109 slogans of construction enterprise culture
Lonely Traveler
2023-06-03 05:16:02
Complete set of slogans

1. Constantly surpass and pursue perfection.

2. China's dream is to be brilliant.

3. Build for happiness and let Ann live.

4. Roots oriented and honest.

5. Diligence brings benefits and development.

6. Broad and profound, quality is far reaching.

7. Harmonious construction will build your peace.

8. Quality Senlei, building the future.

9. Be brave and strive for success.

10. Work hard and build with high quality.

11. Work hard and build well.

12. Work hard and refuse mediocrity.

13. Work hard and be brave to open up.

14. Safety first, prevention first.

15. Practice innovation and pursue excellence.

16. Be prepared for danger in times of safety, and constantly strive for self-improvement.

17. Strong roots and solid foundation, benefit from all directions.

18. Hengxin Lide, Senlei Construction.

19. Strict barriers make a city of unity.

20. Senlei construction, quality first.

21. Cast trust and build the future.

22. Build with heart and settle down in the future.

23. One hundred year plan, quality first.

24. One hundred year plan, quality first.

25. Be down-to-earth and work hard.

26. Integrity is the foundation and innovation is the soul.

27. Integrity builds the foundation and quality builds the building.

28. Be honest and do things carefully.

29. Honest and trustworthy, quality first.

30. The pursuit of excellence is endless.

31. Pursue quality and strive for construction.

32. Gold medal quality, honest and trustworthy.

33. Meaningful quality and excellent service.

34. Quality is not only face but also lining.

35. Endeavour is a spiritual force!

36. Be down-to-earth and benefit the people.

37. Accidents are not difficult to prevent, and the key is to abide by regulations.

38. Build quality and welcome glory with perseverance.

39. Create the industry first and become a century old enterprise.

40. Do more hard work and do your part.

41. The grand plan is grand and the building is practical.

42. Strive to create the world's best and strengthen the art peak.

43. Safety is responsibility and quality is life.

44. Be responsible for the project to satisfy users.

45. Build a thousand mile dike and a thousand hectares of land.

46. Build quality projects to benefit the people.

47. Build a wood environment and develop the spirit of stone.

48. Only by building high-quality products can we establish ourselves in the world.

49. Set a moral benchmark and measure the future.

50. Intention will never be limited, and quality will build the future.

51. We build a beautiful home together.

52. Please keep away from tofu, the quality needs to be improved!

53. Everyone loves their jobs and the company is prosperous.

54. Survive by quality and promote development by reputation.

55. Strictly manage according to law to ensure quality safety.

56. Labor creates wealth and safety brings happiness.

57. Ask for market from quality and benefit from management.

58. Strengthen the concept of legal system to ensure safe production.

59. Safety guarantees production, and production must be safe.

60. Build high-quality projects and create good reputation!

61. Strengthen quality supervision and strictly control the quality.

62. The foundry of the house is the founder of quality.

63. Create a pioneer enterprise and achieve advanced life.

64. Improve quality education and enhance quality awareness.

65. Benefit comes from innovation, and reputation comes from quality.

66. Give me a chance and return you a miracle.

67. Pursue excellent quality and create world famous brands.

68. Create a high-quality project to speed up international integration.

69. Adhere to unity and stability and work together for the cause.

70. Focus on quality from the source to achieve sustainable development.

71. Create excellence in management and establish image in construction.

72. Learn from the advanced, find the gap, grasp the management and improve the level.

73. Focus on quality, ensure safety, promote efficiency and create benefits.

74. Set the tide, build a great cause, establish a new trend, and create a first-class.

75. Quality is the basis of safety, and safety is the premise of production.

76. Standing on the shoulders of giants, we can see farther.

77. Civilization starts from me, and new trends start from now.

78. Safety is the life of enterprises, and quality is the source of benefits.

79. Safety is the greatest saving, and accidents are the greatest waste.

80. Safety comes from long-term vigilance, and accidents come from instant paralysis.

81. Success depends on friends, growth depends on rivals, and achievement depends on teams.

82. Build a quality integrity system and a safe and healthy environment.

83. Establish the concept of quality legal system and improve the quality awareness of all staff.

84. The sense of quality is in my heart, and the quality project is in my hands.

85. Emphasize professional ethics, love their own work, and build corporate image.

86. Strictly abide by the standards, perform the contract, project quality, reputation first.

87. Innovation oriented and cooperation well conducted; Quality first, reputation first.

88. Harmonious innovation, market development, unity and hard work, and create the future together.

89. Unite as one, and its benefits will cut off the gold; Unite as one, fly over the peak.

90. Honesty and trustworthiness, quality assurance, perseverance and innovation.

91. Quality first, ensure safety, civilized construction, and work hard.

92. Abide by regulations and disciplines, eliminate hidden dangers, implement responsibilities and ensure safety.

93. Focusing on project construction, carry out labor competition to show the iron army style again.

94. Vigorously strengthen the construction of Party conduct and clean government, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of enterprises.

95. Love the motherland, the people, labor, science and socialism.

96. Sincerely thank all sectors of society for their understanding, care and support for the power construction cause!

97. Strict wall and happiness construction.

98. Find your own position, fulfill your responsibilities and establish your own image.

99. High starting point, strict requirements, quality assurance, safety assurance, promotion and striving for first-class.

100. Respect the old and love the young, equality between men and women, harmony between husband and wife, thrifty household management, and neighborhood unity.

101. Be polite, help others, care for public property, protect the environment, and abide by the law.

102. Patriotic and law-abiding, courteous and honest, united and friendly, diligent and thrifty, self strengthening, dedicated and dedicated.

103. You have invested hard work, sweat and wisdom, and the project returns you with safety, quality and efficiency.

104. Overcome difficulties, construct meticulously, and complete engineering construction tasks with high quality, safety and on time.

105. "Further improvement and upgrading" ensures project quality and safety.

106. Strengthen social security, crack down on criminal activities, and create a good construction environment for project construction.

107. Strive for survival and share a common destiny with the company; Seek development, forge ahead and create a new situation for the enterprise!

108. Adhere to the principle of "three not letting go" and further implement the safety production responsibility system.

109. Establish the idea of "the next process is the user", and stress professional ethics and professional responsibility!