93 maxims of struggling life
be fearless
2023-03-09 21:59:21
A complete set of maxims

1. No matter whether others have grains of rice on their faces, please look in the mirror first.

2. Be honest, good people will be rewarded; We should be steadfast in our work and firm in our steps!

3. Silence is power; The axe is silent, but it can cut down the oak tree.

4. The waves bid farewell to the ships that cut through the wind and waves, and mourned the funeral of the boats that drifted with the tide.

5. In order to embark on the road of becoming useful, steel will never regret that the bright steel flowers are abandoned.

6. Diligence can make up for the deficiency of intelligence, but intelligence cannot make up for the deficiency of laziness.

7. The first youth was given by God; The second youth depends on his own efforts.

8. Any cause can be frustrated, although the people who strive for the cause are great.

9. Difficulties can only frighten cowards and sluggards, and victory always belongs to those who climb.

10. Cowards die many times before they die; A warrior dies only once in his life.

11. When no one applauds, we should not give up our efforts, but learn to applaud ourselves.

12. If all mistakes are shut out, truth will also be shut out.

13. The impossible may come true today, and the impossible may come true tomorrow.

14. If you want to succeed in anything, you must be willing to work hard and have the perseverance to persevere in the end.

15. Anyone who wants to achieve his own goal, whether love or pursuit, must have a clear goal.

16. Sometimes we can learn more from mistakes than from virtues.

17. No one can predict the future fate, but we can face the fate with a cheerful expression.

18. In real life, every great undertaking starts with confidence and takes the first step from confidence.

19. If we throw stones all our lives, even with our eyes closed, we will surely succeed in one hit.

20. If we all do what we can, we will really surprise ourselves.

21. A person with a strong will can be robbed of his property, but not his courage.

22. One confidence, one effort, one success; Very confident, very hard, very successful.

23. Only through the ups and downs of life can we enrich our experience and understand the true meaning of life.

24. Keep self-confidence at all times, know your own value, and be a treasure dealer who can really strengthen yourself.

25. There are some stages in life that must be fought hard, and happiness cannot be wasted in order to make a living.

26. The curtain on the stage of life may open at any time. The key is whether you are willing to perform or choose to hide.

27. Although the road of life is winding, it is beautiful. As long as you watch carefully, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way.

28. Let yourself mature while looking for opportunities. When the time is ripe, the ideal can be realized.

29. The journey of life has a long and dark future. However, don't be afraid. Only those who are not afraid have a way.

30. Happiness gives people comfort, but it also gives people early death; Work can give people a long time, but it can give them a long time.

31. People who dare to face difficulties will have a strong life; Those who dare to challenge adversity thrive.

32. The only way to achieve maturity is to dedicate the spark of life to the cultivated land.

33. In the face of setbacks and hardships in the journey of life, we should not only have courage, but also have strong faith.

34. In order not to leave regret and regret in life, we should try our best to seize all opportunities to change our life.

35. Welcome adversity bravely. Even if you can't realize your original dream, you will open the door to another dream.

36. Willpower is a lifeline for people. It can help us get out of difficulties and lead us to victory.

37. What is love? Life tells me that love is a pair of hands that can stretch and shrink, and two hearts that know both cold and hot.

38. In order not to leave regrets and regrets in life, we should try our best to seize all opportunities to change our lives.

39. When dealing with affairs, you should have your own opinions, but not your own prejudices. Those who have opinions are not the ones who pass away from the world in my knowledge.

40. No matter how outstanding your talent and knowledge are, if you lack enthusiasm, it will be nothing but pie in the sky.

41. Since I have set foot on this road, nothing should hinder me from walking along this road.

42. As long as we keep sleeping, we don't have to worry about our footprints. The old ones disappear, and the new ones stay.

43. Even if it is the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person who insists on doing it, there will be hope in the end.

44. For climbers, it is not a pity to lose the footprints of the past, but it is dangerous to lose the direction of the past.

45. We don't want to compare with others, but to surpass ourselves. If we want to cry, we will cry out excited tears, and if we want to laugh, we will laugh out our growing character.

46. People can be not beautiful, but healthy; People can be not great, but happy; People can be imperfect, but they should pursue.

47. The biological meaning of life lies in health, the life meaning of life lies in happiness, and the social meaning of life lies in dedication.

48. The more times you ask, the easier it will be to get what you want and enjoy more fun.

49. Belief is the power that governs the action of soldiers. He can endure all hardships and sufferings to achieve the goal he has chosen.

50. The sea wind is salty, the sea fog is salty, and the sea water is salty. I want to brew a sweet life in this salty world.

51. Life cannot be played, or nothing will be achieved; Life cannot be without games, otherwise it will be boring.

52. To find fault for oneself is diagnosis, to find fault for oneself is training, to analyze oneself is bosom friend, and to laugh at oneself is encouragement!

53. When you smile at yourself, nothing bothers you in the world; When you are sincere to yourself, no one in the world can cheat you.

54. The cowardly can only hold back, the reckless can only be burned, and only the truly brave can prevail.

55. The ribbon on the laurel crown is not twisted with talent fibers, but woven with the threads of pain and suffering.

56. Take a risk! The whole life is an adventure, and those who go furthest are often those who are willing to do and take risks.

