, and the road is frozen to death—— Du Fu's "From Beijing to Fengxian to chant five hundred words"

63. Why did the people of Wu complain about Xi Shi when the country rose and fell—— Luo Yin's Xi Shi

64. It is not like the Xiangjiang River flowing to the north that the people of Beijing flee to the south alone—— Du Shenyan's Crossing the Xiangjiang River

65. The rise and fall of the family and the country exist alone, and Yurong is also favored by the King of Chu—— Wang Zun's "Resting the Country"

66. The Emperor Huihuang finally fainted after Jin Wu ignored the future events—— Gao Shi's Two Poems of Climbing Baizhang Peak

67. It's the Emperor Shengming, who is Jingyang Palace—— Maweipo by Zheng Tian

68. Life is a hero and death is a ghost—— Summer quatrains by Li Qingzhao

69. Once the country of Fuchai is broken, it will not be returned for thousands of years—— Li Bai's Xi Shi

70. After many years of love in Beijing, I suddenly heard the spring rain recalling Jiangnan—— Yu Ji's Listening to the Rain

71. Look at the Tianchan Ferry. If you don't believe in the Central Plains, you will not be called Zhu—— Zheng Chenggong's "Departing from Guazhou to Jinling to woo Manyi"

72. If you enter the country, there will be no law family, and if you leave, there will be no enemy or foreign invasion. The country will perish forever—— Mencius and his disciples were born in distress and died in peace

73. The beacon fire lasts for three months. Letters from home are worth ten thousand dollars—— Du Fu's Spring Outlook

74. Wild officials sneak in and attack the old people. They can be sealed by singing with their bellies in the sun—— Bao Fang's Journey to the Early Morning of the Yuan Dynasty

75. Fill the Great Wall and let yourself be free. The temples in the mirror have faded first. The graduation table is really famous. Who can be compared with others for thousands of years—— Lu You's Book Anger

76. The emperor bestows the marquis seal on the pavilion, and the general wears the Mingguang Palace—— Wang Wei's Four Sons of Youth

77. If you are willing to serve your country with this length, why should you be born at Yumen Pass—— Dai Shulun's Song on the Frontier Fortress: Han Family's Banners Full of Hell Mountain

78. The Emperor of the Han Dynasty, Fang Shengsheng, 400 states—— Huang Tingjian, "Water Melody: Sunset Stopping the Wall Road"

79. When you die, you know that everything is empty, but you can't see that Jiuzhou is the same. Wang Shifu sets the Central Plains Day in the north, and does not forget to tell Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You's "Demonstrating Children"

80. Clouds and waterways billow all over the world, and the five continents are shaken by wind and thunder—— Mao Zedong's Manjianghong and Comrade Guo Moruo

81. The beacon fire lasts for three months, and family letters reach ten thousand gold -- Du Fu's "Spring Outlook"

82. The people of Yifu and Shenlu, the land of God, have looked back—— Xin Qiji's "Water Dragon Chant, A Birthday of Han Nanjian"