Copy at 3:00 a.m. (sad copy at 3:30 a.m.)
Live well
2023-02-05 10:08:49
Complete sentences

1. The two most valuable words in the world are seriousness and perseverance. Serious people change themselves and persistent people change their lives. Only by enduring loneliness can we keep prosperity. Don't choose comfort at the age of struggle! good morning!

2. There are many good men in this world who are just looking for another half. Not all men only love virgins, not all men will care about your previous marriage, not all men care about your age and education.

3. There is no wasted effort in the world, and there is no chance of success. In fact, everything happens spontaneously. There is no way to go in vain in life, and there is no pain to eat in vain. Every step we take is the cornerstone and foreshadowing of the future, which counts.

4. My love is more mature, more stable, more yearning for the future, more yearning for insipid. No longer like before, impetuous and self righteous, I see a unique you.

5. The happiest thing in the world is that the person you are waiting for is also waiting for you, the person you care about is also caring about you, the person you think about is also thinking about you, the person you love is also loving you, and the person you know knows more about you.

6. There are only two kinds of promises in the world. One is to deceive oneself, and the other is to believe that it can deceive others

7. You can grow anywhere in the world; Anywhere is a home.

8. Later, we got to know more and more people. Some people talked with us like old friends at first sight. The knowledge accumulated due to age makes it easy for us to find friends we can talk with, but we will lose friends we have only because we can talk with them.

9. There are two kinds of parents in the world: one is to become a role model respected by children throughout their lives, and the other is to let children know not to live like parents.

10. The happiest thing in the world is that someone believes in you, someone accompanies you, someone spoils you, and the reason is because he loves you.

11. What are you wronging? You are not alone in the world. Almost everyone will meet a person who can't get married but loved deeply.

12. Because of him, for the first time, he carried a lot of small bags on his back and rode around in a car. He wandered around with his friends in the early morning and was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. But when he thought about the way he listened to me carefully, and his charming smile, he would feel that all this was well worth it and would never forget it.

13. There has never been a person who can succeed easily in this world. If he wants to shine in front of others, he has to pay a hundred times more efforts to accumulate heat behind others.

14. "Young master, I see that your heart is interesting and lovely. Could you take the time to let me go in for a short stay?"

15. When you come to the world, you must see love. You must walk in the sun with the person you like, run in the rain with the person you like, and blow the wind with the person you like. There is hot sun and cool wind in summer, cold wind and warm sun in winter. Regardless of what others think, love is really different in our eyes.

16. Don't put yourself first in his heart. You don't deserve him to love like that.

17. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but where we are going. Those who lose money lose little, those who lose health lose much, and those who lose courage lose everything.

18. When I miss you, I write your name on the palm of my hand. When I open it, I miss you. When I hold it tightly, I feel happy.

19. The only thing in the world that can't be copied is time, the only thing that can't be repeated is life, how to go, what kind of life to live, all by your own choice and efforts!

20. In the early morning, the sun is bright and the smiling face is bright. I give you roses. My hands are fragrant. At dusk, the withered vines and old trees look gloomy. You return my roses, and my hands are hurt.

21. The person who is too affectionate will end up being humble; You will always be my weakness, but you will never be my armor. Most of the time, the beginning of the story has already guessed the end. All the twists and turns in the future are just to delay the end.

22. There is no reward in the world to encourage hard work. All rewards are only used to reward work achievements. good morning!

23. There will always be one or some people in the world who will make you pay out of your heart and lungs. You will never stop being stupid, regardless of the consequences, nor will you ever ask for return, let alone regret.

24. The most difficult thing in the world is the heart path, and the most difficult thing is the heart. If you want to open up, look down, and let go, you will feel comfortable. Relax your mind, look down on things, be calm, everything goes with luck, it will be sunny!

25. When you live in the world, don't care how others look at you and say you behind your back, because these words can't change the truth, but may disturb your heart. If the mind is disordered, everything will be disordered.

26. There is no wasted effort in the world, and there is no chance of success. Don't try to grow up too quickly, and don't rush for success. Just do it bit by bit, step by step, and success will come naturally.

27. Only when you are the most depressed, can you know who is the fool worried about you and who is a stranger!