12 sentences for evening walk
Extremely bright
2023-06-01 06:32:58
Complete sentences

1、 The air is fresh tonight. My mother and I will take a walk in the garden after dinner.

2、 After dinner, my mother bought books for my sister and me, and we decided to take a walk along the river.

3、 In such a beautiful night, I especially like my parents to take a walk in the yard together.

4、 After dinner, a person walks in the square under the setting sun. The setting sun shines on his face, warm and comfortable.

5、 This evening, after dinner, my father took me for a walk under the bridge and said: "One hundred steps after dinner, you will live to 99.".

6、 The orange light is somewhat lazy and warm in the wind. The shadow of my father and I was drawn very long.

7、 Walking in the evening is a very happy thing, especially walking along the quiet path with all kinds of flowers and trees on both sides is a kind of enjoyment.

8、 Grandma and I made an appointment today to take a walk in Landao in the evening. After dinner, Grandma and I brushed our teeth, washed our faces, and set out for a walk.

9、 It's good to walk around the river at night! It is a great thing to exercise, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and feel the coolness of the river water.

10、 In the hot summer, the house is stuffy and hot. After dinner, the three of us are going to take a walk on the Banshan Street. I'm very happy because I haven't walked together for a long time.

11、 After dinner, I went for a walk with my parents. The wind blew on my face and I felt very comfortable. The stars in the sky twinkled, as if blinking. I also blinked on purpose to amuse myself.

12、 Today, all the exams were finished. After dinner, my mother told me to relax and go downstairs for a walk. After going downstairs, a cool wind came in the face, and the moonlight covered the whole river. The river was like a mirror, reflecting buildings, trees and the moon.