Ten Year Student Gathering Copy
Mature offspring
2023-07-05 21:07:35
Complete sentences

1. Let's hold each other tightly and pour out the sadness of parting, moving us to recall today's Ming Dynasty.

2. At the party, someone introduced me to a new friend who said he became a millionaire by investing in stocks. Wow! fierce! I admire you! I sat beside him and quietly asked him to teach me the secret. He said to me with a wooden face, "Actually, there is no secret... I used to be a multimillionaire."

3. Do you know why it is so hot this year? Let me tell you a secret. After the second child was released, the sun gave birth to another sun!

4. One of my primary school classmates wrote a composition and wanted to use the saying "Stealing a chicken can't eat rice"

5. Yesterday, I went to the store with my classmates to buy things. It was a bit expensive. I wanted to make the boss cheaper, so I said, "The boss can make things cheaper? We have many people." The boss was worried at once: "What's wrong with the number of people? We have surveillance in the store. Don't mess around."

6. If you have nothing to do, you can get together.

7. The primary school reunion is really funny. The male students are middle-aged and fat, while the female students are not much changed.

8. This is the last message I can send on my mobile phone. At last, I left the most precious message to you, because I always wanted to say something to you, but I didn't say it - help me recharge!

9. The teacher said: Some students, if they get eight or nine points in the exam, they must be dry goods. They took the exam by themselves, and some students who get twenty points in the exam must also be dry goods. Xiaoming stood up and said, "Teacher, you mean that the one who scored zero in this exam is not dry goods!"!

10. No one asks about being skinny in years, and the world knows about being fat once you become fat. No one asks about being thin in the mountains, and people dislike being fat in the downtown.

11. The party was so exciting and happy. Although the former classmates had not seen each other for many years, they still felt so familiar, so real and natural

12. I hope that in ten years' time I will bring old wine, and in ten years' time we will still be old friends.

13. A student's mobile phone suddenly rang in class. To my astonishment, his phone ring was: Attention when backing up, attention when backing up... The teacher thought it was the outside voice.

14. Fitness is not about persistence, but about membership fees and private education fees.

15. I often play truant with a classmate, and the teacher always asks me to call my parents. Later, my classmate's father said to him, "My son, I can't go to school anymore. I have come to school more days than you this semester.".

16. If you look at the current situation from the perspective of yourself ten years later, you will find that you may not care about these things ten years later.

17. The man often puts the leftovers into the refrigerator and eats them directly without heating the second meal. Her girlfriend cares that it is not good for you to eat like this. At this time, he only smiled: Oh, it's OK, I like rice ice cream.

18. It's hard to fight back in life. It's better to wait when not to fight. Your hard work will pay off. Cheer up for the college entrance exam.

19. I want to be a cool and gentle person, gentle and kind to all beautiful people and things, and ruthless to all unworthy garbage.

20. Last night at the classmate party, the class flower who has been in secret love for a long time got drunk. I dropped her off on the way home. On the way, she hugged my waist tightly from behind and said drunk: I'm cold, can you roll up the window? At that time, my mood was very complicated. After all, I was riding a bike!

21. After studying hard for a decisive victory in the year, you will be happy. After years of hard work in June, you will win a bright future. Sixty students worked together through thick and thin. From now on, the success or failure of the 12th Spring and Autumn Festival will be in this year.

22. I haven't found you in the past 20 years, so I will use the remaining 80 years to compensate you, fill the time, fill you.

23. A parrot is aggressive. The owner put a sparrow in the cage. He was killed by a parrot. The parrot said: No! The master put in an eagle. As a result, the eagle was killed. The parrot's fur was gone. The parrot said: Shit, I can't beat him without taking off my clothes!

24. After loving a person for ten years, you can still get something from him except that you haven't got him. It depends on yourself.

25. After years of cultivation, you can cross the same boat and sleep together after a hundred years of cultivation. Some people, we can not wait for a lifetime, and some people, when they come, we do not know how to cherish. How rare it is to meet a person who has the same feelings, but it is so easy to lose a person. In a twinkling of an eye, it will disappear.

26. I like the feeling of being stuck with you. It is not that we will always have endless topics to talk about, but that we will not feel embarrassed even if we don't talk. Even lovers can't give this freedom.

27. When I met you, I finally realized that friends are more determined than lovers. This is my best friend.

28. In the early years, the villagers saw their fellow villagers and went to the sea to do business; In the 1990s, when fellow townsmen saw fellow townsmen, they lied to you without discussion; In the 2000s, when fellow townsmen saw fellow townsmen, they were busy in lawsuits.

29 years. If I have a long life, I can wait for you for ten years. Would you like to accompany me for the rest of my life.