Review of Shawshank's Redemption
I hope you come back from the snow
2023-09-12 22:19:30
high school
reaction to a book or an article

Some birds can't be caged after all. Their feathers are too gorgeous. This is Red's inner monologue. He was feeling about the huge hole in Andy's cell, which was made with a small broken hammer, and the infinite freedom behind that hole.
What gives Andy the glory on his wings is the very dangerous thing - hope. The power of hope is so strong that Andy can dig a hole in 20 years that Red thinks will take 600 years to dig. He imagined Andy's mood of finally seeing the sun after climbing for so many hours in the sewers as long as five football fields; What's more, he sighed for the psychological pressure Andy has suffered every day in the past 20 years. Such a big hole is in the prison. As long as it is found by any jailer at any moment of any day, the consequences can be said to be shocking. In addition, he will be proud, blessed and full of feelings. After Andy left, whenever his prisoner friend talked about Andy's past, he just smiled and watched beside him, seldom interrupted, and some things were needless to say.
Get busy living or get busy dying. Red walked into the interrogation room without any hope, but was unexpectedly released on parole. He was mixed with grief and joy, and two living examples were put before him - the tragic ending of Lao Bu and Andy's happy life. But Red is smart after all. He chose the hope of life. In the bustling metropolis of New York, everyone is busy purposefully, struggling to live or die. These people on the edge of the society who have criminal records, what they are doing and what kind of life they are living, have never been cared about. They can be the sandbags of the prison governor, the entertainment of the prison guards when they are bored, the tools and cheap labor of anyone. Their lives are lighter than those of normal people. Their beliefs are returned to God, and their bodies are cruelly tortured. What awaits them is more suffering than atonement. They are a group of people who are busy dying, waiting for things they can't wait for.
The color of the whole novel is not much, three quarters of which are gray, gray prison clothes, and white high walls. There is no bright color, only a group of prisoners who live on the edge. However, no matter whether they are really innocent or not, their life is also stained with the same gray color, no hope, no faith. None of them thought about digging a hole for themselves, but Andy did. He is a wise man. Twenty years of unjust imprisonment was too cruel for him, but he never gave up hope, never. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save others. He saved many people. The music he played in the high wall awakened some dusty hearts. The huge holes he dug in the cell actually pierced more people's consciousness than just the walls. He cannot give them freedom, but he can give them endless hope and strength.
In reality, each of us is a person who lives in prison, and has been institutionalized by carelessness. Anyone who can hope will live better; Whoever dares to dig a hole for himself will be the final winner. Is it really difficult to chisel a hole? It depends on different people. Your will determines whether your hole can be pierced for 600 years or 20 years.
Although I was sitting in the car, I was very excited
This is what a free man can feel
A free man begins his journey
... and the outcome is unknown.
I hope I can successfully cross the border.
I hope I can see my friend and shake his hand.
I hope Pacific Oil is as blue as I imagined.
I hope
Far away in the Pacific Ocean, there is no memory of the sea. Some memories are just a burden. As long as you can keep hope and keep faith, life will give you the best outcome. The Pacific Ocean is as blue as we imagined, and exists in our hearts.