Impressions on "Strange Encounter in Ice and Snow"
Ordinary people's affairs
2023-07-13 19:51:57
Junior 1
impressions of after reading

The English name of "Ice and Snow" means frozen, but I didn't feel cold at all after reading it. Instead, I felt warm. The film tells the story of a pair of princess sisters from forced separation to reunion.
Elsa, who can use ice and snow magic, chose to hide and escape in order not to hurt her relatives, but escape made her more lonely and afraid. Anna, an ordinary but cheerful sister, has always been looking for true love and always shows her candid side to others, but she doesn't know why her sister always hides from herself, and her heart has always been full of doubts.
In the film, I like Anna best. She is straightforward, lively, and loves her family. No matter what happens, Anna will use her voice to drive it out. Anna loved her family and saved her sister with her last life. Anna's love for her sister melted her fear, and Elsa's love also melted the frozen magic that Anna suffered. On the one hand, there are all kinds of beautiful ice and snow created by Elsa, and on the other hand, there are all kinds of love and kinship that can warm people's hearts and thaw everything. Let's be moved by their true love in our hearts.
It is such a Disney movie. It sings the true love between people. Let all the cold ice and snow float away. Now what comes to the world should be warm true love!