Aesthetical and domineering archaic sentences
Summer rain
2023-01-25 22:11:34
Complete Poems

1. The sword is full of hate, but it is short of breath and brave.

2. I am young and full of youth.

3. The world of mortals is noisy and flashy.

4. Send you a song, don't ask for the song, and people will get together.

5. Who is the master of ups and downs in the vast land? Only I, the Devil.

6. It is experience, not time, that makes people mature.

7. It is better for me to defeat the people of the world than for them to defeat me.

8. At the age of 15 to 20, he won the Hu horse riding on foot.

9. Once the sea was dry and the rocks were crumbling, but it was hard to get together and disperse.

10. Who has never died since ancient times? Keep your loyalty to history.

11. However, we should keep the flying generals in Longcheng, not call Hu Luk to spend the Hell Mountain.

12. Fading is real, blooming is just a past.

13. Just because I feel that you look back, I think about your morning and evening.

14. Take out the sword and step on the camp.

15. After a fleeting dream, I can see the full moon blooming by the water.

16. If you ask where the cohesion comes from, the ancestor of humanity is Xuanyuan.

17. Just look at the Tianchan Ferry. If you don't believe in the Central Plains, you don't have the surname Han.

18. When I wake up, I just sit in front of flowers. When I get drunk, I come to sleep under flowers.

19. Wei Wu mourned Ran Min, the king of heaven, and destroyed Hu Lingkuang to restore China.

20. He smiled and destroyed himself in the loss of years.

21. You should remember that in that month, the weeping willows were in the east of Zimoluo.

22. Have a tiger in your heart and smell the roses carefully. Tears welled up after the feast.

23. I know it is a lie, but I will still be moved.

24. Life is a hero, and death is a ghost. So far, I think of Xiang Yu and refuse to cross Jiangdong.

25. Maybe it's a marriage in a previous life or a fate mistake in the next life. Meeting each other in this life only adds a fruitless gratitude and resentment.

26. There is a kind of injury called sadness, which is that the eyelashes can no longer bear the weight of the tear ball, and they will drip when touched gently.

27. The luminous cup of grape wine will urge you to drink lute immediately. Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. You have fought for several people since ancient times.

28. I want this day, and I can't cover my eyes; I want this place, I can't hide my heart; I want all living beings to know my meaning; I want all the Buddhas to disappear.

29. Pursuit. One song, one sigh, one life. The earthly relationship has always been like water, and tears are rarely needed. How can we end our love life? Don't be sentimental. Love hurts you. Always born in an unexpected year. Look back to the other side. Even though the scene is long. There is a kind of forbearance, which is actually a kind of power, and there is a kind of silence, which is actually a shocking confession.