Excerpts from aesthetical sentences about ancient customs (200 selected sentences)
Man flower
2023-02-03 11:07:42
Complete Poems

1. The weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

2. Always look at the bright sky in silence by myself, and there is no longer this dusty sneer.

3. Maybe I am too foolish to withstand this temptation

4. Only a glance at you surprised me, but I caught a glimpse of a simple and farsighted attitude towards life. Let it be, let it be, and I will never be dominated by everything. I am alone outside the Zhuozhou, and cicadas shed their burden. I just want to hold the bright moon and live forever. A coir of tobacco by the river is a strip of plain.

5. In the dream of the Jianghu, a hundred flowers bloom, people come and go, and the prosperity is like brocade.

6. The drought stricken universe has degenerated into a pile of broken ruins, and the smoke of gunpowder has spread all over the place for thousands of years.

7. I am not happy recently. Because I was puzzled and questioned, I was also wondering where the problem was. What I insist on is always not appreciated. When I want to hear more opinions, a voice from the bottom of my heart calls again.

8. I'm really tired. Why don't you muster up your courage and pull me around or push me away.

9. But my city is too far away from yours

10. I cover my chest and feel the heartbeat

11. People become different. Today is not yesterday. Autumn is like the old days. People are empty and thin

12. The dense moonlight, the soul of music, everything is just a phantom, fleeting

13. Maybe it's a marriage in a previous life, maybe it's a fate mistake in the next life. Meeting in this life only adds a fruitless gratitude and resentment

14. Encounter a drunk is the front edge, wind and rain scattered, floating where.

15. The earthly relationship has always been like water, and there are few tears. How can we end our love life? Don't be sentimental. Love hurts you.

16. The merry go round in the playground is carrying my childhood dream

17. You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you.

18. Dye the fire maple forest, sing the moon in the Qiong pot, and sing long songs on the floor.

19. The sky is vast in the Han Dynasty, holding the bustling and sad, bending the eyebrows, destined to become the past.

20. Spend a world, a leaf a pursuit. One song, one sigh, one life.

21. Give me a firm belief when I can't distinguish clearly and when I hesitate.

22. I was just closer to death earlier.

23. Every year, before the flowers and under the moon, there is a fragrant wine.

24. Don't show your weakest eyes.

25. You are just the stranger I know best.

26. No matter how lonely and boundless those figures will always be remembered

27. Fading is real, blooming is just a past.

28. I hate meeting each other too late and falling in love too slowly. My dilemma is whether I can go ashore after going back

29. Black birds fly across the sky. I stand in the city. See time burn to ashes. There is a clatter.

30. My stomach began to ache again and I began to shout.

31. You can still drink tea quietly and break this scene.

32. The noisy market and Guo Moruo's fantasy

33. Butterflies are beautiful. After all, butterflies cannot fly in the sea.

34. Fantasy is a thousand taels away. One encounter will be unforgettable. If you meet the master, leave a smile. If you don't know him, why not.

35. Like a flower, a beautiful family can return to the past, but not the past.

36. At the two ends of life, we stand on the shore of each other.

37. The right time is also the right self. A mature self has the goal of eternal life.

38. It's no good to miss each other straight. It's pure madness to be disconsolate.

39. The night rain dyed the sky and water blue. Some people do not need posture, but can also achieve a surprise.

40. - And those who have loved and hated.

41. When all the floating flowers and stamens are exhausted, you will be alone.

42. Sing a long song and cry, for those promises that cannot be fulfilled, and for the deepest love in life, they will end up in smoke. Walk with you in the sky and see the flowers everywhere.

43. Listen to the broken string, and break the three thousand entanglement. Falling flowers annihilate, annihilating the wind ripple. If the flower is piteous, it falls at whose fingertips.

44. I always hide in the depths of dreams and seasons, listening to flowers and dark nights sing all nightmares, all prosperity, and all the ways of memory.

45. I can't help feeling sad and funny for several generations.

46. Lights, stars, voices, and songs are endless.

47. After a fleeting dream, I can see the full moon blooming by the water.

48. Be in a trance. I think of the deep water in Fengtian, the rainy season, and the cold early autumn.

49. I would rather that we had never been close to each other. I hope we never forget each other in the Jianghu.

50. How do you know that the red silk is wrong and the thousand heavy roads go back to the same place but not the same way? I just stopped looking for plum blossom in the snow and looked back to the end of the first day