54 proverbs about the 24 solar terms and the vernal equinox
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2023-07-05 18:34:24
English Proverbs

1、 The spring equinox is not cold, and the morning is cold.

2、 The spring equinox is windy and the summer solstice is rainy.

3、 Till the fields without rain at the spring equinox.

4、 From the spring equinox without rain to the Qingming Festival.

5、 Every family is busy at the spring equinox.

6、 A rainy spring equinox is a good year.

7、 The west wind is rainy at the spring equinox.

8、 The spring equinox sprouts stretch out.

9、 It snows at the vernal equinox and sows cold in spring.

10、 At the vernal equinox, the day moth seals the equinox.

11、 Wheat is busy day and night at the spring equinox.

12、 The spring equinox is not warm, and the autumn equinox is not cold.

13、 The spring equinox is windy and the summer solstice is rainy.

14、 Around the spring equinox, barley and peas.

15、 The south wind at the spring equinox, rain first and then drought.

16、 At the spring equinox, fruit trees are grafted.

17、 The vernal equinox is the equinox of day and night.

18、 At the spring equinox, all grasses turn green.

19、 More rain at the spring equinox is beneficial to spring sowing.

20、 Money buys seeds, but no money buys seedlings.

21、 Wheat is afraid of spring drought, and grain is afraid of rain.

22、 Buying seeds saves money, and you regret being late for reducing production.

23、 After eating the spring equinox meal, one day is long.

24、 A good seed produces a good seedling, and a good seedling produces many peaches.

25、 A good seed makes a good seedling, and a peach grows early.

26、 The spring equinox is not on the kang, and the grain rain is not inserted.

27、 Don't blame the bad harvest if you don't plant wheat on the spring equinox.

28、 At the vernal equinox, peony does not blossom until it is old.

29、 The spring equinox benefits the strong wind, which benefits the middle of April.

30、 From the spring equinox to the Tomb Sweeping Day, cotton is sown dry.

31、 In spring, peony will not blossom until it is old.

32、 The spring equinox wheat is worth a thousand gold at a moment.

33、 The seeds are cheap and the vacant land is large.

34、 The flowers are endless, and no one asks about the fruits.

35、 To come up with a good seedling, one must pick every cottonseed.

36、 The spring equinox rains ceaselessly, and there are fine days around the Qingming Festival.

37、 The rain is abundant in spring, and the snow is heavy in winter.

38、 Go at both ends and stay in the middle. The corn seedlings are black.

39、 Fear of spring frost before and after the spring equinox, and the wheat sprouts will be hurt at the sight of spring frost.

40、 On the spring equinox, warm flowers are gradually blooming, and livestock breeding should not be slack.

41、 On the spring equinox, warm flowers are blooming, and horses, donkeys, cows and sheep are expecting babies.

42、 Do not farm without rain on the spring equinox, and do not plant gardens without rain on the autumn equinox.

43、 From the spring equinox to the Qingming Festival, there is no way to go.

44、 At the spring equinox, every family was busy with rain, planting melon beans first and then transplanting seedlings.

45、 When the spring equinox is too late, the mother and son of sweet potatoes will soon be on the kang.

46、 It snows at the vernal equinox and sows cold in spring. A rainy spring equinox is a good year.

47、 Spring Equinox wheat, awn seed millet, and Xiaoman seed millet are just right.

48、 The seeds are not right, the seedlings are not right, and a calabash is crooked.

49、 Spin good thread, use good cotton, and grow good seedlings in the field.

50、 If you want the crops to grow fast, each family will have a manure pit.

51. Dragon begets dragon, and phoenix begets phoenix. Good seed makes good harvest.

Fifty two, half a year's pot head that year's kang, smoked chimney hair seedling strong.

53. Cold before the vernal equinox, warm after the vernal equinox; Warm before the vernal equinox, cold after the vernal equinox.

54. It is very important to sun cotton seeds: germination power is obviously good; The germination rate can be increased.