Angry Sentences 111 Sentences
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2023-03-31 23:01:56
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1. You don't understand my sadness.

2. I am always angry when you are absent.

3. Life is too long, I only allow the present.

4. Happiness, without you where to happiness.

5. It doesn't matter. It breaks my heart.

6. I'm not unhappy, just sad.

7. Wearing wedding dress, dying in love with you.

8. How many memories can be engraved on my heart.

9. Why deliberately sad, to prove happy.

10. You can never become a Buddha when you practice in prosperity.

11. You can be angry, but don't take it out on me.

12. I don't like to be angry, which doesn't mean I have no temper.

13. I have a bad memory. Every time I get angry, I always forget.

14. Life is a play. It's pointless to be angry with a dog!

15. There is no remedy for those who distort others' good intentions forever.

16. Who can not be angry when seeing him with his best friend.

17. I have never owned you, but I feel lost thousands of times.

18. We agreed not to leave, but you turned around and forgot.

19. You don't understand my silence, how can you understand my sadness.

20. Because of my poor expression, I often make you angry.

21. If there is an afterlife, will she influence your love.

22. Girls, don't be so mean. It's not worth grieving for the dog.

23. Hate can stir up disputes, and love can cover all faults.

24. There is some happiness when I miss you, and some sadness when I am happy.

25. I naively thought that one piece of sugar could fragrance the whole world.

26. Don't want to talk after being angry, and prefer to stay alone.

27. When I am really angry, I will constantly scold myself.

28. Don't say love easily. A promise is a debt!

29. People always cherish what they don't get and forget what they have.

30. When is the end of water like time and lonely reflection.

31. You said I was your life, but you didn't die when you separated.

32. When others are angry and drink and get drunk, I am angry and buy drinks to fill my stomach.

33. I am jealous because I love you. Angry, because I care about you.

34. I am not without temper, but you are not worth my anger!

35. I am not sad. I will not let the bad people who watch my jokes succeed.

36. I naively thought that one piece of sugar could fragrance the whole world.

37. Sometimes what we miss is not time, but feeling.

38. Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting others to suffer.

