80 rhyming sexual signatures
Raise a fire and burn the sky
2023-07-20 03:32:39
Complete set of signatures

1. The mountains and rivers bend their hands and smile for you.

2. Actors are picturesque and live a long life.

3. Heaven and earth have righteousness, no money, no justice.

4. A big tree catches the wind, and most people touch it.

5. Look at Kualala from afar, and blow the trumpet near.

6. Send you a song, don't ask for the song, and people will get together.

7. Let's just do it. We will never meet again.

8. Walking alone on the sea and the sky, no return, no frost, no face.

9. At the two ends of life, we stand on the shore of each other.

10. With tears, continue to write that lonely unbearable once.

11. When the time is ripe, let's hold hands openly.

12. Butterflies are beautiful. After all, butterflies can't fly in the sea.

13. That bustling down, leaving only sadness everywhere.

14. If life is just like the beginning, then only Tao is common.

15. Memory is a bridge, but a prison leading to loneliness.

16. The cool light at night is dim and ambiguous, and the song is graceful.

17. I stick to my style, I live in my moment.

18. No matter how deep I love you, buying a diamond is the most authentic.

19. Who should be robbed by who becomes the obsession of who.

20. How much can you worry? It's like the 80th floor of CITIC!

21. Drink the flying snow with a glass of wine and get drunk alone.

22. Your sunset and my face, whose third year.

23. Search, I just want to find the only missing.

24. Follow your shadow and say goodbye to the past.

25. I see myself clearly. I have never entered your heart.

26. I stand at the intersection of memory, remembering the tenderness you gave me.

27. Dark clouds cover the moon, leaving no trace of people. I can't say how lonely it is.

28. You are my happy memory, I am your forgotten past.

29. If you have the ability, come to me. If you have no ability, go away.

30. What do you want? I'll buy everything for you except for money.

31. Just think about your face again, and I won't be lonely.

32. If everything becomes boring, I don't mind giving up halfway.

33. I don't like the embrace of others. There is no heartbeat.

34. Lights, stars, voices, and songs are endless.

35. Wait, wait for someone to take your place.

36. Who is the passer-by and who is the wheel of life.

37. As a rainbow, the whole sky should shine after the rain.

38. Who lost that summer. Memory is like a thread.

39. If you can, please be happy; if not, please bless.

40. There is a kind of mood, until I can't sleep, I find it is Acacia.

41. Who doesn't take a box of masks to the ends of the world these days?

42. I believe that 10% of you are blind; Believe you 20%, life imprisonment.

43. It's hard to be in love when the weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

44. I just don't understand the tangled problem of love.

45. Am I waiting for a girl, or am I waiting for the sea of suffering.

46. Gentle and gentle, any ghost can be heard. Long hair, strong fighting power.

47. When doing something, you should know that you will regret it later.

48. Before the flowers and the moon, in front of the window beside the pillow, there are all thoughts and lovesickness.

49. Whose loneliness covers my clothes. Whose beautiful clothes cover my shoulders.

50. Style does not need to be sustained. It is not style that needs to be sustained.

51. I have heard that memory is a bridge, but a prison leading to loneliness.

52. Love is jealousy, love is suspicion, and love is a truth close to fantasy!

53. Burn a mirage with a match to escape from the heavy rain.

54. For whom the makeup is made up, and for whom the clothes are worn, it only makes people drunk.

55. If you ask me what I regret in my life, I think it's too late to know her.

56. Sadness, you give, despair, you give, leave, we want.

57. Everyone enjoys success, but the road to success does not have to be taken by everyone.

58. Let me excite you, give me empty joy, and teach me to cherish myself.

59. The crisscross paths will affect the red line in my hands.

60. If you look at beautiful women on the street, you will appreciate them if you are higher, and hooligans if you are lower.

61. In the dark, the curtain comes down, memories spread and invade every corner.

62. One flower, one world, one leaf, one pursuit. One song, one sigh, one life.

63. It may be that the nature of non singleness is too obvious to be criticized by others for being indecisive.

64. Someone is alive, but she is dead; Some people are alive, he should have died.

65. Who forgets about each other first? It is the old country to love the country. Ling Ling refused to play and walked around to startle the goose.

66. I don't think you are great. In my eyes, you are nothing at all.

67. I am a passer-by you forget when you turn around. Why should I accompany you to the end of the world in wasted time?

68. Thank God for the rain, which cleans up the heart accumulated by grief.

69. Turning around, a ray of cold fragrance is far away, the snow is deep, and the smile is shallow. Would you like to ferry me in the next life?

70. The dark dawn depicts the rising of the corners of the mouth and the next second's heartbeat.

71. How can you feel far away when your heart is slightly moved? Things are not, people are not, everything is not, and you can't pursue it in the past.

72. When he is injured, he can't wait to hide and touch his own wound, and then deceive himself.

73. The streets are long and the fireworks are numerous. If you look back with the light, the short pavilion is short and the world of mortals is rolling over, I will sigh again.

74. Although I have no feelings worthy of envy, I have friendship worthy of pride.

75. Finally, the whole world was covered by the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. After letting Hua thank him, the mountains and rivers would never be left.

76. Listen to the broken string, and break the three thousand entanglement. Falling flowers annihilate, annihilating the wind ripple. If the flower is piteous, it falls at whose fingertips.

77. Juveniles do adult things, break up when they are engaged, get married when they just fall in love, and remarry when they get married.

78. When the vast land is broken with one sword, where is the prosperity. Leaning against the clouds, a thousand pots cover loneliness, even if others laugh at me in vain.

79. I want to be the emperor, afraid of wordiness; If you want to be an official, you are afraid of many things; Want to eat, afraid to brush the pot; I really want to beat you up for fear of causing trouble.

80. If you don't fart, you will suffocate your heart; No fart hard squeeze, exercise; I want to fart. Everyone, pay attention. When the fart sounds, everyone applauds!