A selection of essays for the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League 120 Selected essays for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League (125 sentences)
Not surprised by honor or disgrace
2023-03-11 20:53:19
Complete sentences

1. May 4th, we welcome the centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League! I wish the motherland more and more prosperity, and the Communist Youth League a happy 100 years old!

2. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, the young generation, under the guidance of patriotism, cut through the waves, forge ahead bravely, cultivate a strong patriotic background, forge patriotic feelings, and become defenders, promoters, disseminators and practitioners of patriotism!

3. Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country, and youth strength is the strength of the country! We are the flowers of spring, we are the sun in the morning! Full of the people's trust and the hope of the nation, we are the successors of communism and strive to be pillars!

4. Youth Pingshan, wish the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League a brilliant moment, youth will move forever.

5. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League this year, we will be happy to see the Communist Youth League of China continue to grow with the progress of the Party.

6. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the League is coming. As middle school students, we should be a qualified League member with youthful vitality and full of enthusiasm, play the exemplary role of League members, work hard and strive hard!

7. Today is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Youth League. At this happy moment, youth is beautiful because of yearning.

8. The wind and rain baptism, the years pass. When the spring is warm again, we ushered in the centenary of the Communist Youth League of China.

9. Keep the original intention, assume the mission, and write a better life under the leadership of the Communist Youth League.

10. We will usher in a historic moment - the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League of China. Here I wish the motherland more prosperity and the Communist Youth League will shine with eternal youth.

11. The Communist Youth League is the Party's assistant and reserve force. It has a long history and fine traditions. Let's celebrate its 100th anniversary this year.

12. The times call on youth, and youth create the future. I wish the centenary of the Communist Youth League.

13. A strong youth makes a strong country. Now that the Communist Youth League is 100 years old, let's continue to write a new page of the Youth League flag with youth!

14. In the new China, how many outstanding League members are fighting bravely to revitalize China. How many heroes grow up under the regimental flag. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let's continue to meet the challenges of the new century and create a better future.

15. When the Communist Youth League of China is approaching for 100 years, they have already blossomed and taken root.

16. As young people in the new era, we should shoulder the mission entrusted to us by history, study hard, strive actively, strive hard, make contributions to the realization of the "two 100 year goals", and make contributions to serving the people.

17. We are the sea of flowers in May and the rising sun. We embrace the era with youth and light the future with life. Let's wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100th anniversary!

18. To meet the challenges of the new century and create a better future, every youth is the backing of China. The future depends on you. To every member of the Chinese Communist Youth League.

19. Since the founding of the regiment, there have been hundreds of flowers all over China. After several ups and downs, I wish the motherland better and better.

20. The hospitable Pingshan is hand in hand, and the good fortune of civilization is heart to heart. I wish the 100th anniversary of the Communist Youth League will last forever.

21. Struggle lights up life, and youth bursts into vitality. At the historic moment of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, let's work together to express the best youth.

22. When we are walking through the peaks of time and the clouds of history, the Communist Youth League of China has gone through 100 years of ups and downs. I am lucky to be able to witness this great moment in my lifetime. I would like to burn my youth and become a member of it.

23. A hundred years of history and development, if your heart is young, you will often keep many dreams.

24. The Communist Youth League of China has been glorious for 100 years. It will be forever recorded in the annals of history. It has witnessed your footsteps for 100 years; 100 years ago, you went through vicissitudes of life and set sail for victory; Over the past 100 years, you have braved the wind and waves to write beautiful stories.

25. One hundred years since the founding of the Communist Youth League. China welcomes the hope of the nation, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation depends on us.

26. What is the Communist Youth League of China? What is the meaning of youth? They have a firm belief in communism and a spirit of communism dedicated to it.

27. Raise the scythe of happiness to cut a successful sky for you; Raise the axe of peace to cut a happy road for you. Red season, red wish, red blessing, wish you a happy 100th anniversary.

28. Success is not how much you get, but how much you throw away the superfluous things. On the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, as a young party member in the new era, we should follow the example force as the spiritual nourishment and continue to write our own youth song.

29. He wrote magnificent poems during the eventful years, played a harmonious movement in the 73 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, painted a magnificent picture of reform at the age of 44, and 1.4 billion people sang the glory of the Youth League. I wish the Communist Youth League a happy 100th birthday!

30. Youth is a beautiful and endless period, and it is also the beginning of all the brightness and happiness in the future. The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Youth League, carrying forward national traditions, striving to be the vanguard of the times

31. Hold high the banner of the Communist Youth League, follow the leadership of the Party and the Communist Youth League, work hard, and write our youth struggle history.

32. This year's centennial of the founding of the Communist Youth League. The vicissitudes of life have become a thing of the past, and we are in a good era of prosperity and strength of our motherland.