57. Those who try to do something but fail are much better than those who try to do nothing but succeed.

58. Don't be ashamed of the last. Even if he is slow, relaxed and ceaseless, he will fall behind and fail, but he will certainly achieve his goal.

59. No sowing, no harvesting; No pain, no success; There is no glory without suffering; There is no glory without setbacks.

60. Pain and loneliness are good medicine for young people. They not only make the soul more beautiful and noble, but also maintain its youthful color.

61. Those who sail a long distance should set a destination first. The pointer on the way always points in this direction. I'm afraid there will never be a day to reach it.

62. It is necessary to prepare for everything in advance. Otherwise, it may be too late for you to deal with it when it happens.

63. The hardest thing in life is choice; The most difficult thing in work is innovation; The most painful thing in life is self disturbance; The most troublesome thing in life is grievance.

64. Being hurt can temper your mind, being deceived can increase your knowledge, being abandoned can teach you self-reliance, and being criticized can encourage your wisdom.

65. Eat what others can't, bear what others can't, do what others can't, and enjoy what others can't enjoy.

66. Bamboo roots - even if they are buried underground and no one can see them, they will definitely not stop exploring and strive to produce new shoots.

67. The hardship of understanding is the test of our "cocoon". As long as we work hard, life will eventually turn into a butterfly.

68. Pride is a kite with broken wires, which is fleeting; Self abasement is a bird with its wings cut off. Both of them are taboos for success.

69. The most pitiful thing about human nature is that we always dream of a wonderful rose garden on the horizon, instead of appreciating the roses that are opening in our window today.

70. In the journey of life, there are many detours, paths, dangerous roads and dark roads. Only those who are determined and never stop can hope to reach the distance of victory.

71. Frustration is a stone. For the weak, it is a stepping stone that stops you. For the strong, it is a stepping stone to make you stand higher.

72. Without it, love will not burn; Without friendship, friends will not be full; Without passion, ambition is difficult to achieve; Without mood, things are difficult to complete.

73. Failure does not mean you are incompetent. Sometimes setbacks will lead you to success; Victory does not mean you are super talented. Sometimes success will lead you to slip into the abyss.

74. Learn to appreciate. It can shorten the distance between friends; Be willing to appreciate it, it can encourage friends to make continuous progress; Appreciate yourself, it can stimulate your potential.

75. Don't forget what you once owned, cherish what you can't get, don't give up what belongs to you, don't demand what doesn't belong to you, and keep what you have lost as memories.

76. Although dreams are illusory, they are their own dreams; Although the position is low, it is your own position; Although the house is simple, it is your own home; Although ambition is small, it is my pursuit.

77. Wisdom itself is hidden in our minds. Those who eliminate inertia and dare to surpass themselves will fully show their wisdom and make themselves successful in the end.

78. Focus on the distance, and you will speed up your pace; Watch the scenery, you will walk lightly; Accompanied, you can sing and laugh; Only through trials and hardships can you reach the summit successfully.

79. Some people have no glory in their life, not because they cannot be brilliant, but because they have no idea of glory in their minds, or do not know how to be brilliant.

80. Please put your heart to the shore when you are tired; Don't regret your mistakes; Suffering is enough; Only when you are hurt can you understand how strong you are; When drunk, you will never forget; Smile before you realize beauty; Don't worry about me!

81. You can't decide the length of life, but you can control its width; You can't control others, but you can control today; You can't win everything, but you can try your best.

82. Many things are predestined, which is "fate", but you can decide how to face it, which is "luck"

83. The satisfaction in life is wonderful. Sometimes seafood is not as sweet as bread, sometimes riding a car is not as comfortable as riding a bicycle, sometimes buying vegetables is not as happy as growing vegetables, and sometimes drinking and feasting is not as happy as serving alone.

84. If you regard yourself as a perfect person, you will feel the pain of being buried; if you regard yourself as a roll, you will feel your role; If you regard yourself as soil, you will feel that life is full of nectar.

85. Wealth is a temporary friend, while friends are permanent wealth; Honor is a temporary honor, and talent is a permanent foundation; Education is temporary knowledge, learning is permanent wisdom!

86. "Trouble" can help you learn a lot of things, and it is also an opportunity to exercise yourself, so don't be afraid of "trouble"

87. The reason why celebrities can become celebrities is that they keep climbing when their companions are having fun or resting; The reason why ordinary people become ordinary people is that they fall asleep when others are busy climbing.

88. One concentrated study is better than one hundredth bolted; One thought is better than a hundred rash actions; One sincere help is better than a hundred pities; One brave act is worth a hundred brave words!

89. People should always be able to stand the wind, rain and insects. After hard work, they can finally bid farewell to their youth in the form of "fruit".

90. Good health comes from exercise, good mind comes from thinking twice, good habits come from cultivation, good morality comes from self-discipline, good talent comes from practice, and good footwork comes from walking.

91. "Losing is blessing" is not only a life strategy, but also a life wisdom. Eating small losses can not only win people's admiration, but also learn great wisdom of life.

92. Life is like a battlefield. When you meet a strong enemy or cannot win for a long time, you must use wisdom. Life cannot be smooth. At certain critical times, you must use strategies. Wisdom is always the key to success.

93. The route is composed of "foot" and "each", so that "each person has his own way". It is precisely because "each person has his own way" that each talent has his own success.