39. There are countless people watching the activity, and few people can help you.

40. Listening does not mean silence. Sometimes silence is also a force.

41. Sitting quietly in the room, I know that I am dispensable.

42. Don't let me see your kindness to others. I will really be angry.

43. If it wasn't for caring, who would be full and angry.

44. I am happy when I miss you now. A little sad happiness.

45. How much courage is needed to pull you away from my life.

46. Be detached and light a heart lamp to illuminate the long road ahead.

47. Why, why, you still choose to hurt me and abandon me.

48. You have the ability to make me cry, but you are not qualified to make my heart ache.

49. If you are so good tempered, you will be angry. How headstrong I am.

50. I don't know what to say, but I suddenly miss you at this moment.

51. Silence is not my intention. I just don't want to make myself too uncomfortable.

52. Life without friends is like life without sunshine.

53. If you give it to me, I would rather not give it to others.

54. To forgive others is to leave room in your heart for maneuver.

55. I am not angry or hurt, but I feel very tired.

56. When you eat fat, you get angry. When you get angry, you want to eat. As a result, you get fat again.

57. Dear, cry out when you are sad, we will always be by your side.

58. Life is endless, so there is no so-called destination.

59. My heart is tired to a certain extent, and I don't even have the strength to be angry and considerate.

60. I gradually got used to loneliness and a person's life.

61. Loving you is not a game, tears are not acting, and instant happiness is not beautiful.

62. Don't forget what others said when they were angry, because that is often the truth.

63. Don't be angry, disappointed or overjoyed. Everything will pass.

64. If you insist on taking simple things seriously, you will suffer a lot.

65. Never talk about your ex girlfriend with your wife. It's a lie to say you're not angry!

66. Even if you are angry, you can't help caring about you. This is the person who really loves you!

67. Some people and some things may not be the best, but they can never find them when they lose them.

68. Nobody really cares if you are sad, so please be happy.

69. The most useless thing in the world is the pay slip, which is too fine after being angry.

70. In fact, what you have lost has never really belonged to you, and there is no need to regret it.

71. Laugh when you are happy, let everyone know. When I was sad, I pretended that nothing had happened.

72. I also listen to the love song you listen to, but I think of you, but you think of another one.

73. To know what you want is partly to know what you must give up before you get it.

74. The sad thing is not that no one has ever celebrated Valentine's Day, but that we still have our own lovers.

75. I will not try to be brave, nor be strong. When I am most sad, I cannot face it with a smile.

76. You said that you would not make me angry or make me feel insecure, but you broke your promise.

77. Female students are jealous, which proves that she is really hurt, and male students are jealous, which proves that he is really angry.

78. When you are sad. I hope I can be by your side. Try your best to make you laugh.

79. If a person cannot forgive others from his heart, he will never feel at ease.

80. If love is destined to be a bitter love drama. Then I can only pray that his outcome is good.

81. When you are happy, you listen to music. When you are sad, you begin to understand the lyrics.

82. There will always be one person who will hurt you all over the body, and there will always be a period of injury that you will never forget.

83. We always promise the wrong person at the right time, but reject the right person at the wrong time.

84. What if I love you? The first letters of three words together are not a funny word.

85. There is no memory, no pain, no sadness, no past. I hope I can only be myself.

86. I am not cold-blooded, nor slow hot. I'm just afraid that I will be sad when I leave with too much investment.

87. Hold one hand and cover up a lifetime of confusion; Mou, always in love that has drifted away from the weathering of the past.

88. Please be confident. You are a landscape, there is no need to look up in other people's landscape.

89. Ten thousand shadows can not stack a millimeter high, just like how much I love you is in vain.

90. I don't like the way you smile. I think it's too beautiful. I'm afraid I will suddenly feel sad when I can't see it.

91. Don't be too easy to dig out your heart and lungs for others, because you can only leave one person with no heart and no lungs in the end.

92. I also hope that when I am sad, someone will follow me, even if Ta doesn't say a word.

93. Secret love is a kind of politeness, narcissism is a kind of pride, explicit love is a kind of style, and non love is a kind of taste.

94. When there are girls around you. I always get angry. Will lose. I don't think you'll ever know.

95. It will be very sad to be ignored by someone who cares especially, and what is more sad is that you have to pretend that you don't care.

96. I am not cold-blooded, let alone slow hot. I'm just afraid that if I put too much into it, I will be sad when I leave.

97. When I grow up, I only hope that there is someone around who can see my sadness and make me happy.

98. The word "um" made me swallow all the words I wanted to say later.

99. The most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, and stubbornly adhere to what should not be insisted on.

100. You said you loved me and were happy all day. If one day, you say you don't love me, maybe I will be sad all my life!

101. It really hurts to cry. Not too much emotion. But the expressionless face left a bitter tear drop by drop.

102. The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, you don't know I love you.

103. How can you understand my sadness if you don't understand my silence. I, can't cry, can't smile, tired I will disappear.

104. On the day I said I would leave, I was not sad. I was very happy because you told me that you were always there at any time.

105. Learn to be unfeeling. If you want to roll, roll. If you want to stay, stay. Learn to be happier than before. Even if you are sad, you should face it with a smile.

106. The difference between you and me is probably that when playing hide and seek, I will worry if I cannot find you, and you will go home if you cannot find me.

107. I can't remember who the people around me were when I was happy. I will only remember who is still beside me when I am sad.

108. How can you be alone and sad again? You are ashamed to lie to me. How can I not believe you.

109. If you are sad, try to look up at the sky and forget it. It is so big that it can contain all your grievances.

110. Many people love you. You will never be sad when I leave, just as you said; One more is not more, one less is not less.

111. The words "I'm fine" of a woman man are more painful than the words "I'm so sad" of a cute girl.