Message about warm good night in 2023
As blue as heart
2023-03-25 08:43:12
Blessing words

1. Cherish "predestination" and grasp "separation" in life. good night!

2. Love you, I am very happy, even if you never want to belong to me. good night!

3. The important thing is not to cure, but to live with pain. good night!

4. A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of bile. good night!

5. Time is like a net. You will reap where you sow it. good night!

6. A happy thing: someone loves, something to do, something to look forward to. good night!

7. If you don't force yourself, you don't know how good you are. good night!

8. We always practice smiling, and finally become people who dare not cry. Dear, good night!

9. A person with real talent will feel the highest happiness in the process of work. good night!

10. If you don't know where you are going, then usually you can't go anywhere. good night!

11. If you want to succeed in anything, you must be willing to work hard and have the perseverance to persevere in the end. good night!

12. In life, some things are like sneezing. Although we have a premonition, we are still unprepared. good night!

13. When you no longer expect something, you will get it; Love what you do, do what you love. good night!

14. In life, there is no state that can make us live more righteously than unremitting struggle! good night!

15. In the wind, we are still full of expectations for the emotion that suits us best, and we rush forward with enthusiasm. good night!

16. A genius is someone who believes in his own thoughts and believes that what he believes in in his heart must also be suitable for others. good night!

17. Use your best self to treat the person you love most, rather than use your worst self to test whether the other person loves you. good night!

18. Do what you like, love who you like, and become who you like. good night!

19. Caves are the foundation of wells, and they can become deep wells by continuous excavation. The worst thing to lose is to pick three and rest five, and not insist. good night!

20. People who know the full meaning of life will not die casually, even if there is only a little chance, they will not give up life. good night!

21. When a woman stops nagging you, she has given up. When a woman no longer tears at you, she is already cold. When a woman stops being coquettish with you, she has lost her enthusiasm. good night!

22. Open your bright eyes, remove the interference of sleepiness, stretch your beautiful smiling face, and embrace a happy day. Good night, friend, I hope you are in a good mood today, life and work are comfortable! good night!

23. It is said that women are made of water, so they should be gentle and not lose their temper... In fact, I am also made of water, but I am just Sprite, with air, hold it, not shake it... Good night!

24. Life is a long journey. Some roads look very close, but in fact they are far away. As long as you don't give up, you can reach them. Just like some people look very far, but in fact they are very close. As long as you live, you can meet them. good night!

25. I often hear people brag and boast, which makes me feel small. I also want to brag about my "self greatness", but when I brag about it, I feel like a rat. Because it's just a dead face without fermentation, without any air. good night!

26. When a bird is tired, it will choose to fly back to its nest. When a man is tired, he will choose to return home, remove the mask of fatigue, and relax his mood. It turns out that life is so beautiful. Good night, good friend!

27. If you persist, there will always be a day of giving up. But if you like it, it doesn't matter that you persist, and you will live more easily and go further. It is impossible for a person to persist all his life, so we should strive to live by what we like. good night!

28. I hope to meet someone who can calm my mood, stop being irritable and capricious, stop crying at night, stop driving to far and far places alone, stop pretending to smile and stop pretending to be strong. good night!

29. Living is a kind of mood. Everything is fleeting, whether poor, rich, gained or lost. Everything is good as long as you are in a good mood. Those who know how to feel secure find relaxation, those who know how to forget find happiness, and those who know how to care find friends. good night!

30. Experience is the most important thing in one's life. Life is about feeling beautiful, kind, ugly and sick. Only in the arduous journey of life, always adjust your attitude to view the scenery, can you feel and enjoy life on the journey. good night!

31. The person who said he would never leave me has already left; The one who said he loved me was holding someone else's hand; The man who said he would wait for me left with another man. Love, don't say it easily, commitment is a responsibility, or a kind of injury...... Good night!

32. Open your arms and bring the aura of the sea and sky into your heart. It is full of the charm of the sea. The power of life arises spontaneously in the humid atmosphere. The instant integration opens the blocked blood, and an open mind drives away the messy debris in the blood, piercing every narrow corner. good night!

33. There are many things in the world that cannot be repeated. The most important thing, the most helpless thing, is called "This life cannot be repeated". The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago and now. No matter what you want to do, it's not too late from now on.

34. The mouth is trying to be brave, the tears are surrendering, and we are all pretending. Accustomed to listening to the sad melody alone, accustomed to watching the sad words alone. The night was so quiet that people wanted to cry. Life is so pale, so pale that people are a little powerless. The reality is so cruel that it makes people sad. It feels so clear, so clear that people are a little hypocritical. good night!