2022 The Most Sentimental Sentences The Most Sentimental Sentences (55 selected sentences)
Talking about the past
2023-04-08 16:10:11
Complete sentences

1. People die for money and birds die for food. Of course, nothing matters in front of interest, but I still feel sick, really sick! I feel that my sincerity, love and feelings have been cheated, which makes me uncomfortable!

2. Let the wind blow away your sorrow; Let the rain wash away your troubles; Let the sun bring you warmth; Let the moon bring you warmth; Let friendship bring you happiness; Let love bring you happiness; Let my message bring you good luck!

3. Accustomed to ups and downs in the hustle and bustle, I will desperately seize a straw in front of me when I am most lonely, but I don't know whether it is a deadly straw or not, and whether it will make things worse in the heart of overload.

4. I swear that I will never think of you again, love you again, love you again, and never mention you again. But when I received your phone call today, I couldn't help feeling a little pain in my heart, the sky turned white, and my eyes couldn't help shedding a drop of tears.

5. Love is the most important thing a person does when he comes to this world. Is it meaningful to live without love? With love, people will miss this world more.

6. You and I, who meet by chance in the world of mortals, will meet and depart like this after all. The past still emerges, your smile falls in front of my eyes, never forget the moment when you turn around, like the cold rain hitting my young face.

7. In everyone's drawer, there was once a letter that had been written but had no courage to send. In everyone's heart, there is a lover who yearns but never holds hands.

8. It is a kind of happiness to meet the right person at the right time. It is a kind of sorrow to meet the wrong person at the right time. It's a sigh to meet the right person at the wrong time. It is a kind of helplessness to meet the wrong person at the wrong time.

9. I like a gust of wind, selfless shuttle in this noisy city, they can't see me, I can't see myself, so I feel the feeling of flying, forget the trouble, lose the irritability, my heart will become light.

10. You said that love is like a migratory bird, staying is so short, leaving is so hasty; I say that love is a tide. Although it rises and falls, it will always return to its original place faithfully in the end.

11. Remaining in the spirit, old people will live a lifetime of ambition, brush off the clouds, wipe away the dust of the moon. A body of flesh and skin, after all, cannot withstand the torture of years. Looking back and smiling, it is just gorgeous aging.

12. You will find yourself more and more picky, with fewer and fewer attractive avatars, and sentences that can be written into your heart can not be turned over ten pages. Well, congratulations, you are maturing.

13. If I can't give happiness to the person I love, I will give happiness to her for the rest of my life if I don't marry. If I can't, I won't marry her. I will let someone else, who is better than me, marry her. I will give you a lifetime of happiness, believe me!

14. I ran into my ex boyfriend on the road and suddenly felt ugly. I chatted with my girlfriend and said how ugly he was. I remember he was handsome! My friend laughed: He was not handsome, but you loved him.

15. Do you always change your bottom line for someone? Keep making excuses for someone, keep trying to forgive... But actually, he doesn't like you so much.

16. Missing is a happy sadness, a sweet melancholy, and a warm pain. Missing is a long indulgence in yesterday and a yearning for a better future.

17. That autumn was also the autumn wind, and the leaves were yellow. The leaves circled around the tree with the wind, with a trace of helplessness, a trace of loneliness, a trace of reluctance, singing a farewell song, and saying goodbye to the tree she had loved deeply.

18. Being young, he used flashiness to confuse the track of fleeting years, focusing on the beauty of meteors, but forgetting her fleeting. Focus on the beautiful ending in the fairy tale, but forget the cruel and cold reality. The old tower outside the sunset mountain is covered with quiet dust like a poem.

19. These softest places in the chest, the wounds that have been hurt by the lover, are far more sharp than those hurt by the limbs, and only time can heal them.

20. There will always be people who like you in your imagination, see you as you are, and finally spit on you, saying that you were such a person before, but in fact, you have always been the same. You have never done anything, but become notorious.

21. One thing, no matter how beautiful it is, once there is no result, don't bother. You will be tired after a long time; A person, even if you remember, if you can't catch it, you should let it go at the right time. After a long time, you will feel sad and heartbroken.

22. It's raining in your city. I want to ask if you have an umbrella. But I held back, because I was afraid you said you didn't take it, and I could do nothing, just like I love you, but can't give you the company you want.

23. Many people secretly criticize me, saying I am slick and sophisticated, but I only know one thing. If I don't protect myself, no one in the world will protect me.

24. She met him through people nearby, and gradually learned that he and she were in the same school. He asked her out to meet him, and she readily agreed. She didn't expect that he was her boyfriend. At that time, they were in the cold war.

25. Fly, geese! Rejuvenate your delicate and healthy wings. The rain and waves will not always be waiting in front. There is also a sincere friendship in this world, spreading a peaceful lake for you.

26. We are people who have the plot of leaving. We always take leaving as the final solution to everything. We are always ready to leave, accept leaving, do not face it, and do not want to let the new suffer losses.

27. Maybe others have given you comfort, comfort and admonition, but they never know how your heart is pierced by a thousand arrows. No matter how many grievances, how sad, remember that it is still you who can finally heal yourself.