60 quotations from Lin Huiyin
Lost youth
2023-03-11 20:13:46

1. The more you desire to possess, the more vulnerable you become.

2. My happiness is all small things.

3. A short moment, a long forever.

4. Happiness is too simple, so it is easy to break.

5. We can be disappointed, but not blind.

6. No desire can only be said to be callous.

7. Love, do not love. I have been saying goodbye.

8. Loneliness is doomed to take a lifetime from the beginning

9. I never deceive myself. I only look at the truth.

10. People's loneliness is sometimes difficult to express in words.

11. What you like is to have it. Don't be afraid of the results.

12. Loneliness is doomed to take a lifetime from the beginning.

13. I love you for nothing. Just love you.

14. I believe I love you. Still. throughout. Forever.

15. Men don't love women. They just need women.

16. Your hair is beautiful and sad. Just like your soul.

17. Recognizing the transparent body, the leaves of wisdom fall on the earth?

18. A string of pearls are shining brightly, bursting out of innocence!

19. Many people may never meet again once they are separated.

20. My world is silent, can not accommodate others.

21. The wound is a humiliation given by others, and an illusion you insist on.

22. Will I fear loneliness? I just feel lonely occasionally.

23. The clear spring floats at the bottom and flows to the water surface, brilliant and scattered!

24. What's the use of having children? What's the usage? Give birth to death?

25. Some people can be easily erased by time. Like dust.

26. Be rich in life and death, be happy with your son, hold your hand, and grow old with your son.

27. People waste because they are unhappy, which is a kind of compensation.

28. Fingers won't move, tears won't flow, and time won't go.

29. The pain of parting and disappointment has lost its voice.

30. The fate is unpredictable. We have no way to know what will happen next.

31. On the stem of memory, who doesn't have two or three graceful flowers covered with emotion.

32. Nobody has ever said anything about August. Summer has passed, and it is not autumn.

33. It seems that they have never formally said goodbye. And every time is a farewell.

34. Anything can always be simple if you are willing to do it.

35. Always need some warmth. Even a little self righteous commemoration.

36. Nobody has ever said anything about August. Summer has passed and it is not autumn.

37. There is an abyss lurking in her heart, and she can't make a sound even if she throws down the boulder.

38. In this world, all people with true temperament always have different ideas.

39. If you have ever had happiness. Happiness is just a moment of fragments, a small section of a small section.

40. Women like me always appear in the form of a problem in their feelings.

41. I smile. Whenever I am sad or happy, I only have a smile.

42. Love is an illusion that is easy to be doubted. Once it is discovered, it will disappear automatically.

43. The real peace is not to avoid the noisy traffic, but to build fences and plant chrysanthemums in your heart.

44. You have given me an unbearable burden in my life, and I will repay you with my life.

45. It's probably a bird. Full of vigilance, not easy to stay. So I kept flying.

46. Those who are easy to hurt others and themselves are always ambiguous about the edge of distance.

47. Do something for others, and have some complaints. It is interesting to live, otherwise the space will be empty.

48. The answer is very long. I'm going to spend my whole life answering. Are you ready to listen?

49. It is a strict test to be able to love a person to the extent of asking him to take his pocket money.

50. We have always been in the process of parting, such as with loved ones, with hurt, even with time.

51. I'm probably a bird. Full of vigilance, not easy to stay. So I kept flying.

52. Be gentle, but not compromise. We should be calm and strong.

53. Books are best friends. The only disadvantage is that it makes my myopia deepen, but it is worth it.

54. When you ask me whether I love you is worth it, you should know that love is not worth it.

55. For people who can't speak, clothes are a language, and they carry pocket dramas with them.

56. When a woman is looking at the sky, she doesn't want to look for anything. She is just lonely.

57. You can always find time and opportunities to do things; Don't do things always find excuses.

58. Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find someone to love. Even if there is no end.

59. It will pass, it will pass. Our pain, our sorrow, our guilt.

60. If you suspect your wife, she will cheat you. If you don't suspect your wife, she will suspect